Soros Funded Agitators disrupt Republican Townhalls Across the Country

turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?
Obama fixed Bush's mess.
And Trump will fix Obama's mess. See how that works?
We went from Bush to Obama & you said Trump was turning the car around....that would be back to Bush.

I do suspect that Trump will fix Obama's string of months with job gains. His growth in the number of Americans with health insurance. Obama's cleaner environment.
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?

Slashing revenue at a time of war. Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare. Going to an unfunded war with Iraq based on lies. Allowing the banking industry to put our country at risk for their gain.
Actually, the American people are already sick & tired of the giant Cheeto
No, they are sick of people like you and you all are too stupid to know when you've worn out your welcome.

What is Trumps approval rating?

I have news, the American people (outside the really stupid people like you) will not stand for banning Muslims. Will not stand for polluting our streams & air, will not stand for the huge embarrassment Trump has become on the world stage will not stand for his insulting of war heroes, will not stand for him using his office for personal profit.

Only the fucking moron deplorables like what he is doing.
Only leftist swine sing that song. No sale! Trump is doing what he ran on, and at record pace, and much to your chagrin since you dipsticks kept telling us we've been had. Nothing you said was true and you are too stupid to see you have literally no credibility.
So, you actually think that Trump has not lied?
What is the deal with the use of Soros name attached to any & all things liberal ? is this guy like superman?
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Trump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
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Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?
Obama fixed Bush's mess.
And Trump will fix Obama's mess. See how that works?
We went from Bush to Obama & you said Trump was turning the car around....that would be back to Bush.

I do suspect that Trump will fix Obama's string of months with job gains. His growth in the number of Americans with health insurance. Obama's cleaner environment.
Looks like you've been listening to left wing media too much. Trump will increase the dismal 1% growth we've had by reducing taxes and unnecessary regulations, and fixing our disastrous trade deals.
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, why would we want the floodgates opened to people with this same intolerant culture into our country?
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?
Obama fixed Bush's mess.
And Trump will fix Obama's mess. See how that works?
We went from Bush to Obama & you said Trump was turning the car around....that would be back to Bush.

I do suspect that Trump will fix Obama's string of months with job gains. His growth in the number of Americans with health insurance. Obama's cleaner environment.
Looks like you've been listening to left wing media too much. Trump will increase the dismal 1% growth we've had by reducing taxes and unnecessary regulations, and fixing our disastrous trade deals.

Bush did 2%, Obama 1 1/2%.

Bush started with a balanced budget.

Obama started with the worst recession in 80 years.

If you want good growth, elect a Democrat.
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -

You imbeciles keep making up that Soros is findjng everything. Nice lie.

You think we need soros money for us to be disgusted by the orange sociopath?
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.

Women being treated poorly in muslim countries is the understatement of the year. The only thing on Trump is something he said years ago about being crude with women. You know that of course, but choose to post any little thing bad about Trump no matter what.
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.

Women being treated poorly in muslim countries is the understatement of the year. The only thing on Trump is something he said years ago about being crude with women. You know that of course, but choose to post any little thing bad about Trump no matter what.

If those people believed in that treatment, why would they come here?

Besides, they would be just as bad as the groper you elected.

Those Middle East countries are making progress. However, they are not an excuse for you & your orange buddy.
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.

Women being treated poorly in muslim countries is the understatement of the year. The only thing on Trump is something he said years ago about being crude with women. You know that of course, but choose to post any little thing bad about Trump no matter what.

If those people believed in that treatment, why would they come here?

Besides, they would be just as bad as the groper you elected.

Those Middle East countries are making progress. However, they are not an excuse for you & your orange buddy.

This 'orange buddy' statement is a clue that you're running out of material, if you ever really had any to begin with. Maybe back off on posting here incessantly till you have something intelligent to say.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

"how Triump treats women" you say. Does he treat them worse than the muslims he wants to ban? You do criticize him for wanting to ban muslims in a previous post on this thread, you know.
If women are treated poorly in some Muslim countries, you think it is OK for Trump to grope women & treat women like objects to look at because that is their only value.

Women being treated poorly in muslim countries is the understatement of the year. The only thing on Trump is something he said years ago about being crude with women. You know that of course, but choose to post any little thing bad about Trump no matter what.
Your orange buddy provides new material every time he opens his stupid mouth.

If those people believed in that treatment, why would they come here?

Besides, they would be just as bad as the groper you elected.

Those Middle East countries are making progress. However, they are not an excuse for you & your orange buddy.

This 'orange buddy' statement is a clue that you're running out of material, if you ever really had any to begin with. Maybe back off on posting here incessantly till you have something intelligent to say.
Be wary Republican's, do not fire the first shot it'll come back to haunt you. Play chess and make some sacrifices. Knight G1 to F3.
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.

Conservatives are not going to act as bouncers in these cases. Executioners, maybe, but not bouncers.

The actual fix to this is simple - require attendees to sign in and procure they are both:

A. Residents of that district
B. Individuals who voted in this last election.

That would shut 90% of thus down immediately.

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