Some kind of Civil War is coming.

You taught math and post like a retard.
Was it remedial math?
The Most condescending bitch ^^^^^^^ to post on this board.
Sleep tight.

Were you in my remedial class?
What year?

He retires on a full pension after 37 yrs of brainwashing kids. Awesome!
Why so triggered.
Did I hurt your feels some previous post?

Math, brainwashing? Indoctrination?
Did you take math?
The Most condescending bitch ^^^^^^^ to post on this board.
Sleep tight.

Were you in my remedial class?
What year?

Why so triggered.
Did I hurt yours feels some previous post?

Math, brainwashing? Indoctrination?
Did you take math?
Seriously, I thought you were some angry Blue Collar worker.
Your IQ on this board is way below 100.
Everything Trump did was to benefit the USA. You must be one of those who thought Avenatti would make a great president.
Nope. I just knew trump was the wrong man for the job, as much as Hillary being the wrong woman. We had 4 years of his crooks and liars, 4 years of him siding with enemies of our country, 4 years of watching his hirings, firings, lies about whom he knows/doesn't know and who he screws when his wives aren't around. Four years of his hate for the military he dodged the draft of, military leaders, decorated veterans including Medal of Honor family members. We have seen him misdirect moneys appropriated by line item by the House of Representatives, agreed by the Senate, signed off by himself and lauded in the paper and on TV as a great budget victory, only to see him steal it from the military and Hurricane reconstruction to fund a wall that was not in the budget because it would not pass both houses of the people. Then we come to the election he lost, prompting him to try to overthrow the election to stay in office, forsaking his oath to the Constitution at the same time. The man sucks as is anybody as anti-American as that S.O.B.. His actions and word since the 2020 election have proven what a low life anti-American traterous b*stard he is and how dangerous he is, as is his effect on the weak-minded, easily led followers.
The Most condescending bitch ^^^^^^^ to post on this board.
Sleep tight.

Were you in my remedial class?
What year?

Why so triggered.
Did I hurt your feels some previous post?

Math, brainwashing? Indoctrination?
Did you take math?
Of course but you lied about the pronouns. All the emails my kids teachers send all have their preferred pronouns as part of their sigs. No way you have never seen that.
How about this?

Was this to protect Alaskan Environment?
An attempt to please his base, which is just a small part of the USA.?

Rare earth elements are used to manufacture high tech things like EV's. Diane Feinstein and pelousi locked away the biggest reserve of them that we have in a National Park.

Then, amazingly enough, Feinstein s husband managed to get the contract as sole importer of Chinese rare earth elements.

Huh, Trump opens up our supply, while the dems lock it away and enrich themselves, and the Chinese.

How is it that you don't know about that?
And your proof is just your opinion.
Move on.
You are so irrational you don't even realize your posts are all emotions gone wild.
If you're a math teacher, your State has to review it's standards.
You really come off like a school bus driver pissed off at the end of a long snowy day.
Nope. I just knew trump was the wrong man for the job, as much as Hillary being the wrong woman. We had 4 years of his crooks and liars, 4 years of him siding with enemies of our country, 4 years of watching his hirings, firings, lies about whom he knows/doesn't know and who he screws when his wives aren't around. Four years of his hate for the military he dodged the draft of, military leaders, decorated veterans including Medal of Honor family members. We have seen him misdirect moneys appropriated by line item by the House of Representatives, agreed by the Senate, signed off by himself and lauded in the paper and on TV as a great budget victory, only to see him steal it from the military and Hurricane reconstruction to fund a wall that was not in the budget because it would not pass both houses of the people. Then we come to the election he lost, prompting him to try to overthrow the election to stay in office, forsaking his oath to the Constitution at the same time. The man sucks as is anybody as anti-American as that S.O.B.. His actions and word since the 2020 election have proven what a low life anti-American traterous b*stard he is and how dangerous he is, as is his effect on the weak-minded, easily led followers.
Stop lying; you admitted you never even watched Trump for 5 minutes.
You are absolutely full of shit.
You admitted that your impression of Trump came from CNN's 1 second video bites, so collect your pension and shut the fuck up.
Fk you. Show us where I said that, ya lying sack of crap. I'll speak as I feel and this is where my voice counts, slick. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Hey Hossfly

Do you really believe that trump gets many calls from many people, and they actually say......
"Sir, can you..........."

It's just another lie.
Anyone that would call trump, if they actually had access, would call him Mr. President.
Not Sir.

Trump is lying yet again.
Trump has a huge list of people that he calls and they call him also But he probably has the calls screened. He's a lot different than other Prez's about phone calls.
Fk you. Show us where I said that, ya lying sack of crap. I'll speak as I feel and this is where my voice counts, slick. If you don't like it, don't read it.
You think I save links to your posts?
I asked you about 2 years ago why you disliked Trump and you admitted you got your opinion by seeing 1.5 second video bites and now you're trying to make yourself look like a Trump expert.
Either dementia is setting in or you're sucking up to someone.

This is where my voice counts, slick. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Of course but you lied about the pronouns. All the emails my kids teachers send all have their preferred pronouns as part of their sigs. No way you have never seen that.
In post #42, I mention this.......

I've sent and received thousands of emails, where in their signature, they mention their 'preferred pronouns.'

I feel bad that you can't follow.

Are you sticking with your claim of No way you have never seen that.

When clearly I did in post #42.
You think I save links to your posts?
I asked you about 2 years ago why you disliked Trump and you admitted you got your opinion by seeing 1.5 second video bites and now you're trying to make yourself look like a Trump expert.
Either dementia is setting in or you're sucking up to someone.

This is where my voice counts, slick. If you don't like it, don't read it.
No I did not. You are just an outright lying loudmouth. No wonder you bought into him. That lying loudmouth is probably your hero.
In post #42, I mention this.......

I feel bad that you can't follow.

Are you sticking with your claim of No way you have never seen that.

When clearly I did in post #42.
So then why are you saying people have never asked you to do it? I am guessing they have. And it’s crazy.
The elected swamp hopes that the southern border will facilitate the eventual recruits for their army.....
No I did not. You are just an outright lying loudmouth. No wonder you bought into him. That lying loudmouth is probably your hero.
Yeah, I really hate the idea of US citizens being employed.
Feel stupid yet?
You always stated that all you cared about was your pension.
Yeah, I really hate the idea of US citizens being employed.
Feel stupid yet?
You always stated that all you cared about was your pension.
Nope. I was employed as long as I wanted to be employed, public and private, earning all my pensions and the money I put away for retirement. Nothing wrong with working for a living. Maybe you should try it.

Dalio is well known but the world of business and finance. This is an interesting take from him. Hopefully he is incorrect.

Moonglow is hiding under his bed and C_Clayton_Jones is holding him

Interesting take on a tried-and-true topic. That being said, what most people discussing a second American civil war fail to comprehend is any such second internal conflict would not be a free for all where every military age American male picks up a rifle and hits the streets. The term for a hoedown like that is complete bedlam or perhaps block war.

Any second American civil war will be fought between two organized thoroughly militarized, well equipped and wholly politically charged factions, most likely splintered divisions of our own military forces. Military age males (and females, nowadays of course) will be recruited or conscripted en masse, but it will not be an all civilians on deck affair like so many Call of Duty kids fantasize.

Too many folks confuse guerilla warfare and insurrection with civil war.
So then why are you saying people have never asked you to do it? I am guessing they have. And it’s crazy.
We are not required to put 'our preferred pronouns' in our signature.
I choose not to.

I clearly said, "No one has asked me to clarify my preferred pronouns."
Because I choose not to, but no one has ever asked me, because it's not listed.
No one has ever asked me to put it in my signature.
I have received 1,000's of emails with people that do put it in their signature.
I have never asked or cared to ask about why they put it in their signature.

Why do you want to make this so difficult?

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