Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

And now you show your ignorance. That’s not what Trump and his corrupt cronies were doing.

They were trying to block the votes of entire states. Literally. That’s the ask in Texas v Pennsylvania.

It’s way worse to wait for people to vote, see who votes for Democrats, and then after the election take away their votes and have the courts install the Republican. That’s a coup.

At least doing it before an election allows a different Republican to be placed on the ballot.

That's exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it.

So fraudulent elections should be allowed with no way to try to counter them?
Calling YOU a coward for bringing the article here ... take it to the streets ... load your gun ... start the killing yourself ...

This is a call for civil war, plain and simple.

YOUR words, coward ... now own them or withdraw them ...


No withdraw you keyboard commando twat-waddle.
That's exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it.

So fraudulent elections should be allowed with no way to try to counter them?
Again, it wasn’t fraud. You guys tried to erase the votes of literally everyone in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.


Are you trying to say that everyone in those states is guilty of voter fraud?

Fuck no.

And you’re going to be too big of a coward to address this point. Watch. I bet you avoid it at all costs.

He didn't.
Like Soros DA supporting Dems?
Like Dems wanting men to win at women sports?

I can go on, but your fisking your whole bullshit screed isn't worth my time, poseur.

Also bullshit.
Now I'm supposed to worry about some Soros guy, I have never bought anything from, never been to Jackson, another aging boogieman to offer up, again nothing to support, simple somebody else I am supposed to hate. Like I say, no solutions, again. Hey. I don't know the 93 year old fck, but haven't seen him on a ballot in Madison Country Tennessee. Don't you guys have anything worth supporting, except who to hate?
And now you show your ignorance. That’s not what Trump and his corrupt cronies were doing.

They were trying to block the votes of entire states. Literally. That’s the ask in Texas v Pennsylvania.

It’s way worse to wait for people to vote, see who votes for Democrats, and then after the election take away their votes and have the courts install the Republican. That’s a coup.

At least doing it before an election allows a different Republican to be placed on the ballot.
A "different" Republican in Liberalspeak means some pussy moderate who'll automatically lose to the Communists. Sorry, but no.
Everything Trump did, was legal.
The problem is they NEVER showed court worthy proof and evidence that the election was conducted in such an illegal manner.

Just because a party makes the claim, doesn't mean it's true.

Proof is required to make such a move by those congress critters, not merely political propaganda. The states run elections. We he people choose our representative leaders, NOT CONGRESS. They just can't override the votes of we the people and steal the election from them as Trump and republican congress critters tried to do....illegally tried to do at that!
Constitutional disqualification in the 14th is part of our Constitution. The Dirty Don and his collaborators should be disqualified from holding public office until the 14th is revoked. Ya'll should work on revoking that.

...worst "insurrection" ever...dumbass
Now I'm supposed to worry about some Soros guy, I have never bought anything from, never been to Jackson, another aging boogieman to offer up, again nothing to support, simple somebody else I am supposed to hate. Like I say, no solutions, again. Hey. I don't know the 93 year old fck, but haven't seen him on a ballot in Madison Country Tennessee. Don't you guys have anything worth supporting, except who to hate?
youve seen his bought and paid for stooges on the ballot.

no doubt about it.
So you support America's Holocaust of murdering, yes, murdering unborn children.
So if they don't abort they can drop them all off on your doorstep and you will raise them all?

If not, then mind your own fucking business.
So you support America's Holocaust of murdering, yes, murdering unborn children.
I support not making the decision for all women (who cannot get around your new laws) and not letting a bunch of angry old men make it for them under penalty of law. Your idea of "if you fuck them, they are gonna stay fucked whether they like it or not, even if it kills them. Women really aren't bad people, ya know? Heck, I like women. I definitely like them more than I like You.
youve seen his bought and paid for stooges on the ballot.

no doubt about it.
No. I haven't. Maybe you should publish a list of Tennessee Politicians bought and paid for by Soros. Otherwise, just blow it out your ass.
A purge on this historic scale may be implausible, but it’s theoretically possible because of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, also known as the Disqualification Clause. It says public officials who aid or take part in an insurrection against the U.S. Constitution violate the oaths they took to support it. Section 3 disqualifies them from serving in state or federal government again.

This requires a conviction for the crime of insurrection.
Maybe you guy should stop supporting somebody with his kind of history of going against the Constitution. Maybe you guys should support law and order candidates the support the laws of the land. Maybe you guys should stop trying to rule over women. They really aren't bad people. They just dont want to be ruled over individually, even in childbirth, by a bunch of angry old white men, seeing their opportunity to put them in their place. Making them criminals, as well as anybody that thinks they should have some say, with their doctor regarding reproduction in their own body, just because some of the might be poor and can't afford to get around your new laws in your gerrymandered states, keeping it off the ballot, just because you know you always lose if people get to vote, instead of just the angry old white guys. Maybe you guys should give up on the Affordable health care act, and taking healthcare away from millions. It's not like you guys ever came up with a plan. Remember, the new Republican plan that was coming out in two weeks? That was 6 years ago and nothing ever proposed. Maybe you guys should give up on giving away Ukraine to the Russian. Maybe you guys should give up on destroying the electric generating capacity of Texas (Nov showing them producing 13.8% of total US output), just because they use a lot of wind energy instead of fossil fuels, and same thing for South Dakota, getting 44.6% of their electricity from wind. Maybe those people don't want to sit around in the dark waiting for you to come up with viable power sources. It's not like you guys ever have new ideas to solve problems. We're pretty well used to you guys having no solutions to any problems, just basically getting pissed if you don't like solutions by the other side, you won't even talk to them about, so willing to tear it all down, with no solutions even proposed.

I've voted Republican many times since 1972, but lately (at least the last 10-15 years) you don't offer any choices on policy or solutions, just the promise of them. Never suggested when in power, as then more interested in payback, gamesmanship, and personal promotion than governance.
Your post deserves a more complete reply, so here goes.
1. Trump didn't "go against the Constitution" if you think he did list the times.
2. Republicans are Law & Order candidates. Democrats are criminal enablers, flash mobs, murderers, DAs not prosecuting, no bail, etc.
3. I agree that abortion is now a state issue, religious people can lobby for the unborn, the EU generally has a 15-week ban on abortions, which is more civilized than the barbaric late term abortions allowed in 7 democrat states.
4. I'm a Pro-Choice Republican, not an angry white guy, the fewer democrats the better, abortions lower the prison populations.
5. Agreed the Affordable Care Act is law until it isn't. With a $37T Debt entitlements and give-aways will be cut, not expanded.
6. The EU needs to pony up and match the US contributions, the US borrowing power is exhausted.
7. You need to explain how the GOP is "destroying" wind electric generating capacity??? Nuclear is viable and "green", and NEW??.
8. The biggest problem the US has is the $37T Debt and the explodiong interest on that debt. The "Crazy 8" Republicans that want to cut spending are doing something. I don't see democrats proposing any spending cuts.

That was a very partisan post. Your whining won't help senile Joe in 2024. Good Luck!
I support not making the decision for all women (who cannot get around your new laws) and not letting a bunch of angry old men make it for them under penalty of law. Your idea of "if you fuck them, they are gonna stay fucked whether they like it or not, even if it kills them. Women really aren't bad people, ya know? Heck, I like women. I definitely like them more than I like You.
GMC is stupid. He wants to keep losing elections until the Republican party is lost. Abortion is none of his fucking business.
Again, it wasn’t fraud. You guys tried to erase the votes of literally everyone in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.


Are you trying to say that everyone in those states is guilty of voter fraud?

Fuck no.

And you’re going to be too big of a coward to address this point. Watch. I bet you avoid it at all costs.
Progressives started this decades ago and there have been questionable local elections for much longer. The differences in pronounced agendas are wide. And get wider with Progs once they are in power. For they go off the rails going further left. They go for the jugular. The problem is that when started the population never asked for it. You are losing control of your own now. I expect Jewish Americans to be attacked from your own at some point with many Prog Jews still voting the same. That war needs to end just for that. Your party is a party of disgruntled groups who have won near everything but cannot understand why everything is not nirvana. There is no nirvana.
Again, it wasn’t fraud. You guys tried to erase the votes of literally everyone in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.


Are you trying to say that everyone in those states is guilty of voter fraud?

Fuck no.

And you’re going to be too big of a coward to address this point. Watch. I bet you avoid it at all costs.

No, we were trying to find fraud, and if found, counter it.

I am saying if fraud occurred enough to change the results, why should it be rewarded?

Right at it, cuck-bitch.

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