Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

Yes, I remember the name Solyndra. Whoever they were. It didn't work. I also remember TVA. I am familiar with Los Vientos Wind Farm - 912 megawatts, Roscoe Wind Farm - 781.5 megawatts,
Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center - 735.5 megwatts.
I am also becoming more familiar with South Dakota, in the wind energy production game. They get ver 44% of their electricity from wind. This genie is out of the bottle whether you like it or not and people are making big bucks, producing. So live with it.
All the profit is government subsidies as well as dictated. Not a free market.
Simple accusation or assertion is insufficient to successfully invoke this clause.
It has to be proven, in court - just like counterfeiting and treason.
Due process, see.

The 14th amendment does not require a conviction. To date, none of the people barred from holding office under the 14th amendment were convicted of insurrection.
I did. Maybe you should read the post you responded to.

To wit:


Tell me why you believe Boo holds the position that a conviction of insurrection is required to invoke the relevant clause of the 14th.

Be specific. Quote his words.
Let me get this straight, so I can understand the magnitude of your grievance. There are 2,300 prosecutor offices in the United States and you show me an article say there are 70 Soros contributed people in office, and one of these is somewhere I my state. And I am supposed to have my ass all tore up, because of Soros? Get real dude! Don't you have a life? This ain't the Burger King. You can't have it your way from sea to shining sea. Can't you be happy about the 2,230 prosecutors? I just can't get too worked up.
exactly why I didn't take the time to show you anything. Because your a bitch thats incapable of admitting when you are wrong

and you were wrong. and its been shown by someone who gave enough of a shit to take the time to show you.
"Waffen SS"? Have you lost your damned mind? Listen to yourself. You're in public. I bet you don't talk that crazy crap at your local city counsel. Most of the evidence (leaked though it has been) sounds pretty solid in most cases. At least solid enough you idiots won't beat it with Republican lawyers, as they are generally not worth a sht, dealing with evidence. I heard all about Hunter's laptop, reported many times. It just didn't connect Joe. We all know Hunter is a sht. If he runs for something, I won't vote for him, and if you can get jailed, I will lose no sleep. OK?
As for Europeans ponying up, they should. but they are many smaller countries and I am not ready to give Europe to your Russian friends because they are carrying the bulk of the load, so you and your Russian friends are just screwed.

Yes, I remember the name Solyndra. Whoever they were. It didn't work. I also remember TVA. I am familiar with Los Vientos Wind Farm - 912 megawatts, Roscoe Wind Farm - 781.5 megawatts, Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center - 735.5 megwatts. I am also becoming more familiar with South Dakota, in the wind energy production game. They get over 44% of their electricity from wind. This genie is out of the bottle whether you like it or not and people are making big bucks, producing. So live with it.
1. Yes, "Waffen SS", here are the reasons again:
"The FBI, aka "Waffen SS" falsified evidence against Trump (Clinesmith), they paid to censor Biden's crimes (Twitter Files), they covered up the crimes listed in Hunter's laptop, they let Blinken's lie with the 51 traitors stand that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation", they instigated the J6 riot. The FBI is politicized and weaponized."

2. How can I give Europe to my Russian friends if they all belong to NATO? The only ones getting screwed are we, the US taxpayers, paying too much to support Ukraine, when the EU needs to step up. Their GDP is bigger than ours.

3. I like green energy, I like it more when the equipment is made in the USA, and the people making "big bucks" are Americans.
OK. Doesn't excuse your party's undemocratic attempt to remove Republicans from the ballot based on an absurd legal theory

If you've taken an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, then try to undermine the Constitution, you should be barred from ever serving again.

The Republicans that supported the attempted insurrection have brough this upon themselves. Those that continue to support them do not deserve to have a voice in a Democracy that they want to destroy.

To wit:

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Tell me why you believe Boo holds the position that a conviction of insurrection is required to invoke the relevant clause of the 14th.

Be specific. Quote his words.
Boo believes the conviction is NOT required to invoke the 14th amendment.

Any disqualification is not based on a mere accusation but is adjudicated in court by a judge who determines if the accusation is true.
Simple accusation or assertion is insufficient to successfully invoke this clause.
It has to be proven, in court - just like counterfeiting and treason.
Due process, see.
Unlike Trumps claims of a widespread multi-state conspiracy, they are not simple accusations or assertions without evidence.
No such thing as fake electors, which is an extremely dumb statement the democrats make over and over.

Of course there is. Only the winning candidate of each state can have electors to be counted by Congress. Any others are fake. Only legitimate slates are certified by the state. None of the fake electors were certified by their respective state.
1. Yes, "Waffen SS", here are the reasons again:
"The FBI, aka "Waffen SS" falsified evidence against Trump (Clinesmith), they paid to censor Biden's crimes (Twitter Files), they covered up the crimes listed in Hunter's laptop, they let Blinken's lie with the 51 traitors stand that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation", they instigated the J6 riot. The FBI is politicized and weaponized."
Literally none of this is true.
Boo believes the conviction is NOT required to invoke the 14th amendment.

Any disqualification is not based on a mere accusation but is adjudicated in court by a judge who determines if the accusation is true.
I believe I said that a conviction in a court is not explicitly expressed the the Amendment. Of course I'm more than willing to accept the courts decision to allow or disallow him on the ballots.

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