Some MORE facts about Firearms laws


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
It is already ILLEGAL for a mentally incompetent to own possess or bear firearms. And no rightwinger is trying to change that law.

The problem is the lefties in power won't use the existing laws as intended. They do not report to authorities those they suspect of being mentally incompetent and the authorities that KNOW of such people do not evaluate and request a hearing to determine competency.

Holmes is a perfect example, the school knew his problems and his history and did NOTHING to report it nor have him judged a threat to others. As is the shooter in Va. Again authorities knew and did not follow the law.

We have over 20000 laws on the books concerning firearms. Rather then make more how about we actually follow the ones we have already? I realize Obama likes to ignore laws but this is really a no brainer.

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