Some kind of Civil War is coming.

The left certainly wants to provoke one. They're stupid, and they won't like it when it comes; all the strategic and tactical advantages belong to the white suburbs; they surround all the cities and they can strangle Hood Rat Central to the point of having to resort to cannibalism, and the feral hood rats aren't far from that already.

While I mostly agree, no one in their right minds wants to see a second civil war. In a divided government at war with itself who controls the nukes?
Wow, my job has me around 100's of people each day, and I converse with them daily, and I have NEVER had anyone ask me "My Preferred Pronouns".

Why does that happen to you? That's just weird.
It hasn't happened to me. It has happened to my son. His answer is "Your Majesty and His Royal Highness".
If a civil war comes it will be because of Trump’s toxic and ugly effect on US politics.
Who burned the cities and took over city blocks, including a police station? Who beats the shit out of innocent drivers? Who terrorized old couples from crossing the street? What side doxx and terrorizes targeted residences? Oh, but keep playing up a few hours of vandalism at the US Capitol by people carrying flagpoles and podiums as a legitimate threat to Democracy.

Dalio is well known but the world of business and finance. This is an interesting take from him. Hopefully he is incorrect.

Moonglow is hiding under his bed and C_Clayton_Jones is holding him
People aren't thinking things through as usual. Their is a distinct problem with the free enterprise system and it cannot hide it's shortcomings any longer. The disparity between the very wealthy and the rest of the people in the world continues to grow at unprecedented levels, leaving more and more out in the cold entirely. These are mostly what people are responding to. It's not political, it's socioeconomic problems that are continually getting worse.
Rare earth elements are used to manufacture high tech things like EV's. Diane Feinstein and pelousi locked away the biggest reserve of them that we have in a National Park.

Then, amazingly enough, Feinstein s husband managed to get the contract as sole importer of Chinese rare earth elements.

Huh, Trump opens up our supply, while the dems lock it away and enrich themselves, and the Chinese.

How is it that you don't know about that?
Our entire supply of rare earth elements gets shipped to China for processing. Mining it here is pointless unless we process & manufacture product here.
Our entire supply of rare earth elements gets shipped to China for processing. Mining it here is pointless unless we process & manufacture product here.
Processing rare elements is dangerous work, that might be why they ship them to China to be processed. OSHA probably has restrictions on it.
If a civil war comes it will be because of Trump’s toxic and ugly effect on US politics.
Trump did have a toxic effect on the D.C. Swamp. The corrupt politicians and bureaucrats were scared that if he got two terms he might actually figure out how to drain some of the Swamp.

Now everything is back to normal with corrupt Joe Biden in the Oval Office and his son Hunter selling his amateur paintings for a fortune to those who want to buy Joe’s influence.

Broke his oath to protect and defend the constitution. Tried to overthrow free elections in the United States. Has been supportive of the effort, ever since. He is a traitorous son of a bitch that some day will probably pay for his crimes against my country. He will go down in history that way.

Hmm..., you shouldn't bad mouth Joey Xi Bai Dung for stealing the election like that. Just because after the fact in less than a year he's created a border crisis, inflation. shown weakness, poor Foreign and National policies, including the fear mongering of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic and imposition of mandates.
The unrecognized civil war in Texas was pretty fuckin ugly and peaked during Hurricane Harvey.
While I mostly agree, no one in their right minds wants to see a second civil war. In a divided government at war with itself who controls the nukes?

Never said I wanted one; it's not like it's going to be a choice.
Unrecognized civil war in Texas? In 2017? Was it unrecognized or was it fantasy?
People killing people, rampant human trafficking. When all those secret basements got flooded all the human traffickers with secret prisoners had a lot of dead bodies on their hands, this only intensified the "civil war". If youre a southerner youll know what Im talking about. They bust human traffick rings involving thousands of people very regularly. This never makes the national news and it is a serious problem.
People aren't thinking things through as usual. Their is a distinct problem with the free enterprise system and it cannot hide it's shortcomings any longer. The disparity between the very wealthy and the rest of the people in the world continues to grow at unprecedented levels, leaving more and more out in the cold entirely. These are mostly what people are responding to. It's not political, it's socioeconomic problems that are continually getting worse.
The free enterprise system has competition. Once we opened up to globalism, we sealed our doom with a massive social agenda and programs being a drag on the economy and production with corrupted unions along with massive government overreach slowing our dominance in all fields required to remain number one.
While I mostly agree, no one in their right minds wants to see a second civil war. In a divided government at war with itself who controls the nukes?

Not a major worry'; there aren't many people who would even begin to know how to use them much less hit a target with them, and no one is going to kill many of their own supporters. They will remain idle in a civil war.
So you do not believe in the courts, the rule of law, juries of our peers, oversight of government functions, or that military appointees honor their oath to the constitution, trump tried to wipe his butt with, right. You have lost faith in America to Govern itself. You may be part of the problem.

I'm not the one destroying all that, so save the strawmen for the lesser lights gullible enough to fall for your narrative. The fact that the American middle class lost its capacity to govern itself has been noted by many since the 1960's; only dumbasses like you didn't get the memo. You're part of the problem, not people who can see the obvious.

The only thing coming is more lies and demagoguery from the right.

Why are the Lefties the ones to deny this? What are they clinging to? They're the ones that hate us so much. So big deal; let us go. We're ready. We been ready for years.
People killing people, rampant human trafficking. When all those secret basements got flooded all the human traffickers with secret prisoners had a lot of dead bodies on their hands, this only intensified the "civil war". If youre a southerner youll know what Im talking about. They bust human traffick rings involving thousands of people very regularly. This never makes the national news and it is a serious problem.

I am a southerner. And yes, I know what you are talking about with the human trafficking. But that is a crime, not a civil war. A civil war has two sides of combatants. Human trafficking has scum criminals and victims.

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