Some suggestions on new site


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Changing the like to thanks solves nothing in my opinion, if you don't change the emotional others...

Like should be agree

Love should be winner

Wow should be informative

Funny should be funny

Disagree should be disagree

Sad should be Thanks...

This touchy feely emotional crud of love and sad and etc.... is just too childish...

And another thing

Can we have all the emoji showing... on my Kindle, it goes to like or now thanks posted, before showing the other emoji, then I have to undo, and try again to get to one of the other ones... sometimes several times.
Changing the like to thanks solves nothing in my opinion, if you don't change the emotional others...

Like should be agree

Love should be winner

Wow should be informative

Funny should be funny

Disagree should be disagree

Sad should be Thanks...

This touchy feely emotional crud of love and sad and etc.... is just too childish...

And another thing

Can we have all the emoji showing... on my Kindle, it goes to like or now thanks posted, before showing the other emoji, then I have to undo, and try again to get to one of the other ones... sometimes several times.
I've lost hope. It's been nearly three months. The techies would have gotten to it by now if they ever planned to.

I'm fine with everything.......

...Well I'd still like to know who exactly has me on ignore...

.....Life couldn't get much better then.....


Changing the like to thanks solves nothing in my opinion, if you don't change the emotional others...

Like should be agree

Love should be winner

Wow should be informative

Funny should be funny

Disagree should be disagree

Sad should be Thanks...

This touchy feely emotional crud of love and sad and etc.... is just too childish...

And another thing

Can we have all the emoji showing... on my Kindle, it goes to like or now thanks posted, before showing the other emoji, then I have to undo, and try again to get to one of the other ones... sometimes several times.

Care4All is in fact, a Karen /SuperSad.
Changing the like to thanks solves nothing in my opinion, if you don't change the emotional others...

Like should be agree

Love should be winner

Wow should be informative

Funny should be funny

Disagree should be disagree

Sad should be Thanks...

This touchy feely emotional crud of love and sad and etc.... is just too childish...

And another thing

Can we have all the emoji showing... on my Kindle, it goes to like or now thanks posted, before showing the other emoji, then I have to undo, and try again to get to one of the other ones... sometimes several times.

Mod Staff submitted a list very similar to all that about 2.5 months ago.,. I keep reminding them to implement. They tell me it's hard to match the post ratings with the right emojis, but they are working on it..

Won't list the "recommendations" here, because given the response time to get simple stuff done, I don't want to go back and RE-SUBMIT or EDIT what's already been requested...
I sure would like an Informative button. Doesn't mean you agree with the post, but find it INFORMATIVE. I don't know why it is so hard for the tech guys to fix it. Why did you dump the last format? Y'all went on and on and on about how much we would love it, and after awhile, most of us did. This new format? Um..not so much.

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