Sotomayor attacks lawyer for telling truth about minorities and drugs

The 'Wise Latina' strikes again. One of the reasons Chief Justice John Roberts won't submit his resignation, even though Obama has a David Petraeus style pair of Vice Grip Pliers clamped to his testicles re his blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned adopted Mexican children, is that it would leave Obama open to appoint the 'Wise Latina' as Chief Justice. Like the Warren Court gained a bit of notoriety for its unending stream of Liberal decisions, a Sotomayor Court would soon become known for its "If you're white, you lose" decisions.

Unlike Lincoln, Obama chose not to "Bind up the nation's wounds, but to rub salt in them"
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The 'Wise Latina' strikes again. One of the reasons Chief Justice John Roberts won't submit his resignation, even though Obama has a David Petraeus style pair of Vice Grip Pliers clamped to his testicles re his blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned adopted Mexican children, is that it would leave Obama open to appoint the 'Wise Latina' as Chief Justice.

Roberts could destroy obozo by using the birther issue.

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