Some Political Science professors want their field defunded.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The article is written by a political science professor who left the field and he says he knows others that feel the same way he does.

Here's are some quotes from the article.

"During a dinner for a distinguished professor who also served as a UN consultant, I asked our guest if she ever witnessed any actual impact of political science research. She literally laughed out loud."

" So, Congress, please defund my discipline - or at least put someone outside the academy in charge of doling out the money."

Former Political Scientist to Congress: Please Defund Political Science - The Atlantic

This simply goes to show you that only the private industry and everyday Joe Schmoes can be trusted to decide what's important for the country and not government bureaucrats or academia. The only thing academia does well is STEM and fields that can survive in private industry, such as legal professions and whatnot.

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