'Sound of Freedom' Funder Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Hmmm..a bit of irony here? Details are still sketchy..but this guy does seem to be an odd fit. A sexist weirdo bragging about 'saving' Sound of Freedom from Disney?
Perhaps his kidnapping charges stem from a rescue? Perhaps.
But the guy puts on some questionable events:

Upon further investigation, I see this a bit of a nothing-burger. Yeah the guy contributed..a little--and was listed along with 6,000 others. Just another Crowdfunder and had nothing to do with the production.

Bad apples can show up everywhere--the movie's message remains unchanged.

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It shouldn't be "kidnapping" when someone rescues a child from a bad situation. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
It shouldn't be "kidnapping" when someone rescues a child from a bad situation. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
If, indeed that is what happened. There is not, yet at least, any indication that that is what happened here.
Odd indeed, if the police would charge a rescuer.

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Yup, it's also odd that they'd charge an ex-Marine for stopping that crazy guy on the subway too.

What's this world coming to?
LOL! The Marine was charged with KILLING that crazy guy. I guess you could spin that as 'stopping'.
Yeah, he got charged..there is no way his actions meet the legal standards~

Of course, that has nothing to do with this..but nice red herring.
Anyone paying attention can see that it's the Right that is chock full of pedos and their enablers.
LOL! The Marine was charged with KILLING that crazy guy. I guess you could spin that as 'stopping'.
Yeah, he got charged..there is no way his actions meet the legal standards~

Of course, that has nothing to do with this..but nice red herring.
Its hilarious how crazy the right wing loons get. The guy in Ohio who had his hands up and a police dog picked on him was completely at fault. George Floyd dies and they say it had nothing to do with someone kneeling on his neck. A black guy gets shot in the black and the picture shows the police putting a gun next to him is "due process".

They then wonder about why they are portrayed as whack jobs. Nobody forces them to take these postures. They continually do it to themselves.

As for this film that they seem to think is OSCAR worthy based on its box office...I don't know much about it. One of the minds behind it has been arrested. The die is cast. Whatever the charge was, whatever the evidence is, whatever the facts of the case are...all made up! Why? Because he was tied to a film they like!
Hmmm..a bit of irony here? Details are still sketchy..but this guy does seem to be an odd fit. A sexist weirdo bragging about 'saving' Sound of Freedom from Disney?
Perhaps his kidnapping charges stem from a rescue? Perhaps.
But the guy puts on some questionable events:

Upon further investigation, I see this a bit of a nothing-burger. Yeah the guy contributed..a little--and was listed along with 6,000 others. Just another Crowdfunder and had nothing to do with the production.

Bad apples can show up everywhere--the movie's message remains unchanged.

arrested sound of freedom perv.jpg
Hmmm..a bit of irony here? Details are still sketchy..but this guy does seem to be an odd fit. A sexist weirdo bragging about 'saving' Sound of Freedom from Disney?
Perhaps his kidnapping charges stem from a rescue? Perhaps.
But the guy puts on some questionable events:

Upon further investigation, I see this a bit of a nothing-burger. Yeah the guy contributed..a little--and was listed along with 6,000 others. Just another Crowdfunder and had nothing to do with the production.

Bad apples can show up everywhere--the movie's message remains unchanged.

Dipshit....it was a custody battle
Dipshit....it was a custody battle
Many child abduction situations are just this, stemming from parental custody issues.

Need WAY more details before I’ll jump in one way or another.
"Sketchy details" not withstanding, Isn't it possible that this guy rescued some kids and the liberal gestapo charged him with kidnapping?
On top of that he was arranging financial saviors for these youthful people. Kind of like a partnership with Daddy Warbucks.
Not exactly...well..maybe..if this is your idea of 'Daddy'

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You just CANNOT be this stupid...

…can you be? :eek:

A sugar baby is not an actual baby, Einstein.

It’s an adult woman.

Do you understand the difference between adults who are capable of legal consent (seen above) and those who are not capable?

If not, I’d suggest acquainting yourself with the law.

Hmmm..a bit of irony here? Details are still sketchy..but this guy does seem to be an odd fit. A sexist weirdo bragging about 'saving' Sound of Freedom from Disney?
Perhaps his kidnapping charges stem from a rescue? Perhaps.
But the guy puts on some questionable events:

Upon further investigation, I see this a bit of a nothing-burger. Yeah the guy contributed..a little--and was listed along with 6,000 others. Just another Crowdfunder and had nothing to do with the production.

Bad apples can show up everywhere--the movie's message remains unchanged.

And, of course....the left wing assholes are being assholes....

How many people crowd funded this movie?

Neal Harmon, CEO of Angel Studios, said in a statement today, “Angel Studios adhered to the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations in allowing 6,678 people to invest an average of $501 each into the launch of Sound of Freedom. Just as anyone can invest in the stock market, everyone who meets the legal criteria can invest in Angel Studios projects. One of the perks of investing was the ability to be listed in the credits.”


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