Sorry, Zimmy!

Apparently the decision is based on whether the NBC affiliate PURPOSELY edited the audio of the 911 call to make it look like Zimm was a racist.

Clearly, the editing changes the entire context. Who knows if the NBC affiliate purposely performed the editing, to make Zimm look bad, but I don't see how the employee who actually did it didn't realize the editing changes the whole context.

For that, I think the judge screwed the pooch on this one, since the employee was representing his employer.

Why ?

I'm certain you're no Zimm fan, but can't you see how the editing of this video made everyone listening to it jump to the conclusion that Zimm was a racist ?

Whether you were on his side, or Trayvon's, this edit clearly made Zimm look bad, regardless of the eventual outcome of the trial.

Why ?

I'm certain you're no Zimm fan, but can't you see how the editing of this video made everyone listening to it jump to the conclusion that Zimm was a racist ?

Whether you were on his side, or Trayvon's, this edit clearly made Zimm look bad, regardless of the eventual outcome of the trial.

He took a human life, without just cause, self defense, in my opinion, I respect the jury's verdict, but still do not wish this man well.
Apparently the decision is based on whether the NBC affiliate PURPOSELY edited the audio of the 911 call to make it look like Zimm was a racist.

Clearly, the editing changes the entire context. Who knows if the NBC affiliate purposely performed the editing, to make Zimm look bad, but I don't see how the employee who actually did it didn't realize the editing changes the whole context.

For that, I think the judge screwed the pooch on this one, since the employee was representing his employer.

The way the libs are celebrating this, you would think that the judge reversed his not guilty verdict. I feel bad for the guy, the left has ruined an innocent man. If I ever meet him (I live a few miles south of Sanford) I would help the guy out as much as I could.
I approve(.):eusa_clap:

Why ?

I'm certain you're no Zimm fan, but can't you see how the editing of this video made everyone listening to it jump to the conclusion that Zimm was a racist ?

Whether you were on his side, or Trayvon's, this edit clearly made Zimm look bad, regardless of the eventual outcome of the trial.

He took a human life, without just cause, self defense, in my opinion, I respect the jury's verdict, but still do not wish this man well.

I understand that, many will simply see this as karma, or that he deserves it.
Based solely on this editing though, I don't see how this judge or anyone can conclude this wasn't harmful, and purposely done since it obviously changed the whole context, and immediately painted Zimmerman in a bad light.
The important thing is that this instance is one of many that prove that the really big liars in news are the mainstream media and not FOX. Despite what the idiot lefties say.
Apparently the decision is based on whether the NBC affiliate PURPOSELY edited the audio of the 911 call to make it look like Zimm was a racist.

For that, I think the judge screwed the pooch on this one, since the employee was representing his employer.

It's hard to judge intent.

But since NBC and it's bastard child MSNBC have a history of doing this to others, it kinda makes one wonder.

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