Who Says Democrats Hate Black People?

The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Typical Trump supporter who quotes a couple blacks and assume they speak for all blacks.
In 2018 3% of Blacks identified as Republicans, 27% as Independents and 67% as Democrats.
Let Blacks determine what party is best for them, not a white chic.

And your fearless leader Donald Trump has a 9% approval among Blacks.

The Democrats used to be the party of under educated whites. Republicans are now the party of under educated whites. See the stats in PEW research.

If you're asking to compare your educational resume with mine....I'd be happy, but you won't be.

Maybe, maybe not; MBA -Quanatative Analytics

You find an MBA as a funny degree. I would think that only an under educated individual would find an MBA funny.
Possibly someone with a Doctorate is Romantic languages would find an MBA being the degree of a selfish capitalist and would find the degree disgusting but not funny.
Which one are you. I can guess.

You couldn't even spell "Quantitative" correctly, dipshit.....you are not fooling me at all.

I have an MBA, not an english degree.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

I guess if you are speechless by a brilliant retort to your post, you just laugh.

You are a blowhard and a poseur. You have always been a joke to me. I kick you around like an old soup can....always have.

Oh Dale, you are quite the guy. I laugh at people like you.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

The DNC is endorsed by all communist front groups.....so you admit that the DNC is indeed "communist" ? BTW, I am very educated, well read and armed with much knowledge. I wouldn't tout nor support you Marxist sacks of shit even at gunpoint.

I hate to disappoint but I am a capitalist. A capitalist with morals and ethics. Socialism and Marxism do not work. I know that because of my education. Not because someone else told me. That is the difference between a smart capitlist (me) and a dumb capitalist (you). One problem with capitalism today is there are too many dumb capitalists. We need more smart capitalists.

Well then, you must understand the perils of a central bank, correct
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

The DNC is endorsed by all communist front groups.....so you admit that the DNC is indeed "communist" ? BTW, I am very educated, well read and armed with much knowledge. I wouldn't tout nor support you Marxist sacks of shit even at gunpoint.

I hate to disappoint but I am a capitalist. A capitalist with morals and ethics. Socialism and Marxism do not work. I know that because of my education. Not because someone else told me. That is the difference between a smart capitlist (me) and a dumb capitalist (you). One problem with capitalism today is there are too many dumb capitalists. We need more smart capitalists.

Then you must know about the perils of having a central bank that extends credit to print fiat currency while attaching interest to it, correct? Because if you don't? You have just exposed yourself as a poseur on this front as well.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Typical Trump supporter who quotes a couple blacks and assume they speak for all blacks.
In 2018 3% of Blacks identified as Republicans, 27% as Independents and 67% as Democrats.
Let Blacks determine what party is best for them, not a white chic.

And your fearless leader Donald Trump has a 9% approval among Blacks.

The Democrats used to be the party of under educated whites. Republicans are now the party of under educated whites. See the stats in PEW research.

If you're asking to compare your educational resume with mine....I'd be happy, but you won't be.

Maybe, maybe not; MBA -Quanatative Analytics

You find an MBA as a funny degree. I would think that only an under educated individual would find an MBA funny.
Possibly someone with a Doctorate is Romantic languages would find an MBA being the degree of a selfish capitalist and would find the degree disgusting but not funny.
Which one are you. I can guess.

You couldn't even spell "Quantitative" correctly, dipshit.....you are not fooling me at all.

I have an MBA, not an english degree.

If one claims to have a "Masters" in a certain field of study? I would think that they would be able to actually SPELL what they "studied", Einstein.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

I guess if you are speechless by a brilliant retort to your post, you just laugh.

You are a blowhard and a poseur. You have always been a joke to me. I kick you around like an old soup can....always have.

Oh Dale, you are quite the guy. I laugh at people like you.

I hope it's as hearty of a laugh as I get at your expense. You are a joke with a very lame punch line.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

The DNC is endorsed by all communist front groups.....so you admit that the DNC is indeed "communist" ? BTW, I am very educated, well read and armed with much knowledge. I wouldn't tout nor support you Marxist sacks of shit even at gunpoint.

I hate to disappoint but I am a capitalist. A capitalist with morals and ethics. Socialism and Marxism do not work. I know that because of my education. Not because someone else told me. That is the difference between a smart capitlist (me) and a dumb capitalist (you). One problem with capitalism today is there are too many dumb capitalists. We need more smart capitalists.

Well then, you must understand the perils of a central bank, correct
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Notice how leftards never mention George Wallace, a serious demcrat candidate for the 1972 presidential election.......they are the party of racists.

Dale, Parties change with time.
The Democrat party was preferred by most racists in the past.
In 2020, the Republican party is preferred by the majority of racists. It is proven by the fact of many white supremacists endorsing Trump.
In the past, the Democrat party was the party of under educated white people. In 2020, the Republican party is the party of under educated white people.
Go figure.

The DNC is endorsed by all communist front groups.....so you admit that the DNC is indeed "communist" ? BTW, I am very educated, well read and armed with much knowledge. I wouldn't tout nor support you Marxist sacks of shit even at gunpoint.

I hate to disappoint but I am a capitalist. A capitalist with morals and ethics. Socialism and Marxism do not work. I know that because of my education. Not because someone else told me. That is the difference between a smart capitlist (me) and a dumb capitalist (you). One problem with capitalism today is there are too many dumb capitalists. We need more smart capitalists.

Then you must know about the perils of having a central bank that extends credit to print fiat currency while attaching interest to it, correct? Because if you don't? You have just exposed yourself as a poseur on this front as well.

I am a capitalist but I do not believe in a 100% free market. Human greed ruins a totlly free market. I feel some government regulation is required. I believe in the Fed, as do the vast majority of economists in the US. I feel it is necessary to make our economy stronger and provides stability in times of crisis.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Typical Trump supporter who quotes a couple blacks and assume they speak for all blacks.
In 2018 3% of Blacks identified as Republicans, 27% as Independents and 67% as Democrats.
Let Blacks determine what party is best for them, not a white chic.

And your fearless leader Donald Trump has a 9% approval among Blacks.

The Democrats used to be the party of under educated whites. Republicans are now the party of under educated whites. See the stats in PEW research.

If you're asking to compare your educational resume with mine....I'd be happy, but you won't be.

Maybe, maybe not; MBA -Quanatative Analytics

You find an MBA as a funny degree. I would think that only an under educated individual would find an MBA funny.
Possibly someone with a Doctorate is Romantic languages would find an MBA being the degree of a selfish capitalist and would find the degree disgusting but not funny.
Which one are you. I can guess.

You couldn't even spell "Quantitative" correctly, dipshit.....you are not fooling me at all.

I have an MBA, not an english degree.

If one claims to have a "Masters" in a certain field of study? I would think that they would be able to actually SPELL what they "studied", Einstein.

Dale, my fingers cannot keep up with my brain, often resulting in mis-typed words. I am guessing your fingers are much faster than your brain, so you would not understand.
I am, probably the smartest person you will ever have communications with. But not the best typist. Thanks for giving me a heads up, I will correct Quantitative.
I did get MBA correct.
The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Campaign Ad: Black Lives Don't Matter To Democrats

The first Republican President said you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

And.....one more case of truth from Republicans:

"African-American Woman Confronts BLM Protesters in CHAZ: ā€˜Democrats Hate Black People.ā€™
ā€œFake news? You see, this is the thing. I know people donā€™t like Trump, but let me tell you something. If I had to pick between him and Joe Biden, Iā€™m not voting Joe Biden! You want to see a bunch of black people go to jail by the next four years? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens,ā€ she said.

ā€œYou want to see black men get killed substantially, like things youā€™ve never seen before? Put Joe Bidenā€™s name down. Watch what happens. These democrats and Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not trying to be racist, these Democrats hate black people. These are the same Democrats who fought to keep slavery in.

ā€œItā€™s run by the same people who built the KKK. These are the same people who hated us from the beginning. The Republican Party is the party of the blacks. The Republican Party is the only party that the black people assisted in founding. But history and the truth has been torn away.

ā€œSo the same democrats who hated blacks from the beginning are the same ones who hate us now. And they use our causeā€¦ How did black lives matter turn into something about LGBTQ, when blacks donā€™t really support that. We are conservative. We are really not about that.

ā€œNot only that we donā€™t support abortion. We are workers. This is the black culture. We ainā€™t about that. We donā€™t support feminism. Black women matter to their husbands and they support their husbands. Thatā€™s what we are. We arenā€™t all ā€˜I do what I wantā€™ business. We donā€™t do that. Thatā€™s not our community. Yet these people are hijacking our movement. No!ā€

View attachment 350962

Campaign Ad: Black Lives Don't Matter To Democrats

No lives matter to the Democrats . . . unless they can be used as tools, pawns, and human shields.

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