SOTU: President Trump Has Delivered for Northeastern Pennsylvania....


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
..... and Pennsylvania Will Deliver Victory in 2020:

Tonight President Trump will stand before Congress to give the State of the Union address. I, along with Northeastern Pennsylvania, will be reflecting on the growth over the last year under President Trump's leadership.

In my hometown of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, business is picking up after eight years of no to slow job growth under President Obama. This is personal to my family and my community. Like many in Northeast Pennsylvania, my family started out by doing the “dirty jobs” that liberal Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Matt Cartwright want to legislate away.

My grandfather provided for his nine children by working long, hard hours as a coal miner. At night, he dug graves by hand and on weekends he had an old truck and delivered coal to homes. It wasn’t glamorous work, but as an Italian immigrant with an eighth-grade education, he always believed hard work was the solution to every problem. My father put himself through Penn State by working construction and lived the American dream by partnering with his older brother installing boilers in 1969.

This grew into Bognet Plumbing and Heating, and 50 years later our family firm has worked in schools and factories across eastern Pennsylvania. I spent my teenage years working on construction sites, swinging a sledgehammer and digging ditches, trying to work as hard as my father and grandfather. I got a scholarship to Penn State, two graduate degrees from UCLA, and worked for blue-collar conservatives like Lou Barletta and Rick Santorum. I was even blessed to work for President Trump on manufacturing and export issues in his administration.

SOTU: President Trump Has Delivered for Northeastern Pennsylvania...and Pennsylvania Will Deliver Victory in 2020

BJ - Still work to do in the next 4 years.
"Thanks to President Trump and his pro-growth policies, the State of the Union in Northeast Pennsylvania is growing and getting stronger every day. President Trump has spent three years stripping away aggressive government regulations that have hampered our core industries under Obama. The results are undeniable: since 2017, we’ve seen an 8 percent growth in mining, logging, and construction work; a 2 percent increase in manufacturing jobs; and near record-low unemployment rates in the region, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. "

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