Sorry black people, liberal narrative and Democrats are taking another route

I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Yeah that's why liberals call blacks that vote Republican, uncle Tom's. Lol, liberals are the most racist in our society.
Please provide a link to a lib calling a black an uncle Tom for voting republican.

And you want to talk about being racist. You support trump, one of the most racist, disgusting, pieces of shit on the planet, and by supporting that slimy MF, you show you are just like him.
I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Huh? He just seems to be commenting that black people seem to have been relegated by the Dems in terms of their position in the regressive hierarchy of pet victim groups. How does that make him a hypocrite?

trump supporters and republicans, in general, are forever trying to blame others of being racist. The fact is that trumptards and GOP dumbasses are the most racist and hypocritical people in America. If you don't see that, then you need new glasses, along with someone to explain republican statements. Start with those statements made by the Orange Doosh.
I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Huh? He just seems to be commenting that black people seem to have been relegated by the Dems in terms of their position in the regressive hierarchy of pet victim groups. How does that make him a hypocrite?

trump supporters and republicans, in general, are forever trying to blame others of being racist. The fact is that trumptards and GOP dumbasses are the most racist and hypocritical people in America. If you don't see that, then you need new glasses, along with someone to explain republican statements. Start with those statements made by the Orange Doosh.
Yeah, well I’ll have to disagree with you there. Dems have abused the word racist to such an extent no one bats an eyelid anymore.
I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Yeah that's why liberals call blacks that vote Republican, uncle Tom's. Lol, liberals are the most racist in our society.
Please provide a link to a lib calling a black an uncle Tom for voting republican.

And you want to talk about being racist. You support trump, one of the most racist, disgusting, pieces of shit on the planet, and by supporting that slimy MF, you show you are just like him.

Here ya go...Jaboni...
Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger" | RealClearPolitics

You want more...there's plenty more where that came from.
Yeah, well I’ll have to disagree with you there. Dems have abused the word racist to such an extent no one bats an eyelid anymore.
I agree completely that the word has been so over-used that it has become meaningless. Yet, it is what we have to work with.

I once wanted to become a republican. But the more GOPers I got to know, at the party offices as well as in casual settings, the more bigoted I found them to be. So racist that I became an Independent instead, and have never looked back.

It may well be that republicans have marinated in bigotry and racism for so long that they can look in the mirror and not have a clue that it is staring back at them. But it is indeed there. In every rally, in every trump appearance, in the Doosh's statements, in the crowds, in the extremists who support him. Sadly, it seems to permeate the entire republican party.
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.

I say we democrats should stop talking about race and religion and point out how every time it's brought up, it's you who brings it up.

I don't care black or white. I'm talking poor vs rich. Who cares what color the poor people are. The fact that our society has put a lot of blacks in poverty, don't be surprised if a lot of blacks are poor. We put them there.

But there are poor whites too. Why you singling out blacks?
Here ya go...Jaboni...
Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger" | RealClearPolitics

You want more...there's plenty more where that came from.
Don't be silly. There are so many nutjobs out there, on both sides, that it's possible to find just about any crazy thing you want to look for. Don't feel too proud of yourself, everyone knows how to Google for nutty shit.

You requested a link. Your exact quote was..."Please provide a link
to a lib calling a black an Uncle Tom for voting republican."

Are you implying that your not smart enough to goggle it?

Why would you request something that is readily available?

I will agree that anybody who voted for the Nation's token was a fuckin'
nut job.
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.

To answer your question...

They can lead Blacks around by the nose. Thus it is a waste of time,
money and energy catering to them.

Trump in the last election got 38% of the Hispanic vote. They can't
be controlled like the Blacks can. Hispanics...most of them...come here
looking for a job. Like anybody else that works and works hard, they don't
like their money being handed over to deadbeat Blacks.

Thus they are not an automatic vote for the libs. The libs are now faced
with a very large issue. Immigration and that Wall. The Libs cannot
lose DACA or the remaining Hispanics will turn on them. The Hispanics
living here legally aren't worried about a wall. They are on the side of the
border that they want to be on. They don't want more folks streaming
in here illegally taking their hard-earned money anymore than we do.

The Donald has offered 1.8 million a path to citizenship and green cards
until they achieve that.

The best fight for the Libs, right now, is to not fight at all. Get those 1.8 mil
protected. Accept the Wall, End the Chain Immigration and end lottery.
For the libs it would mean an end to the bi-yearly campaign issue of
Immigration. If they lose 1.8 mil, I gotta tell ya, the Libs will lose the
Immigration argument forevermore, especially if the GOP can garner 50%
of their vote.
I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Yeah that's why liberals call blacks that vote Republican, uncle Tom's. Lol, liberals are the most racist in our society.
Please provide a link to a lib calling a black an uncle Tom for voting republican.

And you want to talk about being racist. You support trump, one of the most racist, disgusting, pieces of shit on the planet, and by supporting that slimy MF, you show you are just like him.
Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson blasts Clarence Thomas as ‘Uncle Tom’

Maxine Waters Calls Ben Carson A White Nationalist

Minnesota Democrat Calls Clarence Thomas 'Uncle Tom' - Washington Free Beacon

AL Democrat Congressman 'Fine' with Men Marrying Mules, Calls Clarence Thomas 'Uncle Tom' - Breitbart

Black, Democrat student called 'Uncle Tom' for defending free speech - The College Fix

Jesse Watters Confronts Democrat Congressmen for Calling Republicans Racists and Black Conservatives 'Uncle Toms'

Rep. Alvin Holmes calls Clarence Thomas a ‘prolific Uncle Tom’
Here ya go...Jaboni...
Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger" | RealClearPolitics

You want more...there's plenty more where that came from.
Don't be silly. There are so many nutjobs out there, on both sides, that it's possible to find just about any crazy thing you want to look for. Don't feel too proud of yourself, everyone knows how to Google for nutty shit.

Democrat members of Congress have called Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom, you dumbass douchebag.
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.

I say we democrats should stop talking about race and religion and point out how every time it's brought up, it's you who brings it up.

I don't care black or white. I'm talking poor vs rich. Who cares what color the poor people are. The fact that our society has put a lot of blacks in poverty, don't be surprised if a lot of blacks are poor. We put them there.

But there are poor whites too. Why you singling out blacks?

We don't bring it up. Why would we need to? douchebags like you call Republicans "racists" about 1000 times a day.
Here ya go...Jaboni...
Obama Supporters Call Black Republican An "Uncle Tom N*gger" | RealClearPolitics

You want more...there's plenty more where that came from.
Don't be silly. There are so many nutjobs out there, on both sides, that it's possible to find just about any crazy thing you want to look for. Don't feel too proud of yourself, everyone knows how to Google for nutty shit.

You requested a link. Your exact quote was..."Please provide a link
to a lib calling a black an Uncle Tom for voting republican."

Are you implying that your not smart enough to goggle it?

Why would you request something that is readily available?

I will agree that anybody who voted for the Nation's token was a fuckin'
nut job.

He's back peddling after getting caught saying something stupid.
I ge
Yep, you've been replaced in favor of transforming the USA into Mexico for Islam. That and LGBT takes front-center, though I see that recently transformed to LGBTQ. Me too is awfully important too, as is feminism. So I don't know, black lives don't seem to matter like they once did, pardon the pun. I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..........Black Lives Matter, blah blah blah, yack yack yack yack yack.

Can't figure out what liberal narrative under our modern culture did for you people anyway, but I'm quite sure they made things worse by creating a dis-favorable environment. Doesn't impact just you, it affects us all.......Don't see what the Democrats did for you either. Not these Democrats anyhow.
" I could give a shit what color you or anyone else is, but you know the tune..."

So you try to convince black people that you, and other assholes who support trump, are not racists - by posting a message filled with racist bullshit...?

How fucking stupid do you think black people are? Do you really think they can't see right through your phony bullshit? Gad, you guys are such unbelievable fucking hypocrites!


I get it fuckwad. I supported Trump, thus my OP is racist. It's racist because it mentions Mexicans and blacks. But you forgot women & LGBT too, add Muslims, so opportunity missed for a greater portion of the liberal doctrine. I must be a womanizer, homophobic and Islamophobic too. I know, it's hard to keep up.

But congrats, you're a damn spokesman, martyr and hero for the black community.


You're just an everyday, plain vanilla HYPOCRITE, fartface...
Huh? He just seems to be commenting that black people seem to have been relegated by the Dems in terms of their position in the regressive hierarchy of pet victim groups. How does that make him a hypocrite?

trump supporters and republicans, in general, are forever trying to blame others of being racist. The fact is that trumptards and GOP dumbasses are the most racist and hypocritical people in America. If you don't see that, then you need new glasses, along with someone to explain republican statements. Start with those statements made by the Orange Doosh.

What statements would those be?

BTW, here you go dipshit:

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