Some kind of Civil War is coming.

Nope. I was employed as long as I wanted to be employed, public and private, earning all my pensions and the money I put away for retirement. Nothing wrong with working for a living. Maybe you should try it.
Harder in the big city unless you work as a civil servant and then you have to be a flaming ProgBot.
Our entire supply of rare earth elements gets shipped to China for processing. Mining it here is pointless unless we process & manufacture product here.

Nice attempt at deflection there, sport. It is easy to build processing plants. Once again you defend China, and harm the USA.
Much of Texas already wanted a divorce from those filthy marxist animals, but the stolen election is more than we can stomach. Most american shitholes only export meth and kiddie porn and we just don't want to be associated with those soulless fucks.

Truth is fiction and patriots are traitors The republican way

The Republican Party formally declares that truth is fiction and patriots are traitors​

The Republican Party on Friday took an official stand — against truth and democracy. At the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in Salt Lake City, party leaders censured Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and moved to aid her primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, who is former president Donald Trump’s preferred candidate for Wyoming’s lone congressional seat.

The Orwellian censure resolution accuses Ms. Cheney and fellow GOP dissident Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) of engaging in behavior “destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican Party and our republic.” Her transgression? Co-leading the House committee investigating the Capitol invasion, an act of political violence Mr. Trump inspired when he was a sitting president charged with protecting the nation from enemies foreign and domestic. The investigation, the censure resolution claimed, is “a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”
When in recent memory has the House been more threatened as when members had to barricade the doors to the chamber against a dangerous mob screaming for their blood? By insisting on a full probe and accountability for one of the country’s lowest moments since the Civil War, Ms. Cheney is waging what, within her party, is an increasingly lonely battle against those seeking to pervert the U.S. system of government for personal gain.

Over the past year, Republican leaders have chosen a different course, putting in their lot with the insurrectionists. Since Jan. 6, 2021, senior party officials have gone from acknowledging Mr. Trump’s guilt to punishing those, such as Ms. Cheney, who continue to speak up about a tragedy that no American should forget. It remains to be seen what punishment former vice president Mike Pence will endure following a Friday speech in which he rebuked Mr. Trump’s claims that he could have overturned the election on Jan. 6. Republicans assailing Ms. Cheney and siding with Mr. Trump and his lies about the 2020 election are the ones who imperil the republic. By asserting, as their censure resolution did Friday, that truth is fiction and patriots are turncoats, they have exposed the dark, festering core of what their party is becoming: an unruly revolt against fact and reason that betrays the principles leaders, such as former president Ronald Reagan, championed.
Many Republicans want to focus on other issues, such as inflation, the economy and how to run schools during the covid-19 pandemic, hoping that voters will forget Jan. 6 and hand them the House majority in this year’s midterm elections. Ms. Cheney refused to let them change the subject. She rightly believes commitment to democracy should override partisan allegiances and that policy preferences on issues stand insignificant next to commitment to the constitutional order.
Republicans have started their election year by revealing what they really stand for. Voters must remember this moment in November.
Harder in the big city unless you work as a civil servant and then you have to be a flaming ProgBot.
Then move out of the big city, but don't bother telling me how much harder it is for you. Nobody buys it.
We are not required to put 'our preferred pronouns' in our signature.
I choose not to.

I clearly said, "No one has asked me to clarify my preferred pronouns."
Because I choose not to, but no one has ever asked me, because it's not listed.
No one has ever asked me to put it in my signature.
I have received 1,000's of emails with people that do put it in their signature.
I have never asked or cared to ask about why they put it in their signature.

Why do you want to make this so difficult?
I am just surprised given what you do and where you do it.
People aren't thinking things through as usual. Their is a distinct problem with the free enterprise system and it cannot hide it's shortcomings any longer. The disparity between the very wealthy and the rest of the people in the world continues to grow at unprecedented levels, leaving more and more out in the cold entirely. These are mostly what people are responding to. It's not political, it's socioeconomic problems that are continually getting worse.
This isn’t the reason that he is giving IMO. It’s people like you who ask me what my preferred pronouns are, support defunding the police, impose and vaccine mask mandates and tell
Me the country is systemically racist. I shrug it off to mental illness but others take issue with it.
I had family obligations but the many people I do know who served are nowhere near as callous as yourself.
I have been and at times, still am a hard guy. Often demanding excellence, as you get what you settle for. Never said I wasn't.
I have been and at times, still am a hard guy. Often demanding excellence, as you get what you settle for. Never said I wasn't.
I know many people who demand excellence but are not callous.
Perhaps you should learn the difference.
If civil war DOES come it will probably be primarily along racial lines...

It would begin as Democrat vs. Republican but would morph fairly quickly into a Skin Color War...

My own surprise prediction is that if it ever comes to that, that Hispanics will actually throw-in with Euro-Whites, in order to be on the Winning Side...

But such a war is such a remote possibility that it's simply not realistic.
If civil war DOES come it will probably be primarily along racial lines...

It would begin as Democrat vs. Republican but would morph fairly quickly into a Skin Color War...

My own surprise prediction is that if it ever comes to that, that Hispanics will actually throw-in with Euro-Whites, in order to be on the Winning Side...

But such a war is such a remote possibility that it's simply not realistic.
75% of Blacks and 95% of Hispanics are law abiding citizens...who's side do you think they would take?
75% of Blacks and 95% of Hispanics are law abiding citizens...who's side do you think they would take?
The concept of actual Race War speaks for itself, doesn't it?

We're not talking about abiding by The Law... we're talking about what happens once adherence to The Law has evaporated, right?
Mr elitist making up BS again.
You got a link or a FAKE poll to back your Fake Data?
Do you ever watch the news?
By news, I’m really saying AP News, Reuters and The BBC, not Fox, not CNN, not MSNBC.
Do you ever watch the news?
By news, I’m really saying AP News, Reuters and The BBC, not Fox, not CNN, not MSNBC.
All the time.
I mostly READ rather than watch.

So tell which News Source you got your data from?
75% of Blacks and 95% of Hispanics are law abiding citizens...who's side do you think they would take?

I told you...
AP News, Reuters and The BBC.
This ^^^^^^^ Data.
Post the link that supports your claim of 75% of blacks and 95% of Hispanics are law abiding citizens.

I'm not doubting that you read those sites, I just know you pulled those percentages out of your ass. Once again.

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