Sotomayor Grants Emergency Stay to Kansas: Halts Gay Marriage.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday to stop same-sex marriages from beginning this week.
Schmidt filed a request for an emergency stay Monday afternoon ahead of a preliminary injunction from federal Judge Daniel Crabtree that will go into effect 5 p.m. Tuesday, allowing same-sex marriages. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor blocks same-sex marriages in Kansas


Schmidt also has appealed Crabtree’s underlying ruling that will allow marriages. That appeal remains pending, but the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request by Schmidt to prevent marriage licenses from being issued while the appeal moves through the legal process, prompting Monday’s appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Chances are excellent he argued this: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

From this: 14-1341 184 6th Circuit Decision in Marriage Cases

I'm assuming AG Schmidt of Kansas cited Baker, 1971 as did Sutton of the 6th Circuit. That it is now and still the law until a final Decision by SCOTUS.
With any luck the court will decide they really shouldn't be setting policy like this and it rightly belongs to the states to decide via the democratic process.
With any luck the court will decide they really shouldn't be setting policy like this and it rightly belongs to the states to decide via the democratic process.

Per Windsor, the states cannot prohibit 14th Amendment guaranteed liberties.
With any luck the court will decide they really shouldn't be setting policy like this and it rightly belongs to the states to decide via the democratic process.

Per Windsor, the states cannot prohibit 14th Amendment guaranteed liberties.
Per Windsor states traditionally have the power to regulate marriages, except for items specifically protected. Since homosexuality is nowhere protected it does not fall into that category.
That is a minority view that has been banished in Windsor.

Email SCOTUS if you think they have it wrong.
With any luck the court will decide they really shouldn't be setting policy like this and it rightly belongs to the states to decide via the democratic process.

Per Windsor, the states cannot prohibit 14th Amendment guaranteed liberties.
Funny, I didn't read that there. What I did read was one, just one passing mention of Loving v Virginia, with the Opinion in Windsor saying this instead: that as of its Writing, gay marriage was 'only allowed in some states'.

Thats a vote of no-confidence right in the body of Windsor that a behavioral cult would qualify for the 14th in order to completely redefine what marriage means, protected federally acrosss all 50 states against those states' Will.

Especially where children are deprived in those gay marriages 100% of the time of one blood parent and the opposite gender vital for balanced self esteem/role modeling..
Send em to SCOTUS. They will ask, "where are the children?"

They will say, JakeStarkey is right yet again, Sil is a loon.

They will say, per Sil's statement immediately above, "she does not understand Windsor."
Sotomayor's action does not mean the high court will grant the Kansas application. U.S. justice temporarily blocks gay marriage in Kansas - Yahoo News

Excellent decision. Get everybody on Board before SCOTUS makes a decision. Just like she did with Utah.

The end game is on.
So that's the LGBT spin on this harbinger Jakey?

Suppose there's an outside chance Sotomayor read Sutton's Opinion and realized he was right, that Baker, 1971applies and is the law of the land in the interim? Maybe Sotomayor realized that "oh yeah, lower courts cannot overturn our regular or summary judgments". "Their decisions are violation of due process and therefore void"?
Indeed, it is about the American Dream of equality, for homosexuals as well as those of us who are heterosexual and have always been true to the laws of chastity. Listening, a Mormon, has admitted she can't do that.

However, my personal prudishness or Listening's skankishness is not the point here.
You attacked me about a list and got it stuff down your throat.

You attacked my sexuality and chastity and got both stuffed down your throat.

You attacked my family members and got it stuffed down your throat.

You won't produce a list of what TeaPers are now in Congress and got it stuffed down your throat.

Yeah, I can do this all night.
You attacked me about a list and got it stuff down your throat.

You attacked my sexuality and chastity and got both stuffed down your throat.

You won't produce a list and got it stuffed down your throat.

Yeah, I can do this all night.

You made the claim...we asked for the list.

You can't provide it because your claim was a lie.

I did provide a list.

You are all hung up on getting thngs stuffed down your throat. I's what you are.
Provide the list again, if you provided it, L, because Inever saw it.

V provided a list from 2012.

You guys are failing.
Provide the list again, if you provided it, L, because Inever saw it.

V provided a list from 2012.

You guys are failing.

I provided the list from 2012 you dick. That was the Wiki list.

Now, who are the 30 "defeated" ?

You don't have any because they pretty much all came back to win in 2014 along with about 10 others.

McConnell is toast.
Here's the gist of the response filed on behalf of gay marriage in Kansas:

Like a broken record "people not being able to gay marry is much much worse than unraveling democracy at its core"... *yawn*

Civil liberties attorneys told the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday that delaying gay marriages in Kansas will harm same-sex couples and their families, while the state would not be significantly affected if it can't keep enforcing its ban....

...Kansas never has recognized same-sex marriages, and voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the state constitution in 2005 to reinforce the gay marriage ban.... ACLU Gay Kansas Couples Harmed by Marriage Delay - ABC News

Once again, court clerks come into the fray, put in the vice and squeeeeeeeezed out of their solemn Oath to uphold their state's laws:

The Kansas court said marriage license applications from same-sex couples could be accepted but not issued until its case is resolved. That order remained in effect Tuesday.
Schmidt has argued that if the federal judge's injunction takes effect, it will apply only in Douglas and Sedgwick counties, because their court clerks were sued. But Bonney believes the federal order would apply statewide.
Tom Witt, executive director of the gay rights group Equality Kansas, said it's not clear how court clerks in each of the state's 105 counties would react.

This reminds me of a court clerk in San Diego, CA, Ernie Dronenburg. He tried to get clarity from the State or Fed authorites on how exactly it was that he was supposed to be put in the squeeze between the two groups. On the one hand if he obeyed his Oath to uphold the duly enacted laws of the State by its superior intiative system, he faced legal threats from the Governor or AG Harris who promised to torture him. On the other hand, if he cowered to their threats ( a thing he ultimately did) he was a co-conspirator in sedition against the Will of the electorate there.

I think a coalition of county clerks across the country should launch a class-action lawsuit against their state's authorities to force those authorities to make public statements that clear the names of the county clerks and assume all responsibility themselves for the acts of sedition they are undertaking.

Dronenburg needs to come back out of hiding again. His day to be heard in court is once again open and available to him.

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