Someone explain this re Obozo's long form birth certificate

I have though i don't remember him raising this point. No one ever talks about this. Why didn't the certifier say "this is a true copy" instead of "true copy or abstract". Looks like he knew this was not a true copy and wanted to avoid legal problems.

Because if they would have stamped it "this is a true copy" you would have cried that it was a copy and not the original. Kind of like you're doing now....


HAHA. You don't even understand the issue. Of course it's not the original. But obozo did claim it was a copy of the original. And yet the document itself says it may be an abstract - something made up with info from different sources. THINK

Copy or abstract is a standard stamp couild be used for any number of situations...

And you didn't respond to the point I made... You are right now crying over the word "abstract", if it simply said "copy" you would cry because it's a copy and cannot be verified without the original... Now please explain how this will get the last several years back?

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