Somehow, We Never Learn

One of the central themes of 1984 involved the denaturing of language to render it unable to address reality. In a world where political correctness demands we all indulge in pablum rather than honesty we are well on our way.

"The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper...but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all ...a heretical thought...should be literally unthinkable... Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought..."
I say this all the time when Orwell comes up.

The opponents of collectivism took his work seriously, we saw the warning and rejected marxist dogma.

Those who continued to promote marxist dogma used his works as instructions.



you'll have to create a right wing totalitarian dictatorship if you want to eliminate everyone ELSES' freedom of speech.

because in the USA, what with freedom of speech and constitutional rights....people can say what they think and believe.....

so sorry if your snowflake feelings are offended.
I say this all the time when Orwell comes up.

The opponents of collectivism took his work seriously, we saw the warning and rejected marxist dogma.

Those who continued to promote marxist dogma used his works as instructions.


Well then, Petey.......there aren't enough of us opponents of collectivism.....Democrats still get elected.

Democracy as an end rather than a means. This kind of democracy always ends in tyranny.

Without the faith that began this nation, government school fails to teach the difference between liberty and license.
Unfortunately we've provided the very mechanism of liberty, the Constitution, that they will use to destroy us.

Saul Alinsky was mentor to folks like Hillary Clinton, and Hussein Obama, and their movement was prescient enough to gain control of the schools and the media......

....and now I see no way to prevent their victory, and still maintain a free country.
Civil war would reset the clock but in this case isolating white liberals from the minorities they view and count on to do all the fighting and dying for them will win this thing...without the ability to insert people of color between them [white liberals] and us, they do not even exist...we must stop allowing them to dictate who our disagreement is really with and take them on head on....I'm telling you, this will work.

Dead on accurate. We face a ruling class of wealthy, stateless, globalist elites in coalition with a violent underclass of permanent serfs who do their bidding in exchange for a subsistence livelihood. The middle class must identify its enemies as such. Trump tapped into that foggy awareness and won the working and middle classes.
But in fighting them you have to remember there are three areas of power..cultural, political and economic. The political is neutralized by the other two and used as a distraction.
Unfortunately we've provided the very mechanism of liberty, the Constitution, that they will use to destroy us.

Saul Alinsky was mentor to folks like Hillary Clinton, and Hussein Obama, and their movement was prescient enough to gain control of the schools and the media......

....and now I see no way to prevent their victory, and still maintain a free country.
Civil war would reset the clock but in this case isolating white liberals from the minorities they view and count on to do all the fighting and dying for them will win this thing...without the ability to insert people of color between them [white liberals] and us, they do not even exist...we must stop allowing them to dictate who our disagreement is really with and take them on head on....I'm telling you, this will work.

I just do not want to think in terms of 'civil war.'
The last one took the lives of over 2% of our nation.
That would approach 8 million with today's population, and today's weapons are far more powerful. may not even be the solution to the problem.
I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.

It was great while it lasted.

Here's the thing: the Leftists, the totalitarians are not ration, they are like the scorpion in the fable:

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."
BTW, I agree that we may have reached the expiration date.

We're basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Who knows....we many have a few decades, or a few generations....

I don't anticipate Leftists/Democrats having an epiphany.
Well that's a safe assumption.
"If you aren’t alarmed by what’s happening to the country, you haven’t been paying attention.

I don’t simply mean the sickening violence. I mean the campaign to excuse it and normalize it by the media establishment and the intellectual elite.

It’s not rioting; it’s an “uprising.”

Destruction of property is not violence.

The burning down of police precincts is justified.

Looting is a complex, difficult-to-understand phenomenon.

Peaceful protest is overrated.

And on and on.

Let me just say this: To hell with every single one of these bastards who are creating a moral permission slip for anarchists and other criminals and thugs to destroy our country as we know it.

None of them, by the way, want their houses or buildings ransacked. None of them want to be attacked with two-by-fours."

I changed the locks to my front gate and have not been out of my house for four weeks

Stay safe.....and buy a gun.
"If you aren’t alarmed by what’s happening to the country, you haven’t been paying attention.

I don’t simply mean the sickening violence. I mean the campaign to excuse it and normalize it by the media establishment and the intellectual elite.

It’s not rioting; it’s an “uprising.”

Destruction of property is not violence.

The burning down of police precincts is justified.

Looting is a complex, difficult-to-understand phenomenon.

Peaceful protest is overrated.

And on and on.

Let me just say this: To hell with every single one of these bastards who are creating a moral permission slip for anarchists and other criminals and thugs to destroy our country as we know it.

None of them, by the way, want their houses or buildings ransacked. None of them want to be attacked with two-by-fours."

I changed the locks to my front gate and have not been out of my house for four weeks

Stay safe.....and buy a gun.
I'm good on that! :D
When you couldn't get .22? I got 9mm.
Yeah..true story.
I got my share of .22 these days, but them Obama days were fucked up and we couldn't get any .22..but..9mm was readily available.
In Obama days, I got hella 9mm.
He wanted to block crackers from getting .22, what an asshole!
I just got 9mm instead, fuck that commie African POS!
What kind of asshole blocks .22 from America? The Obama kind, that's what.
I say this all the time when Orwell comes up.

The opponents of collectivism took his work seriously, we saw the warning and rejected marxist dogma.

Those who continued to promote marxist dogma used his works as instructions.



you'll have to create a right wing totalitarian dictatorship if you want to eliminate everyone ELSES' freedom of speech.

because in the USA, what with freedom of speech and constitutional rights....people can say what they think and believe.....

so sorry if your snowflake feelings are offended.

No they cant. People are forced to self censor every day.
I say this all the time when Orwell comes up.

The opponents of collectivism took his work seriously, we saw the warning and rejected marxist dogma.

Those who continued to promote marxist dogma used his works as instructions.



you'll have to create a right wing totalitarian dictatorship if you want to eliminate everyone ELSES' freedom of speech.

because in the USA, what with freedom of speech and constitutional rights....people can say what they think and believe.....

so sorry if your snowflake feelings are offended.

No they cant. People are forced to self censor every day.
I'm still for zero filter at this point.
Orwell warned us of what we are going though, the dangers of totalitarianism, yet, Democrats still manage to get elected.

View attachment 347469

On this date, June 8th of 1949: British author George Orwell published his dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-four, a warning against totalitarianism that introduced such concepts as Big Brother and the Thought Police.

Even in his book written for the simplest among us, Animal Farm, it was right there in black and white.....the danger of anointing one group as 'more equal.'

Even if Orwell had used the specific language for the lies, "systemic racism," and "white privilege," the simpletons would still go along with it.
I wonder if Trump ever read it? He seems to admire and seeks to emulate strong leaders so I'm guessing no.

you'll have to create a right wing totalitarian dictatorship if you want to eliminate everyone ELSES' freedom of speech.

because in the USA, what with freedom of speech and constitutional rights....people can say what they think and believe.....

so sorry if your snowflake feelings are offended.
How do pieces of shit like you evade natural selection this long? You are living proof we have too many safety programs and not enough abortions.
Orwell warned us of what we are going though, the dangers of totalitarianism, yet, Democrats still manage to get elected.

View attachment 347469

On this date, June 8th of 1949: British author George Orwell published his dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-four, a warning against totalitarianism that introduced such concepts as Big Brother and the Thought Police.

Even in his book written for the simplest among us, Animal Farm, it was right there in black and white.....the danger of anointing one group as 'more equal.'

Even if Orwell had used the specific language for the lies, "systemic racism," and "white privilege," the simpletons would still go along with it.
Conservatism is what he was writing about!
Orwell warned us of what we are going though, the dangers of totalitarianism, yet, Democrats still manage to get elected.

View attachment 347469

On this date, June 8th of 1949: British author George Orwell published his dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-four, a warning against totalitarianism that introduced such concepts as Big Brother and the Thought Police.

Even in his book written for the simplest among us, Animal Farm, it was right there in black and white.....the danger of anointing one group as 'more equal.'

Even if Orwell had used the specific language for the lies, "systemic racism," and "white privilege," the simpletons would still go along with it.
The thread title should read somehow (I) never learn the fact the republicscans are as corrupt as the democrats the fact you bury your head in the sand like an ostrich when facts are put in front of your face the republicrats are as corrupt as the demopublicans :uhoh3:
Orwell warned us of what we are going though, the dangers of totalitarianism, yet, Democrats still manage to get elected.

View attachment 347469

On this date, June 8th of 1949: British author George Orwell published his dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-four, a warning against totalitarianism that introduced such concepts as Big Brother and the Thought Police.

Even in his book written for the simplest among us, Animal Farm, it was right there in black and white.....the danger of anointing one group as 'more equal.'

Even if Orwell had used the specific language for the lies, "systemic racism," and "white privilege," the simpletons would still go along with it.

The warnings were there, and not just from authors like Orwell.

If you are a Democrat voter, and don't read, well......didn't you learn from the history of the 20th century what your Democrat doctrines and agenda produce????


Well there were other warnings......take this one from 2017:

"Columbia Sportswear may close Portland office over death threats, public defecation by homeless people
Columbia Sportswear may be the next business to flee downtown Portland after a series of frightening encounters with the city's homeless population, including car break-ins, human waste dumped by the office's front door and threats to its employees.

In an op-ed piece published earlier this month by The Oregonian, Columbia Sportswear President and CEO Tim Boyle said he is concerned he made a mistake when he opened a headquarters for the company’s Sorel footwear brand downtown, calling the situation "outrageous and unacceptable."

"In fact, I am so concerned about the safety of our employees at the Sorel headquarters that we are taking the next 90 days to re-evaluate our location decision," Boyle wrote."

Nothing's what Democrat governance does.

"Portland homeless crisis: sportswear CEO's threat prompts soul-searching
Tim Boyle, CEO of Columbia Sportswear, has threatened to relocate the Portland headquarters of one of his brands, citing safety concerns. How to resolve the issue is leaving the city divided."

It's always a mistake to elect Democrats.

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