Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

So what? By statute, all it takes is a House member and a Senate member to formally object and both the Senate and the House would then meet separately and eventually hold a vote on the matter. If both chambers pass the measure, then action can be taken. That law has never been tested for it's constitutionally. There was no way it was going to pass in 2020 either. A highly partisan letter is meaningless in the face of the Constitution and the law.
what are you talking about? What law? Partisan letter? Do you know what the letters stated? Go ahead and post a letter, I bet you are making stuff up and lying
and there you go, lying, or ignorantly repeating something you think you heard

Where did I offer an interpretation? I did not. If you lie about what I post, we can only assume you are a liar regarding everything else
You are referring to the fringe independent state legislature theory. I know this because I’m smarter and better informed than you.
And just like I said you avoided the issue.

Tell me how you are countering fraud by removing every fucking vote from every fucking voter in four states that just so happened to vote for Biden?

You weren’t countering fraud, asshole. You were looking for a court mandated coup.

Nope. If there was fraud and it was found, the fraudulent votes would be removed, and the result would go to the actual winner.

And you would ignore actual evidence of fraud by your side if it was stapled to your empty head.
1. Went against the Constitution multiple times, even trying to coerce his VP in on the act, which he refused.
2. They don't support law and order, especially not if the perp has an "R" beside his name. If there is an "R" beside their name, they don't want them investigated, charged and certainly don't want to see them answering to a jury of peers, based on evidence. This could be because Republican lawyers just aren't worth a sht, so they don't trust juries to go along with them without evidence.
3 & 4. I don't care what they have in the EU. You have a decent position on abortion, but the party you are committed to, doesn't see it your way.
5. If they had a proposal, I would listen to it, but making proposals or working to fix legislation just isn't something they do anymore.
6. Top five economies in Europe do not come anywhere near the sized of the US economy and they are not united under one fiat currency such as we are. Don't look for it. We basically print the money we need and put credit it in the appropriate accounts to pay for what we deem important. I am a former "Cold Warrior". I would not encourage Ukraine to give Russia a damned thing. If they want to fight and die to resist the bear, I say support them. Better them doing the work on the ground and us.
7. They haven't tried to destroy it, only slow down the transition, really. A lot of them rail against wind and solar, but they really have no other solutions (again). I figure it goes back to the fossil fuel thing. I don't think they have figured out the economics, that the US is not getting rid of fossil fuels in my lifetime, your lifetime or anybody under 30, and there is more long term investor money in fossil fuels, so they think they are protecting self interests, but its really not a zero sum game, and being the planet's largest supplier with only the 6th to 10th largest reserves, really isn't the best long term sustainable position.
8. BS. They crazy 8 aren't fiscal conservatives or any other type of conservatives. It's all a sham. There hasn't been a fiscal conservative over there since the 90s, as you can tell whenever they come to power, either spending like drunk sailors giving tax breaks to their wealthiest donors to keep the wheels of politics greased. Mind you the Dems are definitely big spenders but the 8 are just political thug and I doubt any made good grades in finance or economic. Heck, I think some barely graced a classroom.
1. True, but the Constitution held. Pence didn't let Trump's desperation succeed.
2. You type shit with no proof. The FBI, aka "Waffen SS" falsified evidence against Trump (Clinesmith), they paid to censor Biden's crimes (Twitter Files), they covered up the crimes listed in Hunter's laptop, they let Blinken's lie with the 51 traitors stand that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation", they instigated the J6 riot. The FBI is politicized and weaponized. You did NOT address the democrat criminal enablers when Soros DAs don't prosecute flash mobs and murderers, and allow zero bail so criminals are back on the street.
3./4 ok
5. Agreed. Until a new healthcare plan emerges Obamacare is it.
6. The EU / NATO countries need to match the US contributions to Ukraine. (Not just the top 6) Its their neighborhood, not ours. We agree Ukraine needs support, I just want Europe to pony up.
7. The GOP rails against buying wind and solar gear from China and the EU. Remember Solyndra?
8. We need to wait for January until we can say if the Crazy-8 will stick to their guns and actually cut spending. We know that Chuckie Schumer already said he will not allow ANY cuts (in an election year) so maybe a shutdown is coming, for real. (we both know that they just kick the can down the road again and again and again... so we'll see)
google it bitch
You got nothing, cause there is nothing. Yet, I'm supposed to be terrified of the name, just because you are? Fk you, bitch. I don't tremble in fear as easy as you.
I'm in Tennessee, dickhead. You want to wave a boogieman in my face? You're just looking for anything to avoid evidence and due process. I literally have no experience with "Soros" people in Tennessee. It's always some other place, some other time. Dude, the old fk is 93 years old. He'll be dead in 10 years. Find a big problem you can have a proposal to solve, instead of one not effecting me, that will solve itself in just a few years.

Map shows how many Soros-linked prosecutors there are around the country — and how many have been removed

hey look a dot in Tennessee!

Now try to dodge this one, fucker.

His son is taking over his mantle.
You got nothing, cause there is nothing. Yet, I'm supposed to be terrified of the name, just because you are? Fk you, bitch. I don't tremble in fear as easy as you.
fuck you. I live just outside TN. Anytime your bitch ass wants to continue this just let me know. Memphis is a fun town. If you don't mind dodging the liberal run shit hole, car jackings, armed robberies.....come on over. If you wanted to know about Soros you would know. You don't need me to spoon feed your pussy ass. Just look it up. Now, fuck straight off.
what are you talking about? What law? Partisan letter? Do you know what the letters stated? Go ahead and post a letter, I bet you are making stuff up and lying
The outdated 1887 Electoral Count Act. The president of the Senate has no authority to object to any states certified total. His only obligation is to count the EC votes from the states. It's your claim about the state legislature letter that you say a hundred signed. You post it.
Nope. If there was fraud and it was found, the fraudulent votes would be removed, and the result would go to the actual winner.

And you would ignore actual evidence of fraud by your side if it was stapled to your empty head.
Yet again, loser, you’re ignoring the actual lawsuits filed by Trump has his corrupt cronies.

Texas v Pennsylvania asked the Supreme Court to prevent four states (who just so happened to vote for Biden) from voting in the electoral college.

That’s not about excluding fraudulent ballots. That’s excluding EVERY ballot.

Tell me how that isnt a court mandated coup?
Yet again, loser, you’re ignoring the actual lawsuits filed by Trump has his corrupt cronies.

Texas v Pennsylvania asked the Supreme Court to prevent four states (who just so happened to vote for Biden) from voting in the electoral college.

That’s not about excluding fraudulent ballots. That’s excluding EVERY ballot.

Tell me how that isnt a court mandated coup?

because the votes in those four states were being questioned by them.

Because it was using the legal system as availible, and used in the past?

Using the 14th amendment to disqualify 1/3 of congress hasn't been done before, but I bet you would be pounding your pud if they tried it.
because the votes in those four states were being questioned by them.

Because it was using the legal system as availible, and used in the past?

Using the 14th amendment to disqualify 1/3 of congress hasn't been done before, but I bet you would be pounding your pud if they tried it.
Lots of just straight up lies in this post.

It’s idiotic to say that every voter in those four states committed fraud. So your belief that you’re just trying to exclude voter fraud is a lie. You’re trying to exclude Biden votes. Second, you dont know shit about the lawsuits because it wasn’t about voter fraud, but about their problems with the election procedures.

Two, Texas v Pennsylvania was totally unprecedented. No state has ever sought to take away the votes of other states.

Third, the 14th amendment has been used to disqualify a lot of people. Thats its whole fucking reason to exist. Asking to the courts to apply the 14th amendment to people is using the legal system, dipshit.
This guy is basically calling for a Court mandated coup.

The Disqualification Clause is clear — let’s use it

Does he really think 1/2 the country would accept this lying down and let the Dems get super majorities in both houses?

This is a call for civil war, plain and simple.

Trump provided aid and comfort to seditionists. The 14th Amendment can be used to keep him off the ballots. It's up to the states.
Lots of just straight up lies in this post.

It’s idiotic to say that every voter in those four states committed fraud. So your belief that you’re just trying to exclude voter fraud is a lie. You’re trying to exclude Biden votes. Second, you dont know shit about the lawsuits because it wasn’t about voter fraud, but about their problems with the election procedures.

Two, Texas v Pennsylvania was totally unprecedented. No state has ever sought to take away the votes of other states.

Third, the 14th amendment has been used to disqualify a lot of people. Thats its whole fucking reason to exist. Asking to the courts to apply the 14th amendment to people is using the legal system, dipshit.

Every voter doesn't have to commit fraud, just enough to make one side win fraudulently.

You are creating a bullshit standard to cover your own bullshit.

Name anyone disqualified by the 14th amendment not related to the Civil War.
Trump provided aid and comfort to seditionists. The 14th Amendment can be used to keep him off the ballots. It's up to the states.

In a federal election it is not up to the States.

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