SOTU: Obama and Dems should be proud, despite GOP Gloom and doom bs- Best econ, UE, of any...ACA AE

I am going to find out first hand if OCare is all the Libs say it is.
I will see if i get the same coverage or will I pay $600 a month with a $6,000 a year deductible
with OCare....

I found Get Covered | Covered California™

if you age 60 with $60K income and live in Santa Clara you pay $550 on the cheap one. $800 upper.

I just lost my job so I am picking up the Cobra for $600 a month.
My option is to pick up my coverage so I need to shop around....
I will see for myself if OCare is everything the Libs say it is.
I know a guy that got denied Obamacare because he didn't have any income
Then he gets Medicaid, except in mindless red states.
I'd say that it's out there ....
Many reports today out from Wall street types feel we are headed for a recession....
The start of 2016 on Wall street is horrific...
And most of them say that our economy has been in trouble for years now.....
Years they say...

And who has been our Supreme leader during that time....
And of course the Obama defenders will say that Obama has nothing to do with it...
That's because China might be in trouble. Great job obstructing our recovery until the rest of the world falls apart, mindless Pubs and silly dupes...
SEE bottom 99% paying the same as the top 1%. Add in fees and they pay more. Great for the richest, bad for the rest and the country. And 1 in 4 giant corps pay nothing. Great job, GOP.


Yup, and there are more of them, and state income taxes have risen, and fees have gone HUGE to make up for cuts in Fed aid, ALL OF WHICH hit the nonrich DUH. Engage your brain, dupe.

See, you are capable of learning. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the United States having the most progressive income tax system in the industrialized world.
Irrelevant, only in theory. And I've been saying the same truth for pages now, dupe.

Dozens of Economist already pointed out the U.S. Tax system is more progressive, so it's more than just a theory, sorry for you.

And you keep adding regressive taxes with progressive taxes, somehow believing your argument makes sense.

dear, your own chart says the top 1% pay 30% of all taxes .Is that fair??? do they get 30% of all the entitlements and 30% of all the national defense???

Why would we want to punish our best by taking $2 trillion from them to create moral hazard among the lower classes? Its anti-science and anti-evolution.
Ponder the chart until you get it. Flat tax, screwing the nonrich and the country. Then, WTF are you talking about lol? You people forget we're trying to help everyone and the country? Ay caramba.
SEE bottom 99% paying the same as the top 1%. Add in fees and they pay more. Great for the richest, bad for the rest and the country. And 1 in 4 giant corps pay nothing. Great job, GOP.


Regressive taxes aren't cut for any particular group of people. They're applied uniformly. By simply being regressive, they affect the poor more than they affect the rich because the overall tax constitutes a greater portion of low-income earners.

There are significantly less damaging ways of sounding uninformed without sounding completely clueless.
Yup, and there are more of them, and state income taxes have risen, and fees have gone HUGE to make up for cuts in Fed aid, ALL OF WHICH hit the nonrich DUH. Engage your brain, dupe.

See, you are capable of learning. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the United States having the most progressive income tax system in the industrialized world.
Irrelevant, only in theory. And I've been saying the same truth for pages now, dupe.

Dozens of Economist already pointed out the U.S. Tax system is more progressive, so it's more than just a theory, sorry for you.

And you keep adding regressive taxes with progressive taxes, somehow believing your argument makes sense.
I've already refuted you, and that chart, more times than I possibly care to claim. At this point, I feel like I'm picking on a retard, so if you don't have any other evidence, I think I'm going to move on.
By practically every measure, where we are today is better than where we were 7 years ago.

Some of the facts seem unbelievable, like how we now export more oil than we import thanks to a Democratic president who fast-tracked the fuck out of an "all of the above" energy strategy that included ridiculous amounts of oil exploration and fracking. Liberals didn't like it, but it was a compromise Obama eagerly chose to make, thinking that he'd be able to make a few friends with some Republicans he'd need in the Congress in order to govern effectively.

Have Republicans tipped their cap to him on that? No, but Texas is the first to wave their dicks in your face at their economic boom, which was among the greatest benefactors of his fast-tracking. Texas is doing quite well today and Obama was a direct player in it.

I also find it unbelievable how fast gay rights came along. Like night and day compared to 2004 when Dubya was still promising his base a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

With one hand tied behind his back, Obama has put the ship of state back on its two feet practically all by himself since Republicans didn't want to be caught dead appearing to be working with a black liberal Democrat who is probably not even American, right?

History will remember Obama fondly, and it will be none too kind to Republicans, who did everything they could to try to make their country fail.
Lefties like Franco go to their left wing sites, pull up lies and distortions all of which have already been debunked, and then resort to childish, tired, tantrums and think they are accomplishing something.

Just point at them and laugh until you get bored. That's the only thing that isn't a complete waste of time.
SEE bottom 99% paying the same as the top 1%. Add in fees and they pay more. Great for the richest, bad for the rest and the country. And 1 in 4 giant corps pay nothing. Great job, GOP.


Yup, and there are more of them, and state income taxes have risen, and fees have gone HUGE to make up for cuts in Fed aid, ALL OF WHICH hit the nonrich DUH. Engage your brain, dupe.

See, you are capable of learning. But that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the United States having the most progressive income tax system in the industrialized world.
Irrelevant, only in theory. And I've been saying the same truth for pages now, dupe.

Dozens of Economist already pointed out the U.S. Tax system is more progressive, so it's more than just a theory, sorry for you.

And you keep adding regressive taxes with progressive taxes, somehow believing your argument makes sense.
I've already refuted you, and that chart, more times than I possibly care to claim. At this point, I feel like I'm picking on a retard, so if you don't have any other evidence, I think I'm going to move on.
You refuted nothing, dingbat dupe. The fact that there are more regressive taxes and that federal income taxes have become a RW propaganda device only illustrates the point that the richest and giant corps aren't paying their fair share and that the nonrich are being ruined along with the country, DUH.
Lefties like Franco go to their left wing sites, pull up lies and distortions all of which have already been debunked, and then resort to childish, tired, tantrums and think they are accomplishing something.

Just point at them and laugh until you get bored. That's the only thing that isn't a complete waste of time.
Yup, tax stats from government bureaucracies are just LW propaganda. Dunces.
I'm an avg guy . Maybe fly 2x a year . Top 1% fly all the time. Benefiting from faa and public airports all over . Why should I be paying for the faa???

very very stupid even for a liberal:
1) all conservatives believe those who use should pay in proportion
2) FAA budget is less than tiny speck compared to $trillions spent on welfare entitlements and that is your best example???.

See why we say 100%??
the richest and giant corps aren't paying their fair share and that the nonrich are being ruined along with the country, DUH.

dear, your own chart says the top 1% pay 29% of taxes. That's 28% more than their fair share. Do you understand now?

Perhaps Presisent Obama should have chosen to take a vacation in supporting those southern coastal states effected by the devistating oil spil, instead of feeling his time was better served at Martha's Vineyard? "One man" could have chosen to use his position to influence others through the media, in supporting those small businesses and families who's livelihood was greatly affected by a lack ot tourism. "One man" could have effected the economy of thousands of lives, but didn't.

When it comes to the Obama's they have demonstrated that they are no different than the rich they associate with, in only giving attention to those who can afford a sizeable campaign contribution.

Perhaps Presisent Obama should have chosen to take a vacation in supporting those southern coastal states effected by the devistating oil spil, instead of feeling his time was better served at Martha's Vineyard? "One man" could have chosen to use his position to influence others through the media, in supporting those small businesses and families who's livelihood was greatly affected by a lack ot tourism. "One man" could have effected the economy of thousands of lives, but didn't.

When it comes to the Obama's they have demonstrated that they are no different than the rich they associate with, in only giving attention to those who can afford a sizeable campaign contribution.
Horse patoot. see sig
Its all over the news today, Obama is bragging about how he traded a path to nuclear weapons and billions of dollars to Iran for the return of 4 hostages.
You people forget we're trying to help everyone and the country? Ay caramba.

so crippling welfare entitlements help someone?? How would that be possible??
They only exist on planet Pub dupe...but thanks for the corrupt GOP depression and 7 years of mindless obstruction.

why change the subject when you can learn something??
so crippling welfare entitlements help someone?? How would that be possible?? The near genocide against American blacks was not enough??
Despite almost criminal obstruction and fear mongering. Solar power is up 2000%, Pot legal, Gay Marriage, much cheaper college loans, low health cost rise,. Better than 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and a corrupt world depression.

No doom and gloom?

You mean we don't have to worry about climate change destroying the world?

Yea! Let's buy an SUV!
Despite almost criminal obstruction and fear mongering. Solar power is up 2000%, Pot legal, Gay Marriage, much cheaper college loans, low health cost rise,. Better than 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and a corrupt world depression.

No doom and gloom?

You mean we don't have to worry about climate change destroying the world?

Yea! Let's buy an SUV!
The GOP gloom is that the economy is bad lol and it's O's fault, ditto the ME. Things are going well. DUH. BOOOOSH!! What a disaster...Thanks GOP.
Despite almost criminal obstruction and fear mongering. Solar power is up 2000%, Pot legal, Gay Marriage, much cheaper college loans, low health cost rise,. Better than 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and a corrupt world depression.

No doom and gloom?

You mean we don't have to worry about climate change destroying the world?

Yea! Let's buy an SUV!
The GOP gloom is that the economy is bad lol and it's O's fault, ditto the ME. Things are going well. DUH. BOOOOSH!! What a disaster...Thanks GOP.


As reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (looking at Employed, Unemployed and Not-in-Labor-Force)

From January 2000 to January 2016
number of citizens Employed rose by 11%, Not-in-Labor Force by 37%
U6 Unemployed by 57%.

Since the end of the Great Recession in 2010 through 2015, Unemployment dropped by 40% but voluntary workforce departures continued a steady exodus reaching a high watermark of 94 million able-bodied adults who choose not to work -

Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics

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