Someone explain to me... Why didn't CMS KNOW 14 million people now


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
are registering for MEDICAID NOW?
Why did it require destruction of 99% of Americans with health insurance to cover 14 million people that EVERYONE
obviously EXCEPT CMS knew they were qualified for Medicaid?

I mean Obama SOLD ACA to people by counting:
18 million people that as they are under 34 and can afford as they make over $50K and therefore DON'T want health insurance as "uninsured"!
These people didn't want or need so WHY now does ACA force them to buy?
Then it was common knowledge 14 million asked by Census are you insured answered NO...BUT THEY DIDN"T know they were covered by Medicaid!
Finally how many times has Obama said "illegals" will not be covered... YET 10 million are said by the Census as uninsured ARE NOT CITIZENS!

42 million people that didn't want , didn't know and were not legal... NOT 46 million!

So why all this massive disruption , the losses of potentially 16 million people's insurance so they can comply with ACA?
Health care expert Bob Laszewski has done the math, and he claims that about 16 million people are going to see their policies evaporate. ...
As many as 16 million Americans may lose their insurance due to Obamacare

How absolutely STUPID! All for 4 million people that simply can be covered for less then a 10% tax on lawyers' $270 billion that lawyers make
off health care suits among other sources!
AND because physicians FEAR lawsuits THEY order $850 billion a year in wasted, defensive medicine practices!
$850 billion that can be reduced by $100 billion or more a year!
ALL because of 4 million? OR is there another reason???

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