Sony: Intimidated by NK, Clooney upset

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
George Clooney attacks press and Hollywood over Sony hack fallout Film The Guardian
Actor and director, who had emails exposed by the hack on Sony, said media ‘abdicated its real duty’ when reporting the attacks, and that ‘we have allowed North Korea to dictate content, and that is just insane’

Now, Clooney is absolutely right about this...

But I wonder is he realizes how this exposes the craven cowardice of his side -- that its easty to stand up to Western democracies in defense of your principles -- but when faced with someone who will kick your face in, they collapse.
China's help requested in Sony cyberattack...

AP source: US seeks China's help after cyberattack
Dec 20,`14 -- The United States is asking China for help as it weighs potential responses to a cyberattack against Sony Pictures Entertainment that the U.S. has blamed on North Korea.
A senior Obama administration official says the U.S. and China have shared information about the attack and that the U.S. has asked for China's cooperation. The official also says China agrees with the U.S. that destructive cyberattacks violate the norms of appropriate behavior in cyberspace.

The official wasn't authorized to comment by name and demanded anonymity. President Barack Obama is considering how to respond to the attack on Sony's networks while he vacations this week in Hawaii.

Involving China could pose complications. China holds considerable leverage over North Korea. But Obama has pointedly accused China of carrying out cybertheft, too.

AP Newswire Stars and Stripes

See also:

5 ways to make your email safer in case of a hack attack
Dec 19,`14 -- The Sony hack, the latest in a wave of company security breaches, exposed months of employee emails. Other hacks have given attackers access to sensitive information about a company and its customers, such as credit-card numbers and email addresses. One way hackers can sneak into a company is by sending fake emails with malicious links to employee inboxes. Here are five simple steps to make your email more secure and limit the harm a hacker can have:

Most corporate email systems allow people to set up regularly scheduled archiving so that emails are moved off of the server after a certain number of days. You can still check archived emails on your work computer, but they are no longer easily accessible on websites outside the office or on your phone. That limits hackers' ability to access those emails too. You can make exceptions for emails that you want to keep in your active inbox, and they won't be archived.


As emails come into your inbox, deal with them. Sort them into folders. This segments your data, requiring an attacker to know which folder to go to, or to take multiple steps to search for wanted information. Paired with archiving, it also ensures that what the hacker does compromise is limited and known for any future damage assessment. Sensitive information can also be removed from your inbox. For example, delete an email and save what you need to your hard drive or an external drive.


Don't use your work email for personal email or activities online. That limits details a hacker can glean about you to conduct more sophisticated attacks targeting you as the entryway into your company's system. For example, hackers can learn about your shopping habits or personal hobbies and use those to send a phishing email that appears to come from websites you bought goods from or read frequently. Phishing messages route you to a fake address and allow hackers to gain access to your system.


If you receive an email with a link or attachment you weren't expecting, send the person a separate email asking whether the first email was legitimate. For links from companies such as banking institutions, hover your cursor over the hyperlink or right-click to show the link's final destination. Before you click, make sure the address that pops up when you hover over the link matches where the hyperlink says you'll be sent. If unsure, use a new window and physically type in the website's address to conduct your business.


If your email is acting up or a link or attachment strikes you as strange, forward it to your IT department as quickly as possible. Your attention and fast response may prevent someone else at your company from making a mistake.

AP Newswire Stars and Stripes
Oh great. Asking China to help is like asking the robber to help solve the robbery he just committed. China is the puppeteer and NK is the puppet.
Good for Clooney.
Is that what you say to your wife and two daughters when you come home? "HO HO HO"
The entire Sony company from top to bottom is made up of LIB pyjama-boys/fags/BOBO sycophants and LIB bull dykes.
There isn't one of them with a fucking backbone.
THAT is the reason they didn't have enough courage to tell Little Kim to stick to his kiddie porn.
The head of Sony only contacted BOBO three days before they pulled the movie.
That's a little late.
Note not a single Hollywood fuck-witt LIB would sign the partition. Not one. 100% LIB coward pussies. But did anyone really believe they would have had any spine?
I don't care much for Clooney. He ruined Batman for me.

That said... good for him. I don't agree on all points, but at least he has the balls to say it.
Why doesn't George buy the rights of the movie and air it himself?
It's going to be free on the internet. Can Clooney top that? Can you?
IDGAF the movie looked stupid and I wasn't going to see it anyway.
I won't watch it even if it's free.

I just get sick of all these people flapping their gums about what everyone else should do when they won't do it themselves.
Sony can take their stupid movie with their two bit stars and shove it all up their cowardly asses. I wouldn't watch it now if they showed it on the sides of buildings in each city. I didn't plan to watch it before but Fatso pissed me off...until Sony showed they were more sickening than Fatso. Sony fucked itself.
US Charges N. Korean Man in Sony Hack, Other Attacks...

US Charges N. Korean Man in Sony Hack, Other Attacks

September 06, 2018 - U.S. prosecutors on Thursday announced criminal charges against a North Korean hacker they said was involved in a string of brazen cyberattacks in recent years, including the 2014 invasion on Sony Pictures and a 2016 heist at the central bank of Bangladesh.
Prosecutors identified the hacker as Park Jin Hyok, a computer programmer and member of a North Korean regime-sponsored hacking team known as the Lazarus Group. The group is accused of engaging in a multiyear conspiracy to conduct "multiple destructive cyberattacks" on banks and other institutions around the world. The charges against Park were filed in federal court in Los Angeles, where Sony Pictures is headquartered, on June 8, four days before U.S. President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a historic summit in Singapore. The allegations come as the Trump administration is seeking to break a stalemate in denuclearization talks with the North Korean government.


People stand near the Sony Building at Ginza shopping district in Tokyo​

Park, who faces charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit computer-related fraud, remains at large. The FBI released a wanted poster that seeks information about him. The Treasury Department announced sanctions against Park and Chosun Expo Joint Venture, a North Korean government front company that employed him. "Today's announcement demonstrates the FBI's unceasing commitment to unmasking and stopping the malicious actors and countries behind the world's cyberattacks," FBI Director Christopher Wray said. "We stand with our partners to name the North Korean government as the force behind this destructive global cybercampaign."

Accused of numerous attacks

The hacking group is accused of carrying out numerous other attacks on financial institutions, entertainment companies, defense contractors, virtual currency industries, academia and electric facilities in the United States, as well as on entities in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America. Assistant Attorney General John Demers called the scale of the cyberattacks "staggering." The attack on Sony Pictures crippled the company's networks and was widely believed to have been carried out in retaliation for the release of The Interview, an action comedy film that depicted a fictional assassination plot against Kim.


A South Korean army soldier walks near a TV screen showing an advertisement of Sony Picture's "The Interview," at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea​

The complaint alleges that the North Korean hackers stole movies and other confidential information during the invasion and rendered thousands of the company's computers inoperable. The administration of former President Barack Obama sanctioned three North Korean organizations and 10 individuals for the attack. In the 2016 attack on Bangladesh Bank, the country's central bank, Lazarus Group hackers attempted to transfer out as much as $1 billion but ended up with $81 million. The heist is seen as the largest cybertheft from a financial institution.


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