Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?

I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I KNOW so. That is the difference between us. Well, one of the differences.

You'd be the right one to ask: Do you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster?
What? Now you are just trying to save face. Listen, I get it. It has to be really scary for someone to realize their world view is going to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Figured you’d get a kick out my quoting Trotsky,....NEXT!
Hey Rich, are we terrible for enjoying playing kick the Dummies the way we are?
Truth be told I do feel a little guilty. They are minds that follow patterns and waiting for them to say something simple minded, racist or both really is not much of a challenge. Kind of wish we could voice disagreements without be called names, but when you dive in the shallow end of the pool....
Well said.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I KNOW so. That is the difference between us. Well, one of the differences.

You'd be the right one to ask: Do you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster?
What? Now you are just trying to save face. Listen, I get it. It has to be really scary for someone to realize their world view is going to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Figured you’d get a kick out my quoting Trotsky,....NEXT!
Hey Rich, are we terrible for enjoying playing kick the Dummies the way we are?
Truth be told I do feel a little guilty. They are minds that follow patterns and waiting for them to say something simple minded, racist or both really is not much of a challenge. Kind of wish we could voice disagreements without be called names, but when you dive in the shallow end of the pool....

I kinda wish you could voice disagreements without forcing us to point out your many character flaws, but I've learned not to get my hopes up with leftists. They can only do as much as they can do.

So did you have something to say other than bigotry or hypocrisy, or is that your entire raison d'etre, and we can just dismiss you to the third-string bench?
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.

How . . . descriptive.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Great.....here's another compliment:

Those writing skills of yours?
You are the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…
You’re at it again Pole Chick, just insult, demean and call ‘em names.
Hey I got a freebee for you...How about the Dixiecrats? Good job Dems! way to get those (pick your own insult) back in the slums of the cities and backwater rural towns they ran to after Massa got killed in the war.


This puppy is nipping at my heels again???

Good boy.....go home now....your mommy has a treat for you.
Ahhhh, she speaks. Finally got over your fear I see. Good you used yesterday to hide/lurk and regroup. But seriously, let us stop pretending that you have any credibility. You blow in the wind, hang onto the ideas of others and attempt to display that you’ve read Atlas Shrugged. It’s really sad since Rand began to see problems in her own logic by the end of her life. Maybe you could hit the archives and pull out some classic Bill Buckley. Or is conservatism only the tool you get to use to find a government Russians find acceptable, authoritarians? Or are you really just a Pole Chick from Park Slope pretending to be from Brighton Beach?
She owned you loser. Go ahead and keep ignoring my post you stupid ignorant deranged dick.


Oh, remember that everyone?

Collusion Collusion Collusion Collusion

Holy shit you people are fucking deranged marxist sheep.

Useful fucking idiot.
Problem with jumping into the middle of a conversation is that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
OK you can sit down now big fella.

Wow.....he really put you in your place.

That's gotta leave a mark.
You guys area riot. Really try to have an original thought. Thinking when you’re a member of a democratic society is so important.
...and Pole (dancer) Chick if you want to leave a mark you going to have to swing a little harder. Because if this is the best you guys have, I’m scared for your future. You are going to be replaced by Chai drinking, natural fiber wearing, snowflakes if you don’t up your game. Poor ignorant white trash your days of relevance are coming to an end. You have been replaced by people of color, gays, liberals and Jewish people. So sad...

That was quite possibly the most intolerant, judgmental, Puritanical post I've read all week.
Yes,it was brilliant.

I'm sure you think so.
I KNOW so. That is the difference between us. Well, one of the differences.

You'd be the right one to ask: Do you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster?
What? Now you are just trying to save face. Listen, I get it. It has to be really scary for someone to realize their world view is going to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Figured you’d get a kick out my quoting Trotsky,....NEXT!
Hey Rich, are we terrible for enjoying playing kick the Dummies the way we are?
Truth be told I do feel a little guilty. They are minds that follow patterns and waiting for them to say something simple minded, racist or both really is not much of a challenge. Kind of wish we could voice disagreements without be called names, but when you dive in the shallow end of the pool....

I kinda wish you could voice disagreements without forcing us to point out your many character flaws, but I've learned not to get my hopes up with leftists. They can only do as much as they can do.

So did you have something to say other than bigotry or hypocrisy, or is that your entire raison d'etre, and we can just dismiss you to the third-string bench?

Put nothing past the scum.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
You would certainly know how that feels.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, your reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian
I don't know the sex of the person I addressed it to.
And I also have no issues with gays, unless they take over governments and sports leagues and start abusing their authority.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You are going through the destruction of society because of Trump and his minions on the right.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You are going through the destruction of society because of Trump and his minions on the right.
Yet you vermin filth are the looters and rioters. What will be your punishment from your chinese handlers when Trump is reelected, chin?
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian
I don't know the sex of the person I addressed it to.
And I also have no issues with gays, unless they take over governments and sports leagues and start abusing their authority.
That is so open minded of you, no problem with the gays as long as they are not in government or sports leagues. You still have not addressed why you associate “winning” with sodomy committed on a guy. To be clear, if that’s you man, I am not only cool with it but I will fight for your right to suck off and sodomize any guy willing to let you do it!
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You have misunderstood what I have said, so I’ll try again using some smaller words (apologies I tend to condescend to folks who get so worked up they don’t read straight).
What I have expressed is that some folks are pissed right now because their world view is not going to last beyond them. That is a scary proposition to be sure. You see, the world is changing and old ways of explaining the world are quickly becoming obsolete to most humans. I think everybody from white supremacists to folks who just are not comfortable with “those people” are quickly seeing the world leave them behind, hence the anger. If you are not one of these people, apologies, but in all fairness you jumped into this conversation with your guns blazing. You are welcome to disagree with my theory, but insulting me will not do anything but make me want troll the day lights out of you like I have done to PoliticalChick. You see I despise bullies, so you bully, I push back harder than you do. If this is unfair to you, again my most sincere apology, but if you keep ranting (using nothing but your own anger as your evidence) I will not treat you with much respect.
So, I am happy to try a reset with you, if you want.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You are going through the destruction of society because of Trump and his minions on the right.
Yet you vermin filth are the looters and rioters. What will be your punishment from your chinese handlers when Trump is reelected, chin?
Be careful, we’ve trained millions who have already infiltrated middle America. It’s the Chinese restaurants.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian
I don't know the sex of the person I addressed it to.
And I also have no issues with gays, unless they take over governments and sports leagues and start abusing their authority.
That is so open minded of you, no problem with the gays as long as they are not in government or sports leagues. You still have not addressed why you associate “winning” with sodomy committed on a guy. To be clear, if that’s you man, I am not only cool with it but I will fight for your right to suck off and sodomize any guy willing to let you do it!

That is so illiterate of you, misreading "taking over" as "in", and totally missing that whole "start abusing their authority" clause. Do we need to make a charity donation of a dictionary to you? Or should we just assume that you're much too busy "knowing" what conservatives think and believe to bother with that messy "listening to them and actually finding out" concept?

Also, while Mud is a big boy and can decide for himself whether or not he wants to let you get away with your Torquemada-Lite schtick of pretending you get to demand answers to things, I feel compelled to point out that no one here is obliged to "address" any fucking thing to you at all, and you should contemplate getting over yourself.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You have misunderstood what I have said, so I’ll try again using some smaller words (apologies I tend to condescend to folks who get so worked up they don’t read straight).
What I have expressed is that some folks are pissed right now because their world view is not going to last beyond them. That is a scary proposition to be sure. You see, the world is changing and old ways of explaining the world are quickly becoming obsolete to most humans. I think everybody from white supremacists to folks who just are not comfortable with “those people” are quickly seeing the world leave them behind, hence the anger. If you are not one of these people, apologies, but in all fairness you jumped into this conversation with your guns blazing. You are welcome to disagree with my theory, but insulting me will not do anything but make me want troll the day lights out of you like I have done to PoliticalChick. You see I despise bullies, so you bully, I push back harder than you do. If this is unfair to you, again my most sincere apology, but if you keep ranting (using nothing but your own anger as your evidence) I will not treat you with much respect.
So, I am happy to try a reset with you, if you want.

I didn't misunderstand what you said at all, Chuckles. Maybe the problem was that you were trying to be smarter than you actually are, and YOU misunderstood what you said.

You said, and I quote: "You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs." You actually said that twice, and I hate to break it to you when you're so very proud of having put together a whole sentence, but there was nothing layered or nuanced or hard to understand about it. Perhaps that wasn't what you thought you were saying, or what you meant to say, but that's what happens when you let the mentally challenged play with tools beyond their scope.

Please feel free to come back if you need more instruction in the English language and why you aren't using it above a fifth-grade level, despite your previous conceit.

PS. Only wannabes have to announce that they're being condescending. True masters don't have to.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You have misunderstood what I have said, so I’ll try again using some smaller words (apologies I tend to condescend to folks who get so worked up they don’t read straight).
What I have expressed is that some folks are pissed right now because their world view is not going to last beyond them. That is a scary proposition to be sure. You see, the world is changing and old ways of explaining the world are quickly becoming obsolete to most humans. I think everybody from white supremacists to folks who just are not comfortable with “those people” are quickly seeing the world leave them behind, hence the anger. If you are not one of these people, apologies, but in all fairness you jumped into this conversation with your guns blazing. You are welcome to disagree with my theory, but insulting me will not do anything but make me want troll the day lights out of you like I have done to PoliticalChick. You see I despise bullies, so you bully, I push back harder than you do. If this is unfair to you, again my most sincere apology, but if you keep ranting (using nothing but your own anger as your evidence) I will not treat you with much respect.
So, I am happy to try a reset with you, if you want.

I didn't misunderstand what you said at all, Chuckles. Maybe the problem was that you were trying to be smarter than you actually are, and YOU misunderstood what you said.

You said, and I quote: "You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs." You actually said that twice, and I hate to break it to you when you're so very proud of having put together a whole sentence, but there was nothing layered or nuanced or hard to understand about it. Perhaps that wasn't what you thought you were saying, or what you meant to say, but that's what happens when you let the mentally challenged play with tools beyond their scope.

Please feel free to come back if you need more instruction in the English language and why you aren't using it above a fifth-grade level, despite your previous conceit.

PS. Only wannabes have to announce that they're being condescending. True masters don't have to.
Them chinamen lie more than democrats.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You are going through the destruction of society because of Trump and his minions on the right.
Yet you vermin filth are the looters and rioters. What will be your punishment from your chinese handlers when Trump is reelected, chin?
Be careful, we’ve trained millions who have already infiltrated middle America. It’s the Chinese restaurants.

So now you're racist as well. Interesting.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You have misunderstood what I have said, so I’ll try again using some smaller words (apologies I tend to condescend to folks who get so worked up they don’t read straight).
What I have expressed is that some folks are pissed right now because their world view is not going to last beyond them. That is a scary proposition to be sure. You see, the world is changing and old ways of explaining the world are quickly becoming obsolete to most humans. I think everybody from white supremacists to folks who just are not comfortable with “those people” are quickly seeing the world leave them behind, hence the anger. If you are not one of these people, apologies, but in all fairness you jumped into this conversation with your guns blazing. You are welcome to disagree with my theory, but insulting me will not do anything but make me want troll the day lights out of you like I have done to PoliticalChick. You see I despise bullies, so you bully, I push back harder than you do. If this is unfair to you, again my most sincere apology, but if you keep ranting (using nothing but your own anger as your evidence) I will not treat you with much respect.
So, I am happy to try a reset with you, if you want.

I didn't misunderstand what you said at all, Chuckles. Maybe the problem was that you were trying to be smarter than you actually are, and YOU misunderstood what you said.

You said, and I quote: "You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs." You actually said that twice, and I hate to break it to you when you're so very proud of having put together a whole sentence, but there was nothing layered or nuanced or hard to understand about it. Perhaps that wasn't what you thought you were saying, or what you meant to say, but that's what happens when you let the mentally challenged play with tools beyond their scope.

Please feel free to come back if you need more instruction in the English language and why you aren't using it above a fifth-grade level, despite your previous conceit.

PS. Only wannabes have to announce that they're being condescending. True masters don't have to.
Them chinamen lie more than democrats.

Please, he WISHES he was bright enough to be one of them, instead of their sniveling little toady.
I wonder what possesses these troll shill pos on here to constantly spin twist and lie?
She has nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably. Pity her.

"...nothing better to do than try to look intelligent on a message board, something she fails at miserably."

Yet here you are.....again, and again, and again......

Is that what failure looks like......you dunce.
It is fun to play with an idiot like you sometimes. I am rarely here, but have some time now that my book is being published.

This post made me roll my eyes so hard, I think I strained a muscle.

You're the Internet version of the guy in the bar who tries to pick up chicks by pretending he works on Wall Street when he's actually on the drying line at his local car wash.
Believe what you want, it could matter less to ne. WALL STREET? You must be kidding.

I'm not surprised to learn that you've made your peace with being viewed as a joke. I commend your acceptance of your shortcomings.
Being viewed as a joke here in PC land is a compliment.

Whatever keeps you off the ledge, man.
I flew from the ledge years ago.

You should do it more often.
What makes you think I don't?

So I can get my hopes up????

I'm practicing for the wake...."...he just lit up the room..."
You are generally left in my wake.

Looking forward to that wake.

I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?
Weak, very weak. Once again, I left you in the wake. Ciao.

Only a leftist would be dumb enough to think, "I proudly admitted to being a bigoted piece of shit. I WIN!"

Buh-bye, oxygen thief.

I accept your capitulation.
That's not a capitulation.
That's a thick fucking dick balls-deep in your corn hole.
I thought your sort had issues with homosexuality. Clearly putting your member “balls deep” into another mans anus qualifies as a homosexual act, so it seems curious that you would describe sodomizing another man as your victory. Unless you are a log cabinTrumpian

Well, that'll certainly teach you to think when you're so vastly unequipped and unprepared for it.

Just a tip: trying to hold other people responsible to your biases and stereotypes about them never goes over well.
So much anger. You know the only reason why you get so incensed by the things other people say is that you are insecure in your own beliefs. Seems unfair to lay that at my feet. And this whole bigot thing your working doesn’t really make any type of sense. The whole Anne Coulter thing is just bigot-bating. Have you read what people have said aboutMichelle Obama? Maybe time to get off the high horse? Regardless, you reaction seems kind of “snow-flakey”, you see I am baiting you. Do try to keep up.

See my previous post, in which I derisively scoffed at your notion that the "only reason" anyone could be angry is because you're just so damned correct and brilliant, as opposed to the fact that we're living through the destruction of our society and way of life, and shitbricks like you are egging it on.

How much more tone-deaf and oblivious could you possibly be without walking out in front of traffic on a regular basis?

Try your supercilious act on someone who's as dumb as you are, 'cause it has no traction here, Sparky.
You are going through the destruction of society because of Trump and his minions on the right.
Yet you vermin filth are the looters and rioters. What will be your punishment from your chinese handlers when Trump is reelected, chin?
Be careful, we’ve trained millions who have already infiltrated middle America. It’s the Chinese restaurants.
No, it's not chinese restaurants, it's plants/spies working here and posting divisive messages 24/7 trying to influence the election on favor of the commie scum who own you. I hope the penalty for you all is severe when Trump wins. That or you're simply a media fed dupe.

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