Some lady just called into C-SPAN complaining about the reversal of affirmative action, and claiming the KKK still exists


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
That’s the mindset of the far left wing. This person called into C-SPAN, claiming that the proud boys and the “KKK have yet to be eliminated and as long as they’re around we’re not a color blind society.”

Of course there’s maybe five Klansman left in America who are probably on meth and probably half of them are federal agents. Same thing might even be said for these so-called proud boys.

And that’s it that’s what we’re dealing with when it comes to probably 2% of the United States that still wants things like affirmative action, that believes that the BLM 400 years a slave argument is right .

But we just had affirmative action reversed. This is one of the greatest days in American history. So many proud white folk and proud black folks across America are waking up and realizing that BLM and the far left never did a thing for them. It’s been like this for decades. The far left has never done anything for anyone except for themselves. And people all over America waking up embracing being proud of African culture , European culture which built the civilized world. And that’s it. Have a wonderful day.
Blacks and pro black people "this is a racist country and we need equality for all people so everyone is equal. We need to stop discrimination based on skin color!"

Blacks and pro black people after the supreme court decision "we need racist and discriminatory bias for blacks because now they have to get by based off their merits, skills, intelligence, ambition and experience. We need to stop letting non blacks work for what they want and we need blacks to not be equals".

Seems to me affirmative action is discrimination as it allows or doesn't allow people to do something based on their skin color. If you say you will only admit X amount of blacks then you also say you won't allow X amount of non blacks.

And isn't demanding X amount of blacks to be admitted over non blacks pretty much saying you don't think blacks are able to get into college on their own and inferior?
Why did you think "some lady" needed a rebuttal? Still a whole country full of shitty people who think the white race and their twisted christian "values" needs to be defended. There's your Klan. Don't have to join anything or wear robes. Just vote for whitest, angriest guy on the ticket.
That’s the mindset of the far left wing. This person called into C-SPAN, claiming that the proud boys and the “KKK have yet to be eliminated and as long as they’re around we’re not a color blind society.”

Of course there’s maybe five Klansman left in America who are probably on meth and probably half of them are federal agents. Same thing might even be said for these so-called proud boys.

And that’s it that’s what we’re dealing with when it comes to probably 2% of the United States that still wants things like affirmative action, that believes that the BLM 400 years a slave argument is right .

But we just had affirmative action reversed. This is one of the greatest days in American history. So many proud white folk and proud black folks across America are waking up and realizing that BLM and the far left never did a thing for them. It’s been like this for decades. The far left has never done anything for anyone except for themselves. And people all over America waking up embracing being proud of African culture , European culture which built the civilized world. And that’s it. Have a wonderful day.
What's amazing is that most of these right wing extremists march and protest peacefully, hoping to trigger those on the left like this lady. If the far left didn't let themselves be triggered then these right extremists would be forced to march and protest peacefully, fading into existence. But, the left don't want that. They want to stoke the flames of culture wars, thinking that they can eliminate the KKK and the Proud ways when, in reality, the left give them more credence and higher numbers.
What's amazing is that most of these right wing extremists march and protest peacefully, hoping to trigger those on the left like this lady. If the far left didn't let themselves be triggered then these right extremists would be forced to march and protest peacefully, fading into existence. But, the left don't want that. They want to stoke the flames of culture wars, thinking that they can eliminate the KKK and the Proud ways when, in reality, the left give them more credence and higher numbers.
OK I do remember those pictures of like 10 or 20 people walking through a Mall Doing Nazi salute. But probably half of those people are federal agents. ?

I agree it’s pretty dumb the far left.m Lets them selves be triggered by that …when otoh we have on national TV multimillionaire white people and Black people saying that people are born privilege based on skin color even if they’re born into homelessness.

But looking at the numbers of groups like the clan, there’s like 10 or 20 of these people in the country. Nobody sees them ever they really don’t exist except for on the Internet in dark spaces and again they could be federal agents. They could be left-wing trolls.
What's amazing is that most of these right wing extremists march and protest peacefully, hoping to trigger those on the left like this lady. If the far left didn't let themselves be triggered then these right extremists would be forced to march and protest peacefully, fading into existence. But, the left don't want that. They want to stoke the flames of culture wars, thinking that they can eliminate the KKK and the Proud ways when, in reality, the left give them more credence and higher numbers.
Nope. Fascism must always be confronted. Rats do not go away if you ignore them.
From Sotomayor's dissent......

Congress chose its words carefully, opting for expansive language that focused on equal protection and rejecting “proposals that would have made the Constitution explicitly color-blind.” A. Kull, The Color-Blind Constitution 69 (1992); see also, e.g., Cong. Globe 1287 (rejecting proposed language providing that “no State . . . shall . . . recognize any distinction between citizens . . . on account of race or color”). This choice makes it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.

Simultaneously with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress enacted a number of race-conscious laws to fulfill the Amendment’s promise of equality, leaving no doubt that the Equal Protection Clause permits consideration of race to achieve its goal.
Blacks and pro black people "this is a racist country and we need equality for all people so everyone is equal. We need to stop discrimination based on skin color!"

Blacks and pro black people after the supreme court decision "we need racist and discriminatory bias for blacks because now they have to get by based off their merits, skills, intelligence, ambition and experience. We need to stop letting non blacks work for what they want and we need blacks to not be equals".

Seems to me affirmative action is discrimination as it allows or doesn't allow people to do something based on their skin color. If you say you will only admit X amount of blacks then you also say you won't allow X amount of non blacks.

And isn't demanding X amount of blacks to be admitted over non blacks pretty much saying you don't think blacks are able to get into college on their own and inferior?
Well, of course affirmative action is discrimination. We have seen this all throughout major companies in the United States. We all saw in the summer of 2020 major sports organizations blasting us with racist BLM propaganda. And that is racism . It is degeneracy. It’s also a losing economic formula. It makes people feel weak. And now people are seeing it and rejecting weakness ..they’re feeling strong, they’re proud.

We saw with universities in the United States, who were giving folks scholarships, not based on their skills, but based on how they looked. Now by the way college is often a huge waste of money. I didn’t go to college, and I make more money than most college graduates. And I have no college debt. But that’s it. I mean that’s the bottom line that’s called logic and common sense. If you have a policy that says we’re going to give somebody something based on how they look that’s called racism. Notice every single far left-wing troll never actually responds to these points. They just go on random tangents and personal attacks. Because there’s nothing that can ever support their degenerate views you’re talking about drug attic‘s, you’re talking about also people who are corrupt thieves, stealing money from working class, blacks and whites .. the multi millionaire blacks, and whites that support BLM are living in the suburbs while they build fast food restaurants in the inner city , they’re building the smoke shops, they’re building the liquor stores in the inner cities they’re building up tiny communist style apartments in the inner cities. People are waking up and seeing this all across America. Especially in the African-American Muslim community I talk with. Because I am more liberal, and I’m more into freedom and equality than every single far left winger on this board.

I spend time in the east side of Buffalo talking with African-American Muslims that I worked with for two years. People are waking up.
Well, of course affirmative action is discrimination. We have seen this all throughout major companies in the United States. We all saw in the summer of 2020 major sports organizations blasting us with racist BLM propaganda. And that is racism . It is degeneracy. It’s also a losing economic formula. It makes people feel weak. And now people are seeing it and rejecting weakness ..they’re feeling strong, they’re proud.

We saw with universities in the United States, who were giving folks scholarships, not based on their skills, but based on how they looked. Now by the way college is often a huge waste of money. I didn’t go to college, and I make more money than most college graduates. And I have no college debt. But that’s it. I mean that’s the bottom line that’s called logic and common sense. If you have a policy that says we’re going to give somebody something based on how they look that’s called racism. Notice every single far left-wing troll never actually responds to these points. They just go on random tangents and personal attacks. Because there’s nothing that can ever support their degenerate views you’re talking about drug attic‘s, you’re talking about also people who are corrupt thieves, stealing money from working class, blacks and whites .. the multi millionaire blacks, and whites that support BLM are living in the suburbs while they build fast food restaurants in the inner city , they’re building the smoke shops, they’re building the liquor stores in the inner cities they’re building up tiny communist style apartments in the inner cities. People are waking up and seeing this all across America. Especially in the African-American Muslim community I talk with. Because I am more liberal, and I’m more into freedom and equality than every single far left winger on this board.

I spend time in the east side of Buffalo talking with African-American Muslims that I worked with for two years. People are waking up.
You do know that AA covers white women also?
From Sotomayor's dissent......

Congress chose its words carefully, opting for expansive language that focused on equal protection and rejecting “proposals that would have made the Constitution explicitly color-blind.” A. Kull, The Color-Blind Constitution 69 (1992); see also, e.g., Cong. Globe 1287 (rejecting proposed language providing that “no State . . . shall . . . recognize any distinction between citizens . . . on account of race or color”). This choice makes it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.

Simultaneously with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress enacted a number of race-conscious laws to fulfill the Amendment’s promise of equality, leaving no doubt that the Equal Protection Clause permits consideration of race to achieve its goal.
This choice makes it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.

Just total diarrhea of the mouth couched in ghost written plagiarism with not a single example of what she is talking about. AA is actually a prime example of a policy that is not colorblind. Gotta wonder if she is an AA law school graduate. Her opinions always seem to lack real substance.
That’s the mindset of the far left wing. This person called into C-SPAN, claiming that the proud boys and the “KKK have yet to be eliminated and as long as they’re around we’re not a color blind society.”

Of course there’s maybe five Klansman left in America who are probably on meth and probably half of them are federal agents. Same thing might even be said for these so-called proud boys.

And that’s it that’s what we’re dealing with when it comes to probably 2% of the United States that still wants things like affirmative action, that believes that the BLM 400 years a slave argument is right .

But we just had affirmative action reversed. This is one of the greatest days in American history. So many proud white folk and proud black folks across America are waking up and realizing that BLM and the far left never did a thing for them. It’s been like this for decades. The far left has never done anything for anyone except for themselves. And people all over America waking up embracing being proud of African culture , European culture which built the civilized world. And that’s it. Have a wonderful day.
There are more than 5 klansmen and the KKK is not the only white supremacists. And then we have unaffiliated white supremacists like you, which number in the millions.
Democrats talk big about conservative racism and insensitivity, but their actions prove that Democrats are actually the ones with their boot on the Black man's throat. Democrats actually think Blacks are too stupid to get an ID, too stupid to get into a good university, too stupid to get a good job on their own, etc. etc. I don't understand why any Blacks vote for Democrats when that party basically thinks they're stupid and easy to exploit.
Why did you think "some lady" needed a rebuttal? Still a whole country full of shitty people who think the white race and their twisted christian "values" needs to be defended. There's your Klan. Don't have to join anything or wear robes. Just vote for whitest, angriest guy on the ticket.
Brother, I’m not sure who you’re responding to or how that follows what has been said in this thread

if you find one of the 10 or 15 KKK members left in this country, let us know…. More importantly, we need to reign in the BLM leaders these white and Black people who have stolen money from working class people to build mansions.

Talk about the people who say that people are born privileged based on their skin color, talk about those who say we should have college admissions based on how people look. Or not choice is yours

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