Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

"No comment on any ongoing the answer is yes....the FBI knows who this guy is....they paid him to start a riot in the Capital."

"They paid him to start a riot in the Capital (sic)"

They did?
How do you know?
Give us your best sources.
Detail your allegation.

It's 'show or go'-time.
Saddle up, poster mudwhistle, you have some explainin' to do.
No comment on any ongoing the answer is yes....the FBI knows who this guy is....they paid him to start a riot in the Capital.


Epps is described as the owner of Rocking R Farms in Queen Creek and the Knotty Barn, a wedding and event venue in the East Valley, on a website for those venues.

The night before the riot​

Various videos posted online from Jan. 5 show a man who resembles Epps on the street in a public gathering the night before the siege.

So, Epps ran his mouth off and left for home. Is that a crime?

You can read a lot more about him at the link.

"They paid him to start a riot in the Capital (sic)"

They did?
How do you know?
Give us your best sources.
Detail your allegation.

It's 'show or go'-time.
Saddle up, poster mudwhistle, you have some explainin' to do.
J6 Reichstag Fire
The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?

Snowflakes gonna snowflake!
The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?
It has been over a year since the election, and nearly a year since the attack on the Capitol by Trump goons.

Not a single suspect in the alleged vast conspiracy to steal a "Landslide!" has been identified, no charges filed against anyone.

In contrast, over 700 Trump goons have been charged for their repulsive activities on January 6.

It should be noted that admitting the truth, contrition and redemption are possible. Criminal trials, even under Trump-appointed judges, still demand evidence that cannot be invalidated by airy-fairy ideological dogma and propagandistic misinformation.

Consider the Trump goons who were identified, apprehended, prosecuted, convicted, or confessed.

None claimed to be BLM impersonating FBI agents impersonating antifa impersonating Trump goons on a tourist tour of the Capitol.

They conceded that they were, in fact, violent Trump goons attacking outnumbered police in an effort to thwart the certification of the public will in a free and fair election. Some have owned up to their perfidy and expressed their shame:

Florida business owner Robert Palmer cheered on the violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 before he joined the fray. Screaming obscenities, he hurled a wooden plank and a fire extinguisher at police officers trying to ward off the mob.
Nearly a year later, Palmer fought back tears when he faced the federal judge who sentenced him to more than five years in prison. He said he was “horrified, absolutely devastated” by what he had done.
“I'm just so ashamed that I was a part of that,” Palmer told U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan...
Judges are hearing tearful expressions of remorse — and a litany of excuses — from rioters paying a price for joining the Jan. 6 insurrection...
So far, 71 people have been sentenced for riot-related crimes...
[R]ioters who assaulted police officers have gotten years behind bars...
At least 165 people have pleaded guilty so far...There are dozens of cases involving more serious offenses still moving through the system. More than 220 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers at the Capitol, according to the Justice Department...
More than 700 people have been charged so far and the FBI is still looking for more. Among the most serious charges are against far-right extremist group members accused of plotting attacks to obstruct Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election. Their cases haven’t yet gone to trial.
The rioters' refrains before the judges are often the same: They were caught up in the moment or just following the crowd into the Capitol. They didn’t see any violence or vandalism. They thought police were letting them enter the building. They insist they went there to peacefully protest.
Their excuses often implode in the face of overwhelming evidence. Thousands of hours of videos from surveillance cameras, mobile phones and police body cameras captured them reveling in the mayhem. Many boasted about their crimes on social media in the days after the deadly attack...
Eighteen judges, including four nominated by Trump, have sentenced the 71 defendants. Thirty-one defendants have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment or to jail time already served, including 22 who received sentences of three months or less, according to the AP tally. An additional 18 defendants have been sentenced to home confinement. The remaining 22 have gotten probation without house arrest...
Dozens of people linked to extremist groups have been charged with conspiring to carry out coordinated attacks on the Capitol, including more than 20 defendants tied to the anti-government Oath Keepers and at least 16 connected to the far-right Proud Boys.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have pleaded guilty. At least one Proud Boys member has pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors...
Approximately 20 trials are scheduled in 2022. Meanwhile, judges are plowing through daily dockets of guilty pleas and sentencings.
It has been over a year since the election, and nearly a year since the attack on the Capitol by Trump goons.

Not a single suspect in the alleged vast conspiracy to steal a "Landslide!" has been identified, no charges filed against anyone.

In contrast, over 700 Trump goons have been charged for their repulsive activities on January 6.

It should be noted that admitting the truth, contrition and redemption are possible. Criminal trials, even under Trump-appointed judges, still demand evidence that cannot be invalidated by airy-fairy ideological dogma and propagandistic misinformation.

Consider the Trump goons who were identified, apprehended, prosecuted, convicted, or confessed.

None claimed to be BLM impersonating FBI agents impersonating antifa impersonating Trump goons on a tourist tour of the Capitol.

They conceded that they were, in fact, violent Trump goons attacking outnumbered police in an effort to thwart the certification of the public will in a free and fair election. Some have owned up to their perfidy and expressed their shame:

Florida business owner Robert Palmer cheered on the violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 before he joined the fray. Screaming obscenities, he hurled a wooden plank and a fire extinguisher at police officers trying to ward off the mob.
Nearly a year later, Palmer fought back tears when he faced the federal judge who sentenced him to more than five years in prison. He said he was “horrified, absolutely devastated” by what he had done.
“I'm just so ashamed that I was a part of that,” Palmer told U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan...
Judges are hearing tearful expressions of remorse — and a litany of excuses — from rioters paying a price for joining the Jan. 6 insurrection...
So far, 71 people have been sentenced for riot-related crimes...
[R]ioters who assaulted police officers have gotten years behind bars...
At least 165 people have pleaded guilty so far...There are dozens of cases involving more serious offenses still moving through the system. More than 220 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers at the Capitol, according to the Justice Department...
More than 700 people have been charged so far and the FBI is still looking for more. Among the most serious charges are against far-right extremist group members accused of plotting attacks to obstruct Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election. Their cases haven’t yet gone to trial.
The rioters' refrains before the judges are often the same: They were caught up in the moment or just following the crowd into the Capitol. They didn’t see any violence or vandalism. They thought police were letting them enter the building. They insist they went there to peacefully protest.
Their excuses often implode in the face of overwhelming evidence. Thousands of hours of videos from surveillance cameras, mobile phones and police body cameras captured them reveling in the mayhem. Many boasted about their crimes on social media in the days after the deadly attack...
Eighteen judges, including four nominated by Trump, have sentenced the 71 defendants. Thirty-one defendants have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment or to jail time already served, including 22 who received sentences of three months or less, according to the AP tally. An additional 18 defendants have been sentenced to home confinement. The remaining 22 have gotten probation without house arrest...
Dozens of people linked to extremist groups have been charged with conspiring to carry out coordinated attacks on the Capitol, including more than 20 defendants tied to the anti-government Oath Keepers and at least 16 connected to the far-right Proud Boys.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have pleaded guilty. At least one Proud Boys member has pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors...
Approximately 20 trials are scheduled in 2022. Meanwhile, judges are plowing through daily dockets of guilty pleas and sentencings.
You fools are a hoot ... biggest lie about jan.6th insurrection is that it was not an insurrection... anyone charged for insurrection? Anyone convicted? Just because you princesses keep repeating said lie doesn't make it true. What's next ? You know where Bigfoot is ? So stupid to call a field trip a insurrection, but that's the left for ya ...
As many on Jan 6th were charged with "insurrection" as those in the summer protest/riots have been charged with "rioting". And yet, you keep calling them rioters.
Eminently laughable and immensely sad.

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Loser Trump Tweets About “Sacred Landslide Victory” After Telling his goons​

who savaged outnumbered police defending our Capitol, “We Love You!”

Eminently laughable and immensely sad.

Loser Trump Tweets About “Sacred Landslide Victory” After Telling his goons​

who savaged outnumbered police defending our Capitol, “We Love You!”

I see....I thought you were trying to say that Biden won in a "Landslide"... Ok, not interested in your brand of lunacy....Carry on....

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