Some Of The Likely Questions "Georgy" Would Of Asked Hillary Clinton In The 2016 Debates.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:eusa_dance::eusa_clap::disbelief:. Can you just imagine if George Stephapoopalus were to be one of the ABC Presidential Debate Moderators come 2016? You think he would be asking the same questions to both Hillary and Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio? Probably not. Well here are some of the questions Georgy Porgy would have considered asking his "Auntie Hillary".
1) Madam Hillary, so tell me, what did you have for breakfast this morning?
2) Madam Hillary, what was your favorite comedy series of the 1960's?
3) Madam Hillary, what is your preference? Angel Soft or Charmin?
4) Madam Hillary, in 1997, the town of Phoenix went through a night of sheer panic when
a two mile wide spacecraft hovered over the skies in the night, many residents began fleeing in fear of an alien attack. do you think that it was primary caused by a "GOP Lack Of Funding"?
5) Madam Hillary, When a tree falls in a forest and crashes onto a personal computer, does it make a sound or just deletes all of the PC's emails?
6) One in five US Americans can't find the United States on a World Map, can you explain this?
7) What was it like meeting Abe Lincoln when he retired in 1879?
8) Madam Secretary, It seems that all of your supporters actually believe that Ben Ghazi is a U.S. Senator. Can you explain this?
9) Being at least 20% of Americans believe that you are the smartest woman in the world, if so, what is the capitol of Austria and what language do they speak there?
But the democrats would look at you and say.
"But she's a woman, what better reason do you need?
Well I am sure the far left media ask all those very important questions, but the real questions will be who is her pick for the Super Bowl or her final four picks. Those will be those really tough questions we can expect.
Hillary, when Janet Jackson exposed her left boob on live TV, were you sexually turned on?
and i was hoping to see the day when Goergy would ask Hillary if it doesn't bother her that 70% of all Americans see her as more manly because she never wears womans clothing.

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