Soros Funded Agitators disrupt Republican Townhalls Across the Country

Iceweasel I was merely saying that you underestimate Republicans. There are many who stand silently in support of any actions that might be necessary if traitors push the envelope much further.
sub-prime loans caused the market crash
A major part no doubt and it was government pushing it onto banks. Lefties leave that part out.
Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king dumb to blame it on the CRA. That has been debunked a gazillion times.
Maybe on HuffPo. But I don't live in Libville.
You live in Whiner World. Where ignorance & stupidity thrive.
You keep talking out of your asshole thinking it sounds smart.
Compared top you, my asshole is brilliant.
A major part no doubt and it was government pushing it onto banks. Lefties leave that part out.
Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king dumb to blame it on the CRA. That has been debunked a gazillion times.
Maybe on HuffPo. But I don't live in Libville.
You live in Whiner World. Where ignorance & stupidity thrive.
You keep talking out of your asshole thinking it sounds smart.
Compared top you, my asshole is brilliant.
It looks that way from your vantage point. Light at the end of the tunnel sort of thing.
turning around to return to the Bush recession, housing collapse, near financial meltdown, quagmire wars, losing 800,000 jobs a month & a shrinking economy?
How was that Bush's fault?

Slashing revenue at a time of war. Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare. Going to an unfunded war with Iraq based on lies. Allowing the banking industry to put our country at risk for their gain.
Bush didn't slash revenue, there was a small break in tax relief. We got to keep a little more of our money, which we spent. That's weak. Lefties have no problem with Obama running up the debt 10 TRILLION dollars and blame a small tax cut for the recession. And Fannie and Freddie was right in the middle of the housing crash, that wasn't Bush's baby.
Bush cut taxes in wartime .. dumb.
Puked up on demand like a good lib. 10 trillion more in debt didn't hurt the economy but 2 trillion did, depending who was in office. Libs have no credibility.
Bush's debt brought us the Bush Rec ession. Obama's debt was recovering from it.
How was that Bush's fault?

Slashing revenue at a time of war. Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare. Going to an unfunded war with Iraq based on lies. Allowing the banking industry to put our country at risk for their gain.
Bush didn't slash revenue, there was a small break in tax relief. We got to keep a little more of our money, which we spent. That's weak. Lefties have no problem with Obama running up the debt 10 TRILLION dollars and blame a small tax cut for the recession. And Fannie and Freddie was right in the middle of the housing crash, that wasn't Bush's baby.
Bush cut taxes in wartime .. dumb.
Puked up on demand like a good lib. 10 trillion more in debt didn't hurt the economy but 2 trillion did, depending who was in office. Libs have no credibility.
Bush's debt brought us the Bush Rec ession. Obama's debt was recovering from it.
I don't share your religious views.
And Trump will fix Obama's mess. See how that works?
We went from Bush to Obama & you said Trump was turning the car around....that would be back to Bush.

I do suspect that Trump will fix Obama's string of months with job gains. His growth in the number of Americans with health insurance. Obama's cleaner environment.
Looks like you've been listening to left wing media too much. Trump will increase the dismal 1% growth we've had by reducing taxes and unnecessary regulations, and fixing our disastrous trade deals.

Bush did 2%, Obama 1 1/2%.

Bush started with a balanced budget.

Obama started with the worst recession in 80 years.

If you want good growth, elect a Democrat.

Yeah...I mean...he was so good that states that hadn't voted red in 40 years turned on the Dems. Is there anything that Obama touched that didn't turn brown?
Look up GDP growth per President. Learn something for a change instead of being the same ignorant fool. Democrats do better.

Bush started with a balanced budget off of Clinton with record growth & the dumbass took us to the worst recession in 80 years. You call that great government. I call it you being stupid.
Yeah, well, why don't you ask the people of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, etc. what they think about the Obama economy and GDP. It looks like they already made their voices known last November 8.
How was that Bush's fault?

Slashing revenue at a time of war. Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded expansion to Medicare. Going to an unfunded war with Iraq based on lies. Allowing the banking industry to put our country at risk for their gain.
Bush didn't slash revenue, there was a small break in tax relief. We got to keep a little more of our money, which we spent. That's weak. Lefties have no problem with Obama running up the debt 10 TRILLION dollars and blame a small tax cut for the recession. And Fannie and Freddie was right in the middle of the housing crash, that wasn't Bush's baby.
What happens when you cut taxers & increase spending? We were going to war in Afghanistan & Bush got his tax cut which heavily favored the wealthy. You can't name anything Obama got that added more to the debt than what was in place when he took office. He tool office with a projected trillion dollar deficit before he spent anything new.

The fact is that you whiners can't admit your party nearly killed America under Bush. You dumbasses took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years. Great job!

Now you asshats want to cut regulations so they can do it again.
We paid for the wars like we do everything else. The Bush tax cuts are still in place except for the top percent. It didn't stop Obama spending 10 TRILLION dollars so your argument is moot. You ignored what I said about who was controlling the spending and when so you're a dishonest asshole.

The wars were unfunded. The costs were borrowed. You are quite the lying fuck.

The Expansion to Medicare was UNFUNDED & the costs are adding to our debt every freakin day since Republicans passed it.

You still can't tell me what the Democrats passed in the first 9 months of 2007 that created the Bush recession.

Republicans controlled the House for 6 years under Obama asshole. Blame them for all that spending?

Bush & the Republicans deregulated the banks. They passed laws allowing them to loan more & more of their asserts.
Republicans got in because Americans were upset at Obama and the Dems. But they couldn't get anything done because president Hussein kept vetoing everything. Are you having memory problems?
A major part no doubt and it was government pushing it onto banks. Lefties leave that part out.
Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king dumb to blame it on the CRA. That has been debunked a gazillion times.
Maybe on HuffPo. But I don't live in Libville.
You live in Whiner World. Where ignorance & stupidity thrive.
You keep talking out of your asshole thinking it sounds smart.
Compared top you, my asshole is brilliant.
That's what happens when you let your partner polish it for you. :lmao:
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -

Indivisible,’ With Ties to George Soros, Sows Division Against Trump, GOP Lawmakers

These lawless thugs are out of control. Law enforcement must step in and put a stop to it. There's no fine line between free speech and verbal assault and intimidation. Jail them. For a long time.

Ezra Levin, a former staffer for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, and his wife, Leah Greenberg, are the president and vice president of the Indivisible Guide’s board, respectively.

Levin is also associate director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an anti-poverty nonprofit. Melissa Bradley, who sits on that group’s board, previously worked for Green for All, a group founded by liberal commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones. She was appointed as a Soros Justice Fellow through the Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded.

Greenberg previously worked for Humanity United, which is funded by Soros’s Open Society Institute.

Read more @ ‘Indivisible,’ With George Soros Ties, Targets Republicans
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -

Indivisible,’ With Ties to George Soros, Sows Division Against Trump, GOP Lawmakers

These lawless thugs are out of control. Law enforcement must step in and put a stop to it. There's no fine line between free speech and verbal assault and intimidation. Jail them. For a long time.

Ezra Levin, a former staffer for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, and his wife, Leah Greenberg, are the president and vice president of the Indivisible Guide’s board, respectively.

Levin is also associate director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an anti-poverty nonprofit. Melissa Bradley, who sits on that group’s board, previously worked for Green for All, a group founded by liberal commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones. She was appointed as a Soros Justice Fellow through the Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded.

Greenberg previously worked for Humanity United, which is funded by Soros’s Open Society Institute.

Read more @ ‘Indivisible,’ With George Soros Ties, Targets Republicans
How many Alt-Right websites are there?
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -

Indivisible,’ With Ties to George Soros, Sows Division Against Trump, GOP Lawmakers

These lawless thugs are out of control. Law enforcement must step in and put a stop to it. There's no fine line between free speech and verbal assault and intimidation. Jail them. For a long time.

Ezra Levin, a former staffer for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, and his wife, Leah Greenberg, are the president and vice president of the Indivisible Guide’s board, respectively.

Levin is also associate director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an anti-poverty nonprofit. Melissa Bradley, who sits on that group’s board, previously worked for Green for All, a group founded by liberal commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones. She was appointed as a Soros Justice Fellow through the Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded.

Greenberg previously worked for Humanity United, which is funded by Soros’s Open Society Institute.

Read more @ ‘Indivisible,’ With George Soros Ties, Targets Republicans
How many Alt-Right websites are there?
3 I believe
Alt-Right is a joke
Alt Right: A Primer about the New White Supremacy

Though not every person who identifies with the Alt Right is a white supremacist, most are and “white identity” is central to people in this milieu. In fact, Alt Righters reject modern conservatism explicitly because they believe that mainstream conservatives are not advocating for the interests of white people as a group.

White supremacist Richard Spencer, who runs the National Policy Institute, a tiny white supremacist think tank, coined the term “Alternative Right” as the name for an online publication that debuted in 2010. The online publication changed hands in 2013 when Spencer shut it down. It was soon re-launched by Colin Liddell and Andy Nowicki, who were former writers for Alternative Right. Spencer went on to found another online journal, Radix. Both Alternative Right and Radix act as forums for racists, anti-Semites and others who identify with the Alt Right.
Where are the Republican troops to counter these idiots? Where are the bouncers to eject these retards and restore order in the meetings?

Never mind, the GOP Reps dont have the balls to do what they have to do.


Anger erupts at Republican town halls -

Document the behavior, and so long as they are civil you leave them alone. When they get violent though, make sure you have good video, don't engage them, and broadcast the hell out of the criminal acts that they commit. The reasonable people will see what they are doing, and reject them.
"Soros" is a useful name, because the instant you see a righty using it, you know you're looking a hopelessly hysterical bedwetting cultist, a human being almost completely devoid of higher brain function. Their masters have terrified them into incontinence, because people don't think when they're terrified, and that's what their right-wing-extremist-fringe cult masters want, an army of Useful Idiots.
Document the behavior, and so long as they are civil you leave them alone. When they get violent though, make sure you have good video, don't engage them, and broadcast the hell out of the criminal acts that they commit. The reasonable people will see what they are doing, and reject them.
They have no right to disrupt a private meeting either.

They have no right to block the egress of a member of the Presidents cabinet and they should be arrested when they do so.

The problem is that Republican officials seem to feel like they do not have the backing of the broadest public and they do.

They need to find some balls before too much longer.
Document the behavior, and so long as they are civil you leave them alone. When they get violent though, make sure you have good video, don't engage them, and broadcast the hell out of the criminal acts that they commit. The reasonable people will see what they are doing, and reject them.
They have no right to disrupt a private meeting either.

They have no right to block the egress of a member of the Presidents cabinet and they should be arrested when they do so.

The problem is that Republican officials seem to feel like they do not have the backing of the broadest public and they do.

They need to find some balls before too much longer.
No, they don't.
"Soros" is a useful name, because the instant you see a righty using it, you know you're looking a hopelessly hysterical bedwetting cultist, a human being almost completely devoid of higher brain function. Their masters have terrified them into incontinence, because people don't think when they're terrified, and that's what their right-wing-extremist-fringe cult masters want, an army of Useful Idiots.

Yes, you are indeed a useful idiot. Soros and his activities are well known. You people try and hide his support of you and your criminal activities, but we all know who, and more importantly, what he is.

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