Soros Funded Agitators disrupt Republican Townhalls Across the Country

The "Republican troops" don't . Ecite violence which would happen if they tried to restore order at these meetings. Normal people just stand on the sidelines and shake their heads at the immaturity of the left.
There comes a time when standing on the sidelines and shaking your head is not enough. I know I've been shaking my head a lot lately and I've a growing sense of outrage and disgust...even a dislike for the ridiculous and harmful antics of the left.

What should be done? I dunno... if they are there for nothing but disruption perhaps they should just be removed.

By the scruff of their bony necks.
Keep dreaming. Trump is in charge now and flooring the gas pedal. We'll see the results of these paid "protests" when the Democrats lose even more seats in the house and senate.
Like Thelma & Louise. Driving us off the cliff as dumbasses like you cheer him on.

Picture it now, Trump & Bannon in drag.
Actually he's turning the car around from the disastrous Obama presidency, and in the process saving this country. This is what Americans clearly said on November 8, and why Democrats lost not only the presidency but so many other levels.
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
And where are we now after eight years of Obama? World in chaos, terror on the rise, division among Americans along racial, ethnic, and economic lines, middle class crumbling, a disastrous health care policy, etc.

You guys still haven't come to the realization. But go ahead and believe "Obama's high ratings" by the same corrupt media that said that Hillary would win in a landslide and the blue wall cannot be broken. Such gullible fools. LOL
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

Ha ha ha...denial is not a river in Egypt, FakeDave. You can't paint what happened anything but a devastating h defeat

Obama’s legacy: Democratic losses, party chaos

The president’s policies have cost his party Congress, governorships, and nearly a thousand seats in state legislatures.

Read more at: Under Obama, a Disaster for the Democrats

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

Obama? I didn't know he ran on 2016. We are talking about the 2016 election.

I have news.

Your party LOST the popular vote for President & LOST seats in Congress.

Please tell me how that is a landslide.

Furthermore, Republican gains in the House & State legislatures can be traced back to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

If your party is soooooo great, why does it think it needs to cheat to win?
Keep up dork. Obama campaigned as if he was running, even harder than Hillary. Never seen before. And that was one of Hillary's mistakes.
He made a couple of appearances.

the fact is your party lost seats & lost the popolar vote. Quit pretending (lying) that was a landslide.
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

Ha ha ha...denial is not a river in Egypt, FakeDave. You can't paint what happened anything but a devastating h defeat

Obama’s legacy: Democratic losses, party chaos

The president’s policies have cost his party Congress, governorships, and nearly a thousand seats in state legislatures.

Read more at: Under Obama, a Disaster for the Democrats

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

Obama? I didn't know he ran on 2016. We are talking about the 2016 election.

I have news.

Your party LOST the popular vote for President & LOST seats in Congress.

Please tell me how that is a landslide.

Furthermore, Republican gains in the House & State legislatures can be traced back to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

If your party is soooooo great, why does it think it needs to cheat to win?

You are very, very crazy.
Actually, the American people are already sick & tired of the giant Cheeto and his stupid tweets.
The man can't tell the truth. He lies every singe day. He attached our militaryu heroes, he attacks businesses if they donlt suppoort his daughter's business, he insults judges.

The man acts like a 8 year old & probably that is why you like him, You both have the same level of maturity.
He is acting on his promises at lightning speed. That's why we like him. He is doing okay. Americans voted for him for president. And he is doing what we asked him to do.
I saw John Chaffetz's folks booing him. They had begged him for a town hall.
Those were obviously not Chavetz' folks, dimwit. They were hired thugs as all of them having their little agree/disagree cards in hand demonstrates.

Actually, the American people are already sick & tired of the giant Cheeto
No, they are sick of people like you and you all are too stupid to know when you've worn out your welcome.

What is Trumps approval rating?

I have news, the American people (outside the really stupid people like you) will not stand for banning Muslims. Will not stand for polluting our streams & air, will not stand for the huge embarrassment Trump has become on the world stage will not stand for his insulting of war heroes, will not stand for him using his office for personal profit.

Only the fucking moron deplorables like what he is doing.
The fact that Trump is increasingly driving the left insane doesn't nudge the approval ratings needle any. You dipsticks are your own worse enemies. Most people don't care for your thug tactics. No one but fellow loons care what you will or will not stand for. You wear your own dirty diapers and telling people they smell like roses won't cut it.
Real Americans don't like to see our President lie. Attack our heroes , bully, and make a fool of our country on the world stage.

I guess a pathetic POS like you loves it.
You don't speak for real America. Real America kicked your ass until your nose bled and you still aren't over it.
Actually, the American people are already sick & tired of the giant Cheeto
No, they are sick of people like you and you all are too stupid to know when you've worn out your welcome.

What is Trumps approval rating?

I have news, the American people (outside the really stupid people like you) will not stand for banning Muslims. Will not stand for polluting our streams & air, will not stand for the huge embarrassment Trump has become on the world stage will not stand for his insulting of war heroes, will not stand for him using his office for personal profit.

Only the fucking moron deplorables like what he is doing.
Only leftist swine sing that song. No sale! Trump is doing what he ran on, and at record pace, and much to your chagrin since you dipsticks kept telling us we've been had. Nothing you said was true and you are too stupid to see you have literally no credibility.
Let the left own the lunacy, pretty soon even average Americans will see who the pricks and creeps are.
The problem is the "gas lighting effect" is not negated by patiently waiting for people to realize Reality.

Someone has to speak out and contradict these frauds openly and challenge them at every opportunity or else the effect lasts long enough to bamboozle the leadership in the wrong direction..
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

Ha ha ha...denial is not a river in Egypt, FakeDave. You can't paint what happened anything but a devastating h defeat

Obama’s legacy: Democratic losses, party chaos

The president’s policies have cost his party Congress, governorships, and nearly a thousand seats in state legislatures.

Read more at: Under Obama, a Disaster for the Democrats

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

Obama? I didn't know he ran on 2016. We are talking about the 2016 election.

I have news.

Your party LOST the popular vote for President & LOST seats in Congress.

Please tell me how that is a landslide.

Furthermore, Republican gains in the House & State legislatures can be traced back to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

If your party is soooooo great, why does it think it needs to cheat to win?
Keep up dork. Obama campaigned as if he was running, even harder than Hillary. Never seen before. And that was one of Hillary's mistakes.
He made a couple of appearances.

the fact is your party lost seats & lost the popolar vote. Quit pretending (lying) that was a landslide.
"Made a couple of appearances" Ha ha ha ho ho ho! More like got on his knees over and over, begging and pleading only to be totally rejected by the American people, who told him to fuck off!

Obama's Final Big Role as President: Campaigner in Chief

Why President Obama Campaigning For Clinton Is Historic
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -
I saw John Chaffetz's folks booing him. They had begged him for a town hall.
Somehow I don't think the woman wearing the Muslim headscarf was one of the people that voted for Chaffetz. LOL
Yes, cause those who didn't vote for crooked Hillary are all racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. It's the same playbook over and over. You'd think after seeing how this shit backfired and caused the left to suffer historic losses in the elections, they'd realize the public isn't falling for it any longer.
If you support a white Supremacist, the bigotry, how Triump treats women, then yes, you might as well be those things.

Historic losses? Where? The Democrats won the popular vote for President & gains seats in Congress.

My God, you think that was fake news? You actually believe that ignorant lying asshole Trump.

Ha ha ha...denial is not a river in Egypt, FakeDave. You can't paint what happened anything but a devastating h defeat

Obama’s legacy: Democratic losses, party chaos

The president’s policies have cost his party Congress, governorships, and nearly a thousand seats in state legislatures.

Read more at: Under Obama, a Disaster for the Democrats

The Democrats' Losses in State Races Were a Bloodbath

Obama? I didn't know he ran on 2016. We are talking about the 2016 election.

I have news.

Your party LOST the popular vote for President & LOST seats in Congress.

Please tell me how that is a landslide.

Furthermore, Republican gains in the House & State legislatures can be traced back to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

If your party is soooooo great, why does it think it needs to cheat to win?

You are very, very crazy.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. (TM)

Just take a look at the things REALCRAZYDAVE says.
I saw John Chaffetz's folks booing him. They had begged him for a town hall.
Those were obviously not Chavetz' folks, dimwit. They were hired thugs as all of them having their little agree/disagree cards in hand demonstrates.

View attachment 111727

"Hired thugs" mean hired by "Soros" = "Jews". It's all a Jewish plot.....Everything old is new again.
It's always the Joooooos! LOL

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