"Some people will blame the President. . .for the attack," Seems Manifesto Blame Enough!

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Nutcases like Beto quickly jump to blaming Trump for these things.....but the truth is....the shooter is at least partly to blame......this isn't even a consideration to the media.

Mulvaney: Not Fair To Blame Trump For Shootings, "I Blame The People Who Pulled The Trigger"

Yes, the shooter is responsible for his actions. He didn't have to let Trump rile him up enough to do what he did, but someone already on the edge can easily be pushed over by hateful rhetoric.
Like that nutjob that shot up that republican ballgame.
Thanks for the reminder.

Yes. You always mention him. Can you think of any more home grown terrorists that weren't rightwing?

The Muslim who shot up that gay bar. The other one who shot up the base and we were told "workplace violence".
The Columbine shooters, they sure as hell weren't Conservative.
The Vegas nutjob who shot up a country concert.
Yeah. I remember those.
Apparently you didn't since it doesn't fit the current broadbrushing.

That's 3. There have been 250 mass shootings in the last 215 days
Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive
He was just as likely pushed over the edge by a girl rejecting him or his parents taking away his first person shooter games.

But his manifesto didn't mention a girl rejecting him, or video games. They did rant about what he considered to be a "Hispanic invasion".
Bill Maher is a coward who would have sold out to the Germans instead of being on the D Day invasion.

He"s a self-hating Jew.
Omar loves Maher!
Maher was raised in his Irish-American father's Roman Catholic religion. Until his early teens, he was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary, was Jewish. Owing to his disagreement with the Catholic Church's doctrine about birth control, Maher's father stopped taking Maher and his sister to Catholic church services when Maher was thirteen.

Bill Maher - Wikipedia
In the apparent manifesto of the alleged shooter in El Paso, TX: "Some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack," it read. "This is not the case."

It is not clear to anyone just what the count of White Supremacist presidential candidates happens to be, but the count of the number of current sitting presidents is fairly clear. The Holy Father is not specifically mentioned, nor nor any Mother Theresa types.

"What did he know, and when did he know it:" Seems directly tied to inflammatory rhetoric acknowledged, indirectly, by the mention in the document. That would be the recent presidential rhetoric, easily said acknowledged.

One name is clear, as the mainly accessory to the murders, in the context of incitement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not clear that alleged shooter actually meant to target White European and Middle Eastern immigrants in the attack--not being of Lands of Many Nations!)
God, you are an idiot...
Nutcases like Beto quickly jump to blaming Trump for these things.....but the truth is....the shooter is at least partly to blame......this isn't even a consideration to the media.

Mulvaney: Not Fair To Blame Trump For Shootings, "I Blame The People Who Pulled The Trigger"

Yes, the shooter is responsible for his actions. He didn't have to let Trump rile him up enough to do what he did, but someone already on the edge can easily be pushed over by hateful rhetoric.
Like that nutjob that shot up that republican ballgame.
Thanks for the reminder.

Yes. You always mention him. Can you think of any more home grown terrorists that weren't rightwing?

The Muslim who shot up that gay bar. The other one who shot up the base and we were told "workplace violence".
The Columbine shooters, they sure as hell weren't Conservative.
The Vegas nutjob who shot up a country concert.
Yeah. I remember those.
Apparently you didn't since it doesn't fit the current broadbrushing.

That's 3. There have been 250 mass shootings in the last 215 days
Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive
What a BS link.
Defines mass shootings and many were 1 victim.

Funny how many are in Chicago and LA. Those enclaves of conservatives.

It really is sad you have to pin shootings on anything other than the perps, who all should swing from the gallows regardless of their ideology.

That's right.
Libs hate the death penalty too.
Yes, the shooter is responsible for his actions. He didn't have to let Trump rile him up enough to do what he did, but someone already on the edge can easily be pushed over by hateful rhetoric.
Like that nutjob that shot up that republican ballgame.
Thanks for the reminder.

Yes. You always mention him. Can you think of any more home grown terrorists that weren't rightwing?

The Muslim who shot up that gay bar. The other one who shot up the base and we were told "workplace violence".
The Columbine shooters, they sure as hell weren't Conservative.
The Vegas nutjob who shot up a country concert.
Yeah. I remember those.
Apparently you didn't since it doesn't fit the current broadbrushing.

That's 3. There have been 250 mass shootings in the last 215 days
Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive
What a BS link.
Defines mass shootings and many were 1 victim.

Funny how many are in Chicago and LA. Those enclaves of conservatives.

It really is sad you have to pin shootings on anything other than the perps, who all should swing from the gallows regardless of their ideology.

That's right.
Libs hate the death penalty too.

So someone shooting into a crowd but doesn't kill lots of people doesn't count?
Like that nutjob that shot up that republican ballgame.
Thanks for the reminder.

Yes. You always mention him. Can you think of any more home grown terrorists that weren't rightwing?

The Muslim who shot up that gay bar. The other one who shot up the base and we were told "workplace violence".
The Columbine shooters, they sure as hell weren't Conservative.
The Vegas nutjob who shot up a country concert.
Yeah. I remember those.
Apparently you didn't since it doesn't fit the current broadbrushing.

That's 3. There have been 250 mass shootings in the last 215 days
Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive
What a BS link.
Defines mass shootings and many were 1 victim.

Funny how many are in Chicago and LA. Those enclaves of conservatives.

It really is sad you have to pin shootings on anything other than the perps, who all should swing from the gallows regardless of their ideology.

That's right.
Libs hate the death penalty too.

So someone shooting into a crowd but doesn't kill lots of people doesn't count?
Counts for the death penalty.

Not for your cheap point.
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