Soro's son blames Trump and demonization of opponents for bomb packages


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

Trump has certainly inspired violence, even offering to pay the legal bills of anybody that knocked a dissenter in a crowd unconscious. Trump ran the most divisive, offensive campaign in American history and has carried that behavior into his Presidency. If you see blood, don't complain about it, because you rubes were begging for it.
Trump has certainly inspired violence, even offering to pay the legal bills of anybody that knocked a dissenter in a crowd unconscious. Trump ran the most divisive, offensive campaign in American history and has carried that behavior into his Presidency. If you see blood, don't complain about it, because you rubes were begging for it.
But of course the Democrats are blameless.

Waters calling for people to harass them don't let them eat or buy gas.
A republican shot at a baseball game.
Clinton saying we can not be civil.
44 saying if they bring a knife we bring a gun.
Powder mailed to Trump and family.
ANTIFA rioting and starting violence, harassing old people.
Democrates banging on senate doors and yelling.

Democrates are just innocent bystanders.
Of course Soro's son blames Trump. Why wouldn't he. He's a Globalist and Trump is a Nationalist.

So of course Trump is behind whoever is setting these bombs.

He has no proof but then he doesn't need and stinking proof.

Hope they catch whoever is doing it. Then Soro's son can accuse the correct people.
Trump has certainly inspired violence, even offering to pay the legal bills of anybody that knocked a dissenter in a crowd unconscious. Trump ran the most divisive, offensive campaign in American history and has carried that behavior into his Presidency. If you see blood, don't complain about it, because you rubes were begging for it.
Don’t you need to get your mail?
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487

If Trump had not conducted himself like some Hitler wanna B over the course of the past three years then no one could lay blame at Trump's door step.

Whose fault is that?

Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487

If Trump had not conducted himself like some Hitler wanna B over the course of the past three years then no one could lay blame at Trump's door step.

Whose fault is that?

We will act civil after we win.
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487
Funny I thought his name was John he has two sons...
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487
He has two sons John and alex John works the left coast and was involved with the first wave of illegals mob.
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487
He has two sons John and alex John works the left coast and was involved with the first wave of illegals mob.
Yeah but we know they were both trained how to kill humanity so they can continue his moronic legacy and population control.
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487
Soros' Son Blames Trump And "Demonization Of Opponents" For Bomb Packages

In what must be one of the most rapidly written, edited, and published op-eds in New York Times history, Alexander Soros, son of billionaire globalist puppet-master George Soros, has penned a blame-scaping piece pointing directly at president Trump's "politics of demonizing opponents" as responsible for the bombing of his father, The Clintons, The Obamas, and well anyone else who has received a suspicious package in the last few days and is not in any way right-leaning.

Oh and the SOROS bastard's son is not any better he has had life long training on how to be a globalist idiot doing just like daddy has done.

He funds ANTIFA, he supports ANTIFA do you really want pos c words like this dictating our nations freedom and rights.

We also told you they would instantly blame Trump for this bs.

A boy with a bomb gets it called a clock ....... Leftist thinking.

View attachment 224487

Sorry, I must take exception because of this part:

"most rapidly written, edited, and published"

Nay, this was written weeks ago, edited by at least two layers of Democrat Party muck-a-mucks before being handed out. Though "published" does qualify as "rapidly". Would have been fun if the paid "maker" got to the post office after it had closed and had to wait a day. Would the left then have claimed they had turned into Nostradamus by "predicting"........
It's all BS...designed to create more division and of course people are falling for it

Not one "device" went off....what are the odds?
History is full of false flag events to sway public opinion....the Nazis used them all the time. Operation Himmler and the Reichstag fire being perfect examples.
If the spawn of the devil has proof of what he claims let him provide it. I don't see any and just by virtue of being a Sorros
anything he has to say is highly dubious and suspect.
Somebody check with Clock Boy and see if he has anything to do with these "devices"
It's all BS...designed to create more division and of course people are falling for it

Not one "device" went off....what are the odds?
I’m sure that conservatives comfortably ahead in the polls thought it would be a good idea to galvanize sympathy votes for lefties just a few days before the election.

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