Something good is going to come out of the Coronavirus Epidemic


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2010
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.
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With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.
BULL. All that will come out of it is more senseless and totally unfair and irrational rules, regulations and restrictions interfering with and making our lives harder. Every company (and government) will exploit the opportunity to dream up crap that shifts more burden and cost from themselves onto the individual. That's all you're going to see out of this.
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.
On the other hand, if you live in a sanitized bubble your immune system will weaken and you will have to remain in that bubble the rest of your life.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Well, to tell the truth, there ARE some good things that have come out of this.

Police say that in many places, crime is down 30 percent.

LA has the cleanest air they've had in years.

People in India can now see the Himalaya mountains since the pollution has cleared.

It might not be much, but these are just a few of the positives from the virus.
Well, to tell the truth, there ARE some good things that have come out of this.

Police say that in many places, crime is down 30 percent.

LA has the cleanest air they've had in years.

People in India can now see the Himalaya mountains since the pollution has cleared.

It might not be much, but these are just a few of the positives from the virus.

True, most kinds of crime are down, for essentially the same reason you worry less about your car getting broken into while it's raining. The one type of crime that is up is sadly domestic violence.

As far as touching one's face though, I've tried to wipe the sleep out of my eyes upon waking up with my feet and I just can't reach it. Any more.
Well, to tell the truth, there ARE some good things that have come out of this.

Police say that in many places, crime is down 30 percent.

LA has the cleanest air they've had in years.

People in India can now see the Himalaya mountains since the pollution has cleared.

It might not be much, but these are just a few of the positives from the virus.
Ongoing proof that the 90% population reduction will be a beautiful thing for The Real Owners. Time to put a serious kick up in AI and robotics. I'm glad I can weld, fabricate metal and build and repair machinery and write the code for it.
I'll be a great slave !

"Politicians hide themselves away.
They only started the wars.
Why should they go out to fight ?
They leave that all to the poor. YEAH ! "

The earth with 700 million or so....Nothing to fight about. We gots plenty. Take all that "non essential" shit apart and recycle it.
Well, to tell the truth, there ARE some good things that have come out of this.

Police say that in many places, crime is down 30 percent.

LA has the cleanest air they've had in years.

People in India can now see the Himalaya mountains since the pollution has cleared.

It might not be much, but these are just a few of the positives from the virus.
Thanks for looking at the bright side. An EMS vehicle transported my neighbor to the hospital last night so I'm not feeling all that chipper this morning. However, I truly believe that every dark cloud does have a silver lining. We just have to look for it. The great depression and WWII produced the greatest industrial complex in world. The dark ages gave way to the renaissance. The Civil War created a nation that was truly indivisible. Los Angles, notorious for smog and pollution reported the cleanest air in the world among all the major cities a few days ago. In New Delhi, a city of 21 million, where residents rarely experience a deep blue sky or a breath of really clean air are seeing low pollution levels that few people there have every seen. And it's not just air pollution. Have you noticed the wide open freeways with traffic so light, you can drive in 10 mins what took you an hour to drive a month ago. It's remissness of driving in the 50's and the 60's when driving was a pleasure not a chore. The canals in Venice are running clear and dolphins are appearing in waterways. People are rediscovered books and families are beginning to really communicate.

Maybe, just maybe we will be able to hang on to some of the good stuff.
You know, I hope that all the kindness and help that people are giving each other will continue even after this is over.

But, I fear, it's gonna be like Christmas, where people are generous for one month out of the year, and the rest of the time, it's all about the individual.
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.

A lot of the country isn't doing any such thing.

Sorry to tell you that.

But there are articles.

I've seen it first hand in a large metro area.

And I know people who've told me the same thing.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!

Do they call you "brown-eyes" ?

You are soooooo full of shit.
I have no doubt that some good will come from it.

A great deal of research and testing are being done as we work towards a vaccine, and they always learn good stuff along the way; hopefully our various emergency services have made some improvements on processes; new lines of communication between government and health services have been opened; a general public awareness of dangers we face is always a good thing.
Well, another good thing that has come out of this pandemic is the fact that gas prices are lower than they have been in a long time. Saw gas for 1.43/gal yesterday.
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.

A lot of the country isn't doing any such thing.

Sorry to tell you that.

But there are articles.

I've seen it first hand in a large metro area.

And I know people who've told me the same thing.
According the CDC, it takes about 85% compliance for the curve to flatten out. Since the curve is flattening I would say most people are following the guidelines, however very few follow it to the letter If people truly isolated themselves we would have no new cases.. I live in the Seattle area and see a lot of people that are not following the governors orders but in most cases there are good reasons. There is absolutely no need to wear masks in outdoor areas where you are very unlike to have anyone within 6 feet of you. I saw a group of 9 people in front of a fast food place that couldn't have had a distance between them more than a foot or so. However, I know this group is large family. They live together and staying 6 feet apart isn't practical.

Keep in mind that the areas of country with high infection rates may be some time before things really return to normal. Also, this is the first outbreak. American are going to have plenty of practice at disease avoidance and some it is going stick.
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You know, when this pandemic subsides and people start returning to their normal lives, I wonder how long it is going to take to crap up the air again?

Climate people need to be watching this now and monitoring what is going on, because I know that when life gets back to some form of normal, people are going to go back to doing whatever they want, which many times, includes polluting the planet.
You know, when this pandemic subsides and people start returning to their normal lives, I wonder how long it is going to take to crap up the air again?

Climate people need to be watching this now and monitoring what is going on, because I know that when life gets back to some form of normal, people are going to go back to doing whatever they want, which many times, includes polluting the planet.
Not long, especially in liberal shit-hole cities. They always crap in their own backyards and point fingers at everyone else.
You know, when this pandemic subsides and people start returning to their normal lives, I wonder how long it is going to take to crap up the air again?

Climate people need to be watching this now and monitoring what is going on, because I know that when life gets back to some form of normal, people are going to go back to doing whatever they want, which many times, includes polluting the planet.
Most probably but some won't and since this a worldwide occurrence, some could be a lot of people. I have a friend in India that I correspond with. He said it's really is amazing, day after day of blue sky, and white clouds. His kids are seeing a world they have never seen before.
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.

sounds like a communist plot to me,,,
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......

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