Some Daytime Temperatures In The Midwest

The AGW cult is in such a tizzie. When you live by hysteria, you die by hysteria.
I marvel at conservatives who apparently don't understand weather verses climate.
Lolberals conflate weather with climate every time a hurricane makes landfall....Sauce for the goose, Scooter.

Wow, really.

We Liberals actually judge hurricanes by their strength to judge how AGW is affecting them.

You judge them by rush limbaugh ass. So, how many did he count last year year?
Got-dammit are you climatards boring as hell.

Just had warnings on TV to turn thermostats down to 60F to avoid widespread energy outages. I can imagine that the power grid and the gas systems are being tested severely with the frigid temperatures.
I bought in to GMLP at the beginning of Jan, because it is Liquified Petroleum, or LP. Many states dont have natural gas lines, so the other source of gas fireplaces and furnaces, are underground and above ground LP storage tanks. I can see this winter is going to be a big profit for both gasses.


500-gallon tank?
Your way is the hard way. It involves taking huge amounts of money out of your pocket.
That's already being done thanks.
It's been done in Germany. That's why they can't afford to heat their homes.
Love to see your data. Are they starting a war with Venezuela over oil reserves too?

98% of the oil Germany uses is imported, with Russia being the primary source. We are now a net exporter of oil, so our beef with Venezuela has nothing to do with our need for oil. What it does have to do with is Russia's and China's trying to establish a foothold in Venezuela.

I would think that someone like yourself who sincerely believes Russia changed the results of an American election, would have a problem with that. Or don't you?
John Bolton said so on TV pard, just came right out and said it, catch up.

No, you catch up. What he said was the administration had the goal of putting U.S. companies in charge of Venezuela's oil production. Evidently you'd rather have Russian or Chinese companies in charge of them though, am I right?

I'll remember to bring that up next time you respond to one of those "Trump/Russian collusion" threads on here. You don't believe the Russians want to control the Venezuelan oil industry, yet you believe they made Hillary lose.

It's -17 here in Milwaukee where I live. It was -22 last night about 1:00 AM when I checked. We also have about 18 inches of snow on the ground. Watch the AGW cult claim this is proof of global warming:

Pembina ND (on the Canadian border) -25 air temp/-25 wind chill

Minneapolis MN -18 air temp/-38 wind chill

Sioux Falls SD -12 air temp/-27 wind chill

Mason City IA -19 air temp/-44 wind chill

Solon Springs WI (northwest WI) -17 air temp/-32 wind chill​

If you had the foggiest idea what 'global warming' actually would know that extremes in weather (both hot AND cold) are precisely what 'global warming' is (supposedly) all about.

Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather

This is incredibly desperate. Just sayin'.

Who are you going to believe: AGW Witch Doctors or your own freezing ass?

I don't much care about global warming (which is why I put 'supposedly' in my post).

But saying that cold weather has nothing to do with the theory just shows someone who does not know what the theory actually is.

Extreme Weather (both hot and cold) is a symptom of what many scientists call 'Global Warming'.

Anyway...I have already talked more about this than I care about.

I believe global warming exists..but I have no idea how much.

Nor do I much care because I did not cause it, I do my part for the environment and I will not be around if the doom-and-gloomers were right.

My conscious is clear and it ain't my problem.

It gets hotter, then colder, then hotter, then colder over and over again due to The Sun and Volcanoes.

Global Temps 2500BC-2040AD.jpeg
It's -17 here in Milwaukee where I live. It was -22 last night about 1:00 AM when I checked. We also have about 18 inches of snow on the ground. Watch the AGW cult claim this is proof of global warming:

Pembina ND (on the Canadian border) -25 air temp/-25 wind chill

Minneapolis MN -18 air temp/-38 wind chill

Sioux Falls SD -12 air temp/-27 wind chill

Mason City IA -19 air temp/-44 wind chill

Solon Springs WI (northwest WI) -17 air temp/-32 wind chill​

If you had the foggiest idea what 'global warming' actually would know that extremes in weather (both hot AND cold) are precisely what 'global warming' is (supposedly) all about.

Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly
Caused By Global Warming

Acne , Longer plane flights , agricultural land increase , Afghan poppies destroyed , Africa devastated , Africa in conflict , African aid threatened , African summer frost , aggressive weeds , More Toxic Poison Ivy , air pressure changes , airport malaria , Agulhas current , Alaska reshaped , moves , allergy season longer , alligators in the Thames , Alps melting , Amazon a desert , American dream end , amphibians breeding earlier (or not) , anaphylactic reactions to bee stings , ancient forests dramatically changed , animals head for the hills , animals shrink , Antarctic grass flourishes , Antarctic ice grows , Antarctic ice shrinks , Antarctic sea life at risk , anxiety treatment , algal blooms , archaeological sites threatened , Arab Spring , Arctic bogs melt , Arctic in bloom , Arctic ice free , Arctic ice melt faster , Arctic lakes disappear , Arctic tundra to burn , Arctic warming (not) , Atlantic less salty , Atlantic more salty , atmospheric circulation modified , attack of the killer jellyfish , avalanches reduced , avalanches increased , Baghdad snow , Bahrain under water , bananas grow , barbarisation , beer shortage , beetle infestation , bet for $10,000 , better beer , big melt faster , billion dollar research projects , billion homeless , billions face risk , billions of deaths , bird distributions change , bird loss accelerating , birds shrinking , bird strikes , bird visitors drop , birds confused , birds decline (Wales) , birds driven north , birds return early , bittern boom ends , blackbirds stop singing , blackbirds threatened , Black Hawk down , blood contaminated , blue mussels return , bluetongue , brain eating amoebae , brains shrink , bridge collapse (Minneapolis) , Britain one big city , Smaller loaves of Bread , Britain Siberian , brothels struggle , brown Ireland , bubonic plague , budget increases , Buddhist temple threatened , building collapse , building season extension , bushfires , business risks , butterflies move north , camel deaths , cancer deaths in England , cannibalism , cannibalism again , caterpillar biomass shift , cave paintings threatened , childhood insomnia , Cholera , circumcision in decline , cirrus disappearance , civil unrest , cloud increase , coast beauty spots lost , cockroach migration , coffee threatened , cold climate creatures survive , cold spells (Australia) , cold wave (India) , computer models , conferences , conflict , conflict with Russia , consumers foot the bill , coral bleaching , coral fish suffer , coral reefs dying , coral reefs grow , coral reefs shrink , coral reefs twilight , Cabbage Shortage , cost of trillions , cougar attacks , crabgrass menace , cradle of civilisation threatened , creatures move uphill , crime increase , crocodile sex , crops devastated , crumbling roads, buildings and sewage systems , curriculum change , cyclones (Australia) , danger to kid's health , Darfur , Dartford Warbler plague , death rate increase (US) , deaths to reach 6 million , Dengue hemorrhagic fever , depression , depressed PETS! , desert advance , desert retreat , destruction of the environment , disappearance of coastal cities , disasters , diseases move from animals to humans , diseases move north , dog disease , Dolomites collapse , dozen deadly diseases , Drop in birth rates , drought , ducks and geese decline , dust bowl in the corn belt , early marriages , early spring , earlier pollen season , Earth biodiversity crisis , Earth dying , Earth even hotter , Earth light dimming , Earth lopsided , Earth melting , Earth morbid fever , Earth on fast track , Earth past point of no return , Earth slowing down , Earth slowing down 2 , Earth spins faster , Earth spins faster 2 , Earth to explode , Earth's poles shift , earth upside down , earthquakes , Specifically the 2015 Nepal earthquake , earthquakes redux , earthquakes redux 2 , Egypt revolt , El Niño intensification , end of the world as we know it , erosion , emerging infections , encephalitis , English villages lost , equality threatened , Europe simultaneously baking and freezing , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You left out "incessant blathering" and duplicate threads by the Climatards.
I marvel at conservatives who apparently don't understand weather verses climate.
Lolberals conflate weather with climate every time a hurricane makes landfall....Sauce for the goose, Scooter.
I remember when this whole con game first started. Every time we had a heat wave it was proof of global warming. then we had a series of horrendous winters where it snowed in places like the Sahara desert, and they changed the name to climate change.

My cousins in ND are living with MINUS 60+ windchill. Needless to say, they "have no truck " with Global Warming.
See post 31.

Also this:

I couldn't imagine being dumb enough to not realize that weather and climate aren't the same thing.
I can't imagine still being so dumb to buy into the anthropogenic climate googly-moogly, when none of their models have ever been predictive.

Actually modeling of the warming has been quite predictive.

You however, seem to be missing that.
I marvel at conservatives who apparently don't understand weather verses climate.
Lolberals conflate weather with climate every time a hurricane makes landfall....Sauce for the goose, Scooter.
I remember when this whole con game first started. Every time we had a heat wave it was proof of global warming. then we had a series of horrendous winters where it snowed in places like the Sahara desert, and they changed the name to climate change.

My cousins in ND are living with MINUS 60+ windchill. Needless to say, they "have no truck " with Global Warming.
See post 31.

Also this:


The time sequence ends 3 years ago. And see post #66 for some PERSPECTIVE.
I marvel at conservatives who apparently don't understand weather verses climate.
Lolberals conflate weather with climate every time a hurricane makes landfall....Sauce for the goose, Scooter.

Wow, really.

We Liberals actually judge hurricanes by their strength to judge how AGW is affecting them.

You judge them by rush limbaugh ass. So, how many did he count last year year?
Got-dammit are you climatards boring as hell.

View attachment 243074

Lower educated folks don't understand weather verses climate.
I am perfecly comfortable with sitting back and watching you figure this out the hard way.
Your way is the hard way. It involves taking huge amounts of money out of your pocket.
That's already being done thanks.
It's been done in Germany. That's why they can't afford to heat their homes.
Love to see your data. Are they starting a war with Venezuela over oil reserves too?

98% of the oil Germany uses is imported, with Russia being the primary source. We are now a net exporter of oil, so our beef with Venezuela has nothing to do with our need for oil. What it does have to do with is Russia's and China's trying to establish a foothold in Venezuela.

I would think that someone like yourself who sincerely believes Russia changed the results of an American election, would have a problem with that. Or don't you?
That's already being done thanks.
It's been done in Germany. That's why they can't afford to heat their homes.
Love to see your data. Are they starting a war with Venezuela over oil reserves too?

98% of the oil Germany uses is imported, with Russia being the primary source. We are now a net exporter of oil, so our beef with Venezuela has nothing to do with our need for oil. What it does have to do with is Russia's and China's trying to establish a foothold in Venezuela.

I would think that someone like yourself who sincerely believes Russia changed the results of an American election, would have a problem with that. Or don't you?
John Bolton said so on TV pard, just came right out and said it, catch up.

No, you catch up. What he said was the administration had the goal of putting U.S. companies in charge of Venezuela's oil production. Evidently you'd rather have Russian or Chinese companies in charge of them though, am I right?

I'm sorry, are you making MY point?
I marvel at conservatives who apparently don't understand weather verses climate.
Lolberals conflate weather with climate every time a hurricane makes landfall....Sauce for the goose, Scooter.
I remember when this whole con game first started. Every time we had a heat wave it was proof of global warming. then we had a series of horrendous winters where it snowed in places like the Sahara desert, and they changed the name to climate change.

My cousins in ND are living with MINUS 60+ windchill. Needless to say, they "have no truck " with Global Warming.
See post 31.

Also this:


The time sequence ends 3 years ago. And see post #66 for some PERSPECTIVE.
So on the one hand you pretend the climate is not getting warmer, and then in the same breath claim getting warmer is normal.

Positively schizophrenic!

By the way, your graphic in post 66 actually makes the case for AGW, dipshit.
Forget pro or con global warming for a second.

I love this angle on it:

Just think how lucky you are. Imagine how cold it could be without Global warming!
The AGW cult is in such a tizzie. When you live by hysteria, you die by hysteria.
That's all you have, retard?

"Science schmience, bah!"
It's -17 here in Milwaukee where I live. It was -22 last night about 1:00 AM when I checked. We also have about 18 inches of snow on the ground.

Pembina ND (on the Canadian border) -25 air temp/-25 wind chill

Minneapolis MN -18 air temp/-38 wind chill

Sioux Falls SD -12 air temp/-27 wind chill

Mason City IA -19 air temp/-44 wind chill

Solon Springs WI (northwest WI) -17 air temp/-32 wind chill
I couldn't imagine being dumb enough to not realize that weather and climate aren't the same thing.
I can't imagine still being so dumb to buy into the anthropogenic climate googly-moogly, when none of their models have ever been predictive.

Actually modeling of the warming has been quite predictive.

You however, seem to be missing that.
"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
- Prof. Stephen Schneider,

Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports

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