Some kind of Civil War is coming.

When you work with some nonprofits they post their preferred pronouns on Zoom and then ask me mine! I dont Post them. I actually state that I prefer not to use pronouns at all but to refer to me in the 3rd person. True story.
I spent the entire pandemic on Zoom or Google Meets.
I've sent and received thousands of emails, where in their signature, they mention their 'preferred pronouns.'

My signature says 'my name and Job title.' Period. No pronouns.

Still, I have NEVER had anyone ask me for my 'preferred pronoun.' NEVER.

Seriously, how many times have you really been asked for your 'preferred pronoun'?
I spent the entire pandemic on Zoom or Google Meets.
I've sent and received thousands of emails, where in their signature, they mention their 'preferred pronouns.'

My signature says 'my name and Job title.' Period. No pronouns.

Still, I have NEVER had anyone ask me for my 'preferred pronoun.' NEVER.

Seriously, how many times have you really been asked for your 'preferred pronoun'?
Last 12 mos? Four max

YWCA and NU post them all the time when on Zoom.
How about this?

Was this to protect Alaskan Environment?
An attempt to please his base, which is just a small part of the USA.?

What do you do for work? I am genuinely curious. No fucking way have you been on this many Zooms without seeing at least one user with their preferred pronouns listed or stated before the call begins.
I spent the entire pandemic on Zoom or Google Meets.
I've sent and received thousands of emails, where in their signature, they mention their 'preferred pronouns.'
Post #42
What do you do for work? I am genuinely curious. No fucking way have you been on this many Zooms without seeing at least one user with their preferred pronouns listed or stated before the call begins.
Later, Post #45.

Do you agree that I mentioned that in post #42, and you accused me differently in a later post, post #45.
What do you do for work? I am genuinely curious. No fucking way have you been on this many Zooms without seeing at least one user with their preferred pronouns listed or stated before the call begins.
My preferred pro-noun (noun) is Sir. No exceptions.
My preferred pro-noun (noun) is Sir. No exceptions.

Just like trump, when he says, "people call me, many people have......they say Sir, can you.....blah blah blah."

Trump is LYING when he says that. People don't have access, to just randomly call him.

Good Luck Sir.
I never said I didn't. I have always been up front with you and everybody else. He just proved me correct ever since the 2020 elections, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Cheer up, buck up, and be on the side that supports the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, in full support of The US Constitution, the rule of law and against any who would subvert it, or ignore it for their own good, as domestic terrorist or foreign enemy, alike.
Works for me, Azog.
You are absolutely full of shit.
You admitted that your impression of Trump came from CNN's 1 second video bites, so collect your pension and shut the fuck up.
Huh? I asked what you do for work
I've mentioned it many, many times.

Math Teacher
Public School
WA State
37 years. (well, 1st 5 in CA). 37 total.
Retire this year in June 2022.

Just like trump, when he says, "people call me, many people have......they say Sir, can you.....blah blah blah."

Trump is LYING when he says that. People don't have access, to just randomly call him.

Good Luck Sir.
My son-in-law is in commercial real estate and says you're full of shit.
I've mentioned it many, many times.

Math Teacher
Public School
WA State
37 years. (well, 1st 5 in CA). 37 total.
Retire this year in June 2022.
Then there is no way you have not seen others list their preferred pronouns. I ve seen it 100s of times in emails. You’re a full of shit. So you have never seen one email where someone lists their preferred pronouns? WA is a leftist state. Terrific. As is Cali. Explains your leftist traits. Do you also believe that math is racist?
I've mentioned it many, many times.

Math Teacher
Public School
WA State
37 years. (well, 1st 5 in CA). 37 total.
Retire this year in June 2022.
You taught math and post like a retard.
Was it remedial math?

Just like trump, when he says, "people call me, many people have......they say Sir, can you.....blah blah blah."

Trump is LYING when he says that. People don't have access, to just randomly call him.

Good Luck Sir.
Hey Hossfly

Do you really believe that trump gets many calls from many people, and they actually say......
"Sir, can you..........."

It's just another lie.
Anyone that would call trump, if they actually had access, would call him Mr. President.
Not Sir.

Trump is lying yet again.

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