Something good is going to come out of the Coronavirus Epidemic

I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Its B moviean.
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Its B moviean.

Your siggy line is stupid. RED. Democrats aren't doing this to you. Republicans are.
With all the bad news about the virus, more new cases, more new deaths, no vaccine, and no treatment, I've got to thinking that there has to be something good that will come out of all this and this may be it.

The country is putting into practice common sense disease prevention habits such as hand washing, avoiding overly crowded places, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when sick. We all learned this stuff from parents and health classes in school, but as adults most of us have dismissed it as not being very important. 97% of the people do not wash their hands before eating and a huge number of Americans never wash their hands except when bathing. The average person puts their hands in their mouth, picks or rubs their nose, or rubs their eyes over 50 times a day. Over half of the workers in the US routinely go to work when there’re sick.

The longer we practice disease preventing behaviors the more likely they are to become habits that will remain with us long after Covid 19 is gone. If only some of the people stick with this behavior, the reduction in the transmission of diseases such as the flu, Hepatitus, Salmonella, gastrointestinal infections, and upper and lower respiratory infections such as colds and influenza could be dramatic, reducing the cost of health care and improving worker productivity.

sounds like a communist plot to me,,,
Workplace productivity is a description of the amount of work employees can do within a certain number of hours. It is also used in discussion of labor costs. It's a term that applies to all businesses, a communist collective farm, a Wall Street brokerage trading department, or a Mom and Pop retail store. However, regardless of the country or the economy, a healthy workforce makes for a healthy economy.
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Stupid shit like this happens because employees are not allowed or encouraged to use common sense in application of rules. IMHO, police with clubs are not likely to get any better compliance with social distancing orders than relying on the social conscientiousness of the public.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
Well, one of the results of this virus is people are getting creative in the way they socialize, and not only that, lots of them are becoming compassionate when they see the plight of their fellow man.

That is one of the unforseen good things that I hope will continue. I like it when people start to think of others instead of just their selves.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
For Trump, coronavirus was an inconvenient truth. It just didn't fit into his plans. The economy was primed with low interest rates, unemployment was low, he had all his rallies all scheduled, and he was already for his acceptance speech at the convention. He tried everything he could think of to get rid of the virus. He tried to tweet it away, convincing the public that it was just the flu, tried claiming it was a media hoax, blamed it on the democrats, the Chinese, the WHO but it just wouldn't go away. Too bad, he never thought of trying to contain it.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
For Trump, coronavirus was an inconvenient truth. It just didn't fit into his plans. The economy was primed with low interest rates, unemployment was low, he had all his rallies all scheduled, and he was already for his acceptance speech at the convention. He tried everything he could think of to get rid of the virus. He tried to tweet it away, convincing the public that it was just the flu, tried claiming it was a media hoax, blamed it on the democrats, the Chinese, the WHO but it just wouldn't go away. Too bad, he never thought of trying to contain it.
Trump? That’s the CDC.. blame the democrat stacked department.. I know democrats are failures
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
He didn't.....fake news
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
For Trump, coronavirus was an inconvenient truth. It just didn't fit into his plans. The economy was primed with low interest rates, unemployment was low, he had all his rallies all scheduled, and he was already for his acceptance speech at the convention. He tried everything he could think of to get rid of the virus. He tried to tweet it away, convincing the public that it was just the flu, tried claiming it was a media hoax, blamed it on the democrats, the Chinese, the WHO but it just wouldn't go away. Too bad, he never thought of trying to contain it.
Trump? That’s the CDC.. blame the democrat stacked department.. I know democrats are failures
So we are back to blaming the democrats, what happen to China? The WHO?
The buck stops with the president. The CDC director and the Secretary of Health and Human Services are Trump appointees, not the democrats.

The highest duty of an American president is protecting the American people, and Donald Trump has failed rather miserably. 35,000 Americans have died of what Donald Trump has referred to as the Flu. He has mislead the American people and failed to provide the planning and resources needed to respond to the epidemic even thou he was warned multiple times that America was unprepared. Preparing for an epidemic was simple not part his game plan, so he ignored it until it was so bad he had declare a national emergency.

At the coronavirus briefing on February 26, for example, Trump said all of the following: "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
For Trump, coronavirus was an inconvenient truth. It just didn't fit into his plans. The economy was primed with low interest rates, unemployment was low, he had all his rallies all scheduled, and he was already for his acceptance speech at the convention. He tried everything he could think of to get rid of the virus. He tried to tweet it away, convincing the public that it was just the flu, tried claiming it was a media hoax, blamed it on the democrats, the Chinese, the WHO but it just wouldn't go away. Too bad, he never thought of trying to contain it.
Trump? That’s the CDC.. blame the democrat stacked department.. I know democrats are failures
So we are back to blaming the democrats, what happen to China? The WHO?
The buck stops with the president. The CDC director and the Secretary of Health and Human Services are Trump appointees, not the democrats.

The highest duty of an American president is protecting the American people, and Donald Trump has failed rather miserably. 35,000 Americans have died of what Donald Trump has referred to as the Flu. He has mislead the American people and failed to provide the planning and resources needed to respond to the epidemic even thou he was warned multiple times that America was unprepared. Preparing for an epidemic was simple not part his game plan, so he ignored it until it was so bad he had declare a national emergency.

At the coronavirus briefing on February 26, for example, Trump said all of the following: "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
Cool story
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
Office ? Who cares about a office lol the staff was used in other areas
For Trump, coronavirus was an inconvenient truth. It just didn't fit into his plans. The economy was primed with low interest rates, unemployment was low, he had all his rallies all scheduled, and he was already for his acceptance speech at the convention. He tried everything he could think of to get rid of the virus. He tried to tweet it away, convincing the public that it was just the flu, tried claiming it was a media hoax, blamed it on the democrats, the Chinese, the WHO but it just wouldn't go away. Too bad, he never thought of trying to contain it.
Trump? That’s the CDC.. blame the democrat stacked department.. I know democrats are failures
So we are back to blaming the democrats, what happen to China? The WHO?
The buck stops with the president. The CDC director and the Secretary of Health and Human Services are Trump appointees, not the democrats.

The highest duty of an American president is protecting the American people, and Donald Trump has failed rather miserably. 35,000 Americans have died of what Donald Trump has referred to as the Flu. He has mislead the American people and failed to provide the planning and resources needed to respond to the epidemic even thou he was warned multiple times that America was unprepared. Preparing for an epidemic was simple not part his game plan, so he ignored it until it was so bad he had declare a national emergency.

At the coronavirus briefing on February 26, for example, Trump said all of the following: "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
It IS the Flu. Only, it has not been as deadly as the seasonal flu so....There is that......
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
At least the guys and gals at your local bar have stopped shooting each out of fear of C19 infected blood.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
At least the guys and gals at your local bar have stopped shooting each out of fear of C19 infected blood.
The president did not
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
I think Trump believed the CDC as well as the World Health Organization had no real value and he would have abolish both if it was withing his power to do because such organizations don't delivery healthcare. That's the job of our hospitals and doctors. The CDC is composed mostly medical researchers, a job better done by private business. He simple could not come to terms with the fact that government does not and can not work the way a business does.

As far as destroying the CDCs ability to effectively fight a pandemic, he was playing the odds. We haven't had one in the US in a hundreds years thus it was unlikely to happen during his watch. He gambled and lost or I should say, tens of thousands of American lost.
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
At least the guys and gals at your local bar have stopped shooting each out of fear of C19 infected blood.
The president did not
Why did Trump, as President, destroy our disease fighting branch of government when he took Office OP?

Tens of thousands of Americans have died as a result of his feckless, reckless & incompetent actions.

Heads must roll!
I think Trump believed the CDC as well as the World Health Organization had no real value and he would have abolish both if it was withing his power to do because such organizations don't delivery healthcare. That's the job of our hospitals and doctors. The CDC is composed mostly medical researchers, a job better done by private business. He simple could not come to terms with the fact that government does not and can not work the way a business does.

As far as destroying the CDCs ability to effectively fight a pandemic, he was playing the odds. We haven't had one in the US in a hundreds years thus it was unlikely to happen during his watch. He gambled and lost or I should say, tens of thousands of American lost.
I think your thinking is wrong. There was no cut to CDC and Trump 'destroyed' nothing at CDC. This is fake news and if some of you actually did some research you would not be posting such rubbish. CDC funding actually increased under the current administration. Biden was claiming that Trump cut funding to the CDS but apparently forgot this:

In 2013, Obama proposed CUTTING CDC funding $414,000,000 year over year in addition:

“Now, President Obama’s 2012 budget calls for paring some of that spending. Funding for a public health emergency preparedness program run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was cut by about $72 million below fiscal 2010 levels in the budget proposal.” The Wall Street Journal reported in 2012.

Those cuts would later intensify. “The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) takes a hit of about $270 million in the Obama administration's proposed fiscal year 2014 budget, including significant cuts to biodefense and emergency preparedness programs," according to a 2013 post from the Center For Infectious Disease Research And Policy.

Then, in 2015, President Obama called for $50 million in budget cuts amid a measles outbreak -- and White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest's claims that ObamaCare would pick up the slack were rated false by The Washington Post's fact-checker."
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Its B moviean.

Your siggy line is stupid. RED. Democrats aren't doing this to you. Republicans are.
she lives in California.....kind of a democrat stronghold....
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Its B moviean.

Your siggy line is stupid. RED. Democrats aren't doing this to you. Republicans are.
she lives in California.....kind of a democrat stronghold....
I went to 'Sprouts' in CA (a newer grocery store) there were no lines and no mask requirements. They have regular and 'organic' stuff there so maybe it's PC and not subject to draconian restrictions. This whole shut down is ridiculous and I wish Trump would fire the so called 'medical experts' and open up the country.
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Look for a 'Sprouts' grocery store. Where I live (in CA) they have no such restrictions....Yet... This shit is ridiculous.
I was at the grocery store today that had gone totally dystopian. Even though the store was almost empty I had to wait until someone left before I could go in an not violate the occupancy limitations. All the aisles were one way with aisle monitors to make sure no one went the wrong way. But the kicker was periodically the PA system would make this announcement

Be safe. Be well. Remember, we are all in this together.

Be well John Spartan
Damn, that is downright Orwellian......
Its B moviean.

Your siggy line is stupid. RED. Democrats aren't doing this to you. Republicans are.
she lives in California.....kind of a democrat stronghold....
I went to 'Sprouts' in CA (a newer grocery store) there were no lines and no mask requirements. They have regular and 'organic' stuff there so maybe it's PC and not subject to draconian restrictions. This whole shut down is ridiculous and I wish Trump would fire the so called 'medical experts' and open up the country.
Sprouts has been around for a while....

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