Soros Funded Agitators disrupt Republican Townhalls Across the Country

How was that Bush's fault?
Obama fixed Bush's mess.
And Trump will fix Obama's mess. See how that works?
We went from Bush to Obama & you said Trump was turning the car around....that would be back to Bush.

I do suspect that Trump will fix Obama's string of months with job gains. His growth in the number of Americans with health insurance. Obama's cleaner environment.
Looks like you've been listening to left wing media too much. Trump will increase the dismal 1% growth we've had by reducing taxes and unnecessary regulations, and fixing our disastrous trade deals.

Bush did 2%, Obama 1 1/2%.

Bush started with a balanced budget.

Obama started with the worst recession in 80 years.

If you want good growth, elect a Democrat.

Yeah...I mean...he was so good that states that hadn't voted red in 40 years turned on the Dems. Is there anything that Obama touched that didn't turn brown?
Actually, the American people are already sick & tired of the giant Cheeto and his stupid tweets.
The man can't tell the truth. He lies every singe day. He attached our militaryu heroes, he attacks businesses if they donlt suppoort his daughter's business, he insults judges.

The man acts like a 8 year old & probably that is why you like him, You both have the same level of maturity.
Isn't it great the black boy isn't president anymore and we now have a man in the Oval Office with a smokin' hot First Lady?
Yeah...I mean...he was so good that states that hadn't voted red in 40 years turned on the Dems. Is there anything that Obama touched that didn't turn brown
I guess we owe the boy a debt of gratitude.
Bush started with a balanced budget.

Obama started with the worst recession in 80 years.

If you want good growth, elect a Democrat.
Democrats spend like drunken sailors. Bush started with a Republican congress, you leave that portion out. Obama's policies prolonged the Democrat's recession. 1.5% gdp is good to you? No thanks.
The Trumpster is a creature whose natural habitat is a state of active self-deception, the kind that denies the fact that what is happening across America at the moment is a phenomenon that is not only every bit as organic as the Tea Party, but several times larger.

The Tea Party could have only wished for protest numbers as big as we're seeing now.
The Trumpster is a creature whose natural habitat is a state of active self-deception, the kind that denies the fact that what is happening across America at the moment is a phenomenon that is not only every bit as organic as the Tea Party, but several times larger.

The Tea Party could have only wished for protest numbers as big as we're seeing now.
The TEA party is a grass roots movement, the anti-capitalist leftwing agitators are well funded and organized. They pop up in droves at a moments notice. Donald Trump is just the current representative of everything the left opposes. The latest pinata to rally their base.

Everyone that stands in their way gets the same treatment, history is our guide. That's why I laugh when I hear people talk about healing division. They don't understand what's going on. The left has declared war on capitalism and many on the right still don't get it.

Fortunately enough did and it was a huge setback for leftists. I don't think they thought it was possible. Trump should have been down long ago, they threw everything including the kitchen sink at him. But it didn't work. Leftists will continue to organize and fight for power, it's what they do. Europe has been struggling with it longer than us but they too are waking up and pushing back against the power freaks.
The same thugs who disrupted Trump rallies and violently attacked Trump supporters are organizing these protests....

Democrat brown shirts are still on the is only a matter of time till they actually start attacking people at these Townhalls....just like their cousins in Germany in the 1930s

He's Back: Bob Creamer Community Organizing Angry Protests in Illinois

Convicted felon Bob Creamer, the Alinskyite Democrat operative who stepped away from his duties with the Clinton campaign last October under a cloud of corruption and depravity, is up to his dirty tricks yet again.

Creamer slithered away from the campaign after Project Veritas shined a light on his thuggish and quasi-legal activities, saying at the time that he didn't want to be "a distraction in the important task of electing Hillary Clinton."

Fast-forward to this week and we find that the frequent Obama White House visitor is now involved with organizing angry mobs at Republican town halls, according to the Illinois Review.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is targeting Republican members of Congress that represent districts where Hillary Clinton won in 2016.

In Illinois, the DCCC has honed in on Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06) and downstate Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13), who have both suddenly been besieged by a growing number of angry protesters.

While he was attending a Republican meeting in Palatine last Saturday, Roskam was assailed by a mob of 400 angry protesters who had apparently been directed by their community organizers to harass the congressman about his support for ObamaCare's repeal.

Roskam, likely fearing for his safety, escaped out the back door -- which, frankly, any sane person would have done. As anyone who has been paying attention knows, angry left-wing mobs arefrequently violent and always, without exception, nasty.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to initiate Civil Rights investigations into bob craemer and his organizations......these mobs at Townhalls are organized attempts to intimidate and silence political opponents and they need to be dealt with.....
Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to initiate Civil Rights investigations into bob craemer and his organizations......these mobs at Townhalls are organized attempts to intimidate and silence political opponents and they need to be dealt with.....

and punished as a court martial may direct
Iceweasel Don't be so hasty in your judgements dear. There are soldiers guns blazing and then there are the ones you never see nor hear.
Iceweasel Don't be so hasty in your judgements dear. There are soldiers guns blazing and then there are the ones you never see nor hear.
Hasty? WTF? I've studied the leftists and how they operate for decades. What they are doing here is what they've done overseas. I have no idea what the rest of your comment was supposed to mean.
Iceweasel Don't be so hasty in your judgements dear. There are soldiers guns blazing and then there are the ones you never see nor hear.
Hasty? WTF? I've studied the leftists and how they operate for decades. What they are doing here is what they've done overseas. I have no idea what the rest of your comment was supposed to mean.

Forgive the leftists for they know not what they do.
Iceweasel Don't be so hasty in your judgements dear. There are soldiers guns blazing and then there are the ones you never see nor hear.
Hasty? WTF? I've studied the leftists and how they operate for decades. What they are doing here is what they've done overseas. I have no idea what the rest of your comment was supposed to mean.

Forgive the leftists for they know not what they do.

They know exactly what they are doing and what they what they want...and they aren't afraid to punch, kick, burn, break and eventually kill, to get their way....
Iceweasel Don't be so hasty in your judgements dear. There are soldiers guns blazing and then there are the ones you never see nor hear.
Hasty? WTF? I've studied the leftists and how they operate for decades. What they are doing here is what they've done overseas. I have no idea what the rest of your comment was supposed to mean.

Forgive the leftists for they know not what they do.

They know exactly what they are doing and what they what they want...and they aren't afraid to punch, kick, burn, break and eventually kill, to get their way....

Those fools follow planned obsolescence and are at the bottom of the intelligence bell curve and doomed to fail.

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