Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling

Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling

Its a stupid ruling

the pandering thats going on is to the sexual. freak show on the left

Imagine if an employee showed up for work one day looking like this:

Why people keep beleiving the right wing atheists and 'Libertarians' aren't as determined to sink America as their left wing brothers and sisters is just amazing; they're both funded by Wall Street, they both love criminal illegal aliens, they both hate uppity patriots and working class people, they both love Red China and its labor racketeering, both love legalizing degenerate porn, love mass baby killing, both worship mindless self-indulgence, and both love big giant Federal subsidies. They're 'Globalists' all. Siccing diseased mentally ill sex freaks on the unwashed masses children is just another fun activity for them.
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling

/——/ You make such a reasoned and unbiased argument. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
BertramN's typically illiterate, idiotic predictions. The Black Live Matter Cult has received hundreds of millions of dollars from "billionaire" corporations. American tax paying citizens want nothing to do with the BLM Cult and consider it devastating to the fabric of the Western World.
With Supreme Court justices having lifetime appointments I just don't see any motivation for a justice to set aside their own beliefs for sake of creating controversy. If you're in position to make a long term historic decision, why forfeit that opportunity for such a short term reason which provides no personal gain?
BertramN's typically illiterate, idiotic predictions. The Black Live Matter Cult has received hundreds of millions of dollars from "billionaire" corporations. American tax paying citizens want nothing to do with the BLM Cult and consider it devastating to the fabric of the Western World.

They find all those white proles annoying and in the way of setting up a Red Chinese style 'business environment' here; blakc,s criminal illegal aliens, assorted refugees from tribal cultures, etc., are needed to kill those uppity nationalists off, hence the big push to legalize black violence and crimes against whites, while making it illegal for whites below a certain income level to defend themselves.
With Supreme Court justices having lifetime appointments I just don't see any motivation for a justice to set aside their own beliefs for sake of creating controversy. If you're in position to make a long term historic decision, why forfeit that opportunity for such a short term reason which provides no personal gain?

They are all still subject to peer pressure from their social groups, and they like hanging out with the wealthy, get good deals on big houses, insider stock tips, etc. they don't live in a vacuum all by themselves; they vote the way their buddies want them to most of the time.
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling.

They already stole it. They just printed $7 trillion & gave half of us $1,200 totaling $196 billion. They stole the other $6.8 Trillion!!!
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling

LGBT lol. The normalization of sexual perversion. You people are sick.
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling


Well a Supreme court nominee by a Republican is not like one appointed by a democrat. If a democrat appoints one the Supreme Court justice need not even show up to hear the case because they vote along party lines 110% of the time. They may as well be dead like Ginsberg died years ago

However, if you are nominated by a Republican, every court case is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes they vote party line and other times not. They do a thing called thinking.
I've heard some people claim they voted for a crap president for the conservative justices and they are still not voting to screw minorities.
Its a stupid ruling

the pandering thats going on is to the sexual. freak show on the left

Imagine if an employee showed up for work one day looking like this:

Then he would be breaking the dress code. Just like an employee who showed up looking like this would.

Then he would be breaking the dress code. Just like an employee who showed up looking like this would.
You have no idea whats coming

the trans-gay-whatever will argue that what you see reflects the gender they claim to be

and the demigods in black robes will agree with them
Something Devastating To Average Americans Is Coming...Soon

When the conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court go against the GOP’s pandering to the Christian hypocrites in their voter base, and rule in favor of the LGBT community on any issue, it is done only to cause controversy. The goal is to draw a sharp line between the two sides, which then diverts the public’s attention from something congress and/or the impeached president trump is doing.

Usually, the controversy disguises some massive handout to Big Business and the billionaire class consisting of uncounted billions-of-dollars (trillions-of-dollars now). The “something” being done will likely include a big tax cut for the fat cats, and the “windfall” to Big Business and the billionaire class will, of course, be money the government is forced borrow.

And while it’s entertaining as he11 to watch the Christian righteous crap their panties, be prepared to see average Americans get really screwed, financially,...again.

Conservative Christians See 'Seismic Implications' in Supreme Court Ruling


when the cv lockdown first started I told my wife;

after this is all over

smaller businesses will have folded

bigger businesses will sweep up the crumbs

and the rich will get richer, in property and $

so more of the "wealth" will be concentrated in fewer hands

I've been reading a lot of reports suggesting that is already happening
You have no idea whats coming

the trans-gay-whatever will argue that what you see reflects the gender they claim to be

and the demigods in black robes will agree with them

Well, no, you are still required to adhere to a dress code. So, um, no. Sorry, man, I know you are still upset about that time you picked up the Tranny in the bar, but let it go. We all totally believe you were drunk and totally have a case of the "Not-gays".

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