Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Wait til…..I suspect….. :abgg2q.jpg:
What else can I say? I don't know any more about their plans than you do, but common sense says the strongest charges will be for the ones with the most responsibility. You don't think real estate agents that flew in just for the insurrection, and that crazy goober with the horns planned it all and put it into motion, do you?
What else can I say? I don't know any more about their plans than you do, but common sense says the strongest charges will be for the ones with the most responsibility. You don't think real estate agents that flew in just for the insurrection, and that crazy goober with the horns planned it all and put it into motion, do you?
I dunno. I’ll leave the delusional speculation to you delusional moon bats.
Well, some have been sentenced up to about five years. Why do you deranged NaziCons keep trying to deflect from the lies and conspiracy theories listed in the OP?
Hey, you said it was an insurrection … Now, you are misrepresenting what those involved were charged, and or convicted of…So, if anyone is lying here it’s you.
The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?
Good post. Thanks.

That might be the most ironic thing about the failed insurrection attempt. It highlights the great WTF things about our justice system. The idea that an arrested person who hasn't been convicted of anything is too dangerous to be in society with the rest of us....UNLESS....they can come up with some money for bond is crazy. Of course the problem with that is what do we do...stop granting bail and have tens of thousands of more in jail awaiting trial?
Hey, you said it was an insurrection … Now, you are misrepresenting what those involved were charged, and or convicted of…So, if anyone is lying here it’s you.

Trump was impeached for "inciting an insurrection". He should have been impeached for TREASON.
You know poster Lakhota, I do think you scored a Bazinga against this moke:

"Cause everyone knows you are the only liar and all thst is bullshit and the majority of posters know you are a paid liar who deflects on Biden’s corruption. You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ass,you trollboy thinks that thosands in cities are chanting let’s go Brandon so you are the last person on the planet to be talking about someone who finds it painful to hear the truth."

Seems he got a bit discombobulated in trying to respond to you.
Even Republican judges will give you a 10.0 on that ball spike.

A hat-tip.
Good post. Thanks.

That might be the most ironic thing about the failed insurrection attempt. It highlights the great WTF things about our justice system. The idea that an arrested person who hasn't been convicted of anything is too dangerous to be in society with the rest of us....UNLESS....they can come up with some money for bond is crazy. Of course the problem with that is what do we do...stop granting bail and have tens of thousands of more in jail awaiting trial?
The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?

J6 Reichstag Fire
Unless Xi and Biden successfully collapse the US economy this year and manage to cancel the elections, early in 2023 the dems will be called before the House to testify to their preplanning of the J6 Reichstag Fire AND their coordination with the CCP and Wuhan for the Covid bioweapon attack

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