Some good might come from this...


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
If nothing else, it is certainly giving people are up-close look at how incredibly wasteful, corrupt, and incompetent the government is at all levels. Most people know this but are usually too busy living their lives to pay much mind to it, but with this lockdown they now have all the time in the world to watch what these retards are up to and ask themselves; "WTF???? Did my town/city/county/state/ actually vote to elect this piece of shit?"
Another good thing is that more kids are spending more time with their parents, which is almost always a good thing, and parents are realizing that the entire US public school system could be replaced with Youtube.
Then there is the increased interest in preparedness in everything from stocking the pantry, freezer, and cabinets, to gunning up to protect your household from those that don't.

These are all good things, IMO.

"The Coronachan Prayer

Dear Great and Merciful Coronachan,

Thank you for your non-sentient and zero-fucks given truth.
The teeth in threats that have been missing so much in the real world, that are yet necessary for us to value life, acknowledge truth, and love our fellow man.
May your nature continue to expose the evil and parasitic among us,
The lazy and those that put themselves above all others,
Our slave masters who have kept us enslaved,
Teachers who can be replaced by YouTube,
And the stupid and unprepared who riot for toilet paper, when there is none.
Bless us, oh Great Coronachan, and reward us, specifically those of us who were smart enough to have a 1 month supply of toilet paper and who stocked up on .556 ammo as a matter of basic insurance policy.
And may thine blessing come in the form of lower asset prices, less Boomers, less traffic,
cheap gas, and near free airline flights.

In thine name
Wuhan Wuhan


-Aaron Clarey
The Coronachan is my shepherd, thy models impart
They maketh me lie down great fortunes , and leadeth me to down bankruptcy paths
They restoreth my socialist soul, and leadeth me to paths in gub’mit soup lines
Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of deficit, I will fear no insolvency , for thou art depreciating me , thy rod and staff comfort me
(especially thy rod!)

Thou preparest a tax break before me ,with prereq's from my enemies, thou anointest my head with aluminum foil

Surely giddyness and mockery shall follow me all the days I blow chunks in ascii, and I will dwell in the poor house forever

~S~w/apologies to Republican Jesus

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