Some kind of Civil War is coming.

If a civil war comes it will be because of Trump’s toxic and ugly effect on US politics.
An Den? An What? Do you think it will MATTER how it began? I cast my first vote in 1980 and in all that time I never saw Americans actively try to refuse to acknowledge the results until 2016. The Left spent 4 years doing everything, legal and illegal to reverse that election. There was a level of irregularities unlike anything seen before in the modern era that left a huge amount of questions about the legitimacy and your party argued, slandered, lied, fought EVERY STEP OF THE WAY to keep any real investigation from occurring. You got by with it once. When those idiots in DC inevitably attempt a redux, all hell is on the way.
Broke his oath to protect and defend the constitution. Tried to overthrow free elections in the United States. Has been supportive of the effort, ever since. He is a traitorous son of a bitch that some day will probably pay for his crimes against my country. He will go down in history that way.
When he wins in '24, do you think the government or military should step in to "save the republic"?
The reason I ask that isn't to be inflammatory. On the contrary, what I see the Left doing already is preparing the way to remove him if he wins again. They are going to absolutely lose their shit when he announces that he's running again. They KNOW that their policies cannot win and that this November they are going to be smacked around historically hard. Do you not see any danger in calling into question the validity of the election?

IMO, anyone who supports that kind of heated rhetoric should be held accountable.
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Broke his oath to protect and defend the constitution. Tried to overthrow free elections in the United States. Has been supportive of the effort, ever since. He is a traitorous son of a bitch that some day will probably pay for his crimes against my country. He will go down in history that way.
You despised him before January 6th. Please be honest. I am tired of dishonest people. They are a drag.
Not a possibility.

Democrats are arranging just that very thing, with their judgeship appointments, military command appointments, their combining the FBI, CIA, and other agencies with their Party functions, fabricating criminal evidence to be used against their enemies or destroying evidence of their own crimes, and prosecuting cops for failing to let violent scum murder them. So yes, it's very much a possibility, especially when the vermin plunder what's left of the middle class and they have nothing to lose any more.
You despised him before January 6th. Please be honest. I am tired of dishonest people. They are a drag.
I never said I didn't. I have always been up front with you and everybody else. He just proved me correct ever since the 2020 elections, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Cheer up, buck up, and be on the side that supports the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, in full support of The US Constitution, the rule of law and against any who would subvert it, or ignore it for their own good, as domestic terrorist or foreign enemy, alike.
Works for me, Azog.
Democrats are arranging just that very thing, with their judgeship appointments, military command appointments, their combining the FBI, CIA, and other agencies with their Party functions, fabricating criminal evidence to be used against their enemies or destroying evidence of their own crimes, and prosecuting cops for failing to let violent scum murder them. So yes, it's very much a possibility, especially when the vermin plunder what's left of the middle class and they have nothing to lose any more.
So you do not believe in the courts, the rule of law, juries of our peers, oversight of government functions, or that military appointees honor their oath to the constitution, trump tried to wipe his butt with, right. You have lost faith in America to Govern itself. You may be part of the problem.
I never said I didn't. I have always been up front with you and everybody else. He just proved me correct ever since the 2020 elections, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Cheer up, buck up, and be on the side that supports the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, in full support of The US Constitution, the rule of law and against any who would subvert it, or ignore it for their own good, as domestic terrorist or foreign enemy, alike.
Works for me, Azog.
When people ask me what my preferred pronouns are I want to pile drive them. Does that make me a bad person? Lol
There’s no civil war coming.

Conservatives around here just love to fantasize about how many Nazi-commie-traitors they’ll take out with their guns.

At least they used to. I would constantly tell them that they’re full of shit.

Now look at what happened. They claim that the election was stolen from them and they didn’t do anything about it. They’re harmless. Some retards stormed the Capitol while the rest of our drama queen keyboard warriors around here did absolutely nothing.

The dangerous ones got thrown in prison while the cowards just run their mouths on an anonymous message board.
When people ask me what my preferred pronouns are I want to pile drive them. Does that make me a bad person? Lol
Wow, my job has me around 100's of people each day, and I converse with them daily, and I have NEVER had anyone ask me "My Preferred Pronouns".

Why does that happen to you? That's just weird.
When people ask me what my preferred pronouns are I want to pile drive them. Does that make me a bad person? Lol
People ask you that? Jeez, Azog! You really got to move. You owe to your family to get them the Fk out. Move your business to Nashville. Get out while you can, and cut your cost of living at the same time, while keeping convenience and quality of life in a large city, if cities, got to be your gig.
Wow, my job has me around 100's of people each day, and I converse with them daily, and I have NEVER had anyone ask me "My Preferred Pronouns".

Why does that happen to you? That's just weird.
We have different jobs.
People ask you that? Jeez, Azog! You really got to move. You owe to your family to get them the Fk out. Move your business to Nashville. Get out while you can, and cut your cost of living at the same time, while keeping convenience and quality of life in a large city, if cities, got to be your gig.
Fam is here. Can’t do it. :(
Broke his oath to protect and defend the constitution. Tried to overthrow free elections in the United States. Has been supportive of the effort, ever since. He is a traitorous son of a bitch that some day will probably pay for his crimes against my country. He will go down in history that way.

That is a laughable assertion. Only possible for the unthinking to say that.
What job has so many people trigger you?
When you work with some nonprofits they post their preferred pronouns on Zoom and then ask me mine! I dont Post them. I actually state that I prefer not to use pronouns at all but to refer to me in the 3rd person. True story.

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