Soros’ Trying To Rally Wal-Mart Workers for Black Friday Strike

as you are repeating someone else's really think we are suppose to BELIEVE Soro's isn't still funding Moveon..

Can you provide ANY proof he is? No, of course you can't. You wanna join in Beretta's lie, go right ahead. Nobody will be surprised that you support lying. You voted Romney...

can you PROVE he ISN' of course not...:lol:

Perhaps if the doctor hadn't left a sponge in your head after the last surgery, you'd understand that you can't prove a negative.

I'll help you out though seeing as you're special needs...

Find the Move On donation from George Soros. Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
Ah...So you're just repeating someone else's lie. Guess that removes you from responsibility? Except that you're perpetrating the lie by posting it here. Why do you get your "news" from sources that LIE to you? Fox fan I'll bet.

Wrong, I'm just not a doucebag like you trying to deny Soros' connection and also ignoring the point of the article. That's all. Anything else?

There is no Soros connection. It is purely made up in RW world. Soros doesn't own MoveOn and has not donated money to them since 2004. It's 2012 in case you were wondering Rip Van Winkle.

When you start your article with a lie, it calls into question the whole thing.

When you avoid the issue and dwell on the small stuff it says somethging about you. It doesn't say he owns it if you have any reading comprehensuon skills at all. It means something he backed and was/is affiliated with.

Pretty pathetic that I have to explain to you how to read.
Can you provide ANY proof he is? No, of course you can't. You wanna join in Beretta's lie, go right ahead. Nobody will be surprised that you support lying. You voted Romney...

can you PROVE he ISN' of course not...:lol:

Perhaps if the doctor hadn't left a sponge in your head after the last surgery, you'd understand that you can't prove a negative.

I'll help you out though seeing as you're special needs...

Find the Move On donation from George Soros. Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting

Do you mambo as well as two-step? Here's an idea douchebag. Ignore the first word and address the rest of it.
Left-wing billionaire George Soros’ has jumped into the fight for a unionized Wal-Mart workforce. has sent emails to subscribers nationwide, urging them to descend on Wal-Mart stores on Black Friday. The organization is encouraging people to strike against management even if they aren’t Wal-Mart employees.

In recent weeks, unions have stepped up their efforts to gain influence among Wal-Mart’s workforce, which is one of the largest in the country — totaling about 1.4 million people nationwide, by’s estimates. Such a large workforce would potentially bring in billions in union dues for whichever labor group gets to the workers first.

With Soros on board this time around, though, and a liberal National Labor Relations Board that will stay that way for at least the next four years because of President Barack Obama’s re-election, the unions appear emboldened.

“Now, with the busiest shopping season of the year just days away, the UFCW is openly orchestrating and promoting attempted mass disruptions of Wal-Mart’s customer shopping experience.”

Read more: Soros

Yes, they are that it true.

Are we suppoed to be shocked or something? :eusa_eh:
Wrong, I'm just not a doucebag like you trying to deny Soros' connection and also ignoring the point of the article. That's all. Anything else?

There is no Soros connection. It is purely made up in RW world. Soros doesn't own MoveOn and has not donated money to them since 2004. It's 2012 in case you were wondering Rip Van Winkle.

When you start your article with a lie, it calls into question the whole thing.

When you avoid the issue and dwell on the small stuff it says somethging about you. It doesn't say he owns it if you have any reading comprehensuon skills at all. It means something he backed and was/is affiliated with.

Pretty pathetic that I have to explain to you how to read.

Pretty pathetic that you and the source of your "article" have to lie from the get go. George Soros hasn't been affiliated with the organization since 2004 and even then he gave to one of MoveOns 527s. He donated ONCE but your lying article implies something completely different. When it starts with a lie, what is the point of continuing with the rest of it?

So what's the article author's beef? That Walmart workers might want to join together in a union to help them get better wages and benefits? Oh the horror!
I'm going to do all my shopping at Walmart if they don't cave to the union thugs. I work on Black Friday so I'll know on Saturday where I'm going to shop.
Your title is a lie. George Soros doesn't own MoveOn and hasn't even donated to MoveOn since 2004. In 2004 he MATCHED individual donations to a now closed 527 organization called the 2004 MoveOn Voter Fund.

irrelevant. The point is that the left and MoveOn is trying to rally union morons against Walmart.
Ah...So you're just repeating someone else's lie. Guess that removes you from responsibility? Except that you're perpetrating the lie by posting it here. Why do you get your "news" from sources that LIE to you? Fox fan I'll bet.

Wrong, I'm just not a doucebag like you trying to deny Soros' connection and also ignoring the point of the article. That's all. Anything else?

There is no Soros connection. It is purely made up in RW world. Soros doesn't own MoveOn and has not donated money to them since 2004. It's 2012 in case you were wondering Rip Van Winkle.

When you start your article with a lie, it calls into question the whole thing.

Only in the twisted liberal mind. Those of us with more than one functiioning brain cell can get the point of the story.
– WHY WORKERS ARE STRIKING: Workers — organized by non-union OUR Walmart — are protesting that Walmart continues to pay low wages and cut benefits, even while it is making billions of dollars in profits. The strikes that have occurred are the first in the 50 year history of the company. Workers have demanded “more-predictable schedules, less-expensive health-care plans and minimum hourly pay of $13 with the option of working full-time.” The company is increasing employee contributions towards its health plan in 2013. Walmart made $15 billion last year, and paid its CEO $18.1 million.

– WALMART’S RESPONSE: The company has claimed that it is “not aware of any major disruptions that are going to happen Black Friday.” However, it has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board alleging that the protests are being orchestrated by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which Walmart claims is a labor law violation.

– WHY NOW?: Black Friday is not only one of the biggest shopping days of the year, but Walmart and other large retailers have steadily increased their Black Friday hours to extend into Thanksgiving Day. This year, Walmart’s “Black Friday” starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, so workers will miss Thanksgiving evening with their families. Employees claim “they weren’t given a choice as to whether they would work on Thanksgiving and were told to do so with little warning.”

Workers and other concerned citizens have started several petitions aimed at getting Walmart and other big retailers to stop opening so early on Thanksgiving.

Why Walmart Workers Are Striking On Black Friday

Why Big U.S. Retailers Can Afford To Increase Wages
There is no Soros connection. It is purely made up in RW world. Soros doesn't own MoveOn and has not donated money to them since 2004. It's 2012 in case you were wondering Rip Van Winkle.

When you start your article with a lie, it calls into question the whole thing.

When you avoid the issue and dwell on the small stuff it says somethging about you. It doesn't say he owns it if you have any reading comprehensuon skills at all. It means something he backed and was/is affiliated with.

Pretty pathetic that I have to explain to you how to read.

Pretty pathetic that you and the source of your "article" have to lie from the get go. George Soros hasn't been affiliated with the organization since 2004 and even then he gave to one of MoveOns 527s. He donated ONCE but your lying article implies something completely different. When it starts with a lie, what is the point of continuing with the rest of it?

So what's the article author's beef? That Walmart workers might want to join together in a union to help them get better wages and benefits? Oh the horror!

We heard your first 4 whines and you're still at it? Those that can read past the first word already replied.
– WHY WORKERS ARE STRIKING: Workers — organized by non-union OUR Walmart — are protesting that Walmart continues to pay low wages and cut benefits, even while it is making billions of dollars in profits. The strikes that have occurred are the first in the 50 year history of the company. Workers have demanded “more-predictable schedules, less-expensive health-care plans and minimum hourly pay of $13 with the option of working full-time.” The company is increasing employee contributions towards its health plan in 2013. Walmart made $15 billion last year, and paid its CEO $18.1 million.

– WALMART’S RESPONSE: The company has claimed that it is “not aware of any major disruptions that are going to happen Black Friday.” However, it has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board alleging that the protests are being orchestrated by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which Walmart claims is a labor law violation.

– WHY NOW?: Black Friday is not only one of the biggest shopping days of the year, but Walmart and other large retailers have steadily increased their Black Friday hours to extend into Thanksgiving Day. This year, Walmart’s “Black Friday” starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, so workers will miss Thanksgiving evening with their families. Employees claim “they weren’t given a choice as to whether they would work on Thanksgiving and were told to do so with little warning.”

Workers and other concerned citizens have started several petitions aimed at getting Walmart and other big retailers to stop opening so early on Thanksgiving.

Why Walmart Workers Are Striking On Black Friday

Why Big U.S. Retailers Can Afford To Increase Wages

They should fire every damn one of those who strike. Don't like it? Go work somewhere else. Stop blaming Walmart for your poor life choices. They are a private company and this is still a sort-of free country.

I'll never ever intentionally buy a union-made product, and if Walmart goes union, bye bye Walmart.
Your title is a lie. George Soros doesn't own MoveOn and hasn't even donated to MoveOn since 2004. In 2004 he MATCHED individual donations to a now closed 527 organization called the 2004 MoveOn Voter Fund.

Basically..they are trying to move the fight to One Titan vs. Another Titan..

Which isn't what's going on.

Suddenly the rightests are beginning to understand why so many loyal Americans object to the 501c-4 organizations.

Gee, I wonder what make them see the light?
Your title is a lie. George Soros doesn't own MoveOn and hasn't even donated to MoveOn since 2004. In 2004 he MATCHED individual donations to a now closed 527 organization called the 2004 MoveOn Voter Fund.

Call the editor and whine.


Here's a better idea: Stop drinking the Daily Caller's piss.

After being shown they are a bullshit fabricator time and time again, you idiots still line up with open mouths for their Daily Piss.

Fucking amazing.

as you are repeating someone else's really think we are suppose to BELIEVE Soro's isn't still funding Moveon..

Can you provide ANY proof he is? No, of course you can't. You wanna join in Beretta's lie, go right ahead. Nobody will be surprised that you support lying. You voted Romney...

can you PROVE he ISN' of course not...:lol:

It is not the job of the person you are lying to to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the claimant, dumbass. So prove Soros is still funding MoveOn.

Call the editor and whine.

Ah...So you're just repeating someone else's lie. Guess that removes you from responsibility? Except that you're perpetrating the lie by posting it here. Why do you get your "news" from sources that LIE to you? Fox fan I'll bet.

Wrong, I'm just not a doucebag like you trying to deny Soros' connection and also ignoring the point of the article. That's all. Anything else?

don't sell yourself short

you're a tremendous douchebag
The George Soros MoveOn meme is one perpetuated by the likes of Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly and the Daily Pisser.

When did any of them ever let a lie stop them from a good talking point?

And these fools still wonder why the GOP lost the election. They think its someone else's fault they suck so bad. It's someone else's fault they lie so much.

Lying has become a natural behavior for the right.

Take out the trash instead of copying and pasting it, idiots.

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