source close to Mitch tells Axios a GOP Senate would work with President Biden on centrist nominees but no radical progressives/controversial picks

I'm not sure the GOP Senate should rubber stamp just anyone that Biden nominates to be in his cabinet. Do you want some far left loon running a federal agency? AND, it could be used as a bargaining chip for something the Senate GOP wants in return for what the president and Dems want. Maybe that ain't right, but that's politics. And don't tell me the Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.
I'm not sure the GOP Senate should rubber stamp just anyone that Biden nominates to be in his cabinet. Do you want some far left loon running a federal agency? AND, it could be used as a bargaining chip for something the Senate GOP wants in return for what the president and Dems want. Maybe that ain't right, but that's politics. And don't tell me the Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.
Says the guy who was fine with the GOP Senate rubber stamping everyone of Trump's nominees without question.
should Biden end up in the White House, it's not Republicans that he's going to have to worry about. It's his own party.

his presidency will produce virtually no major legislation that Democrats have on their wishlist. That's no "Green New Deal," no repeal of Right to Work, and no further overhauls in healthcare or any other industry.

A GOP-run Senate would block all of it.
Well it's not like Trump hasn't been running things with temporary guys who are even serving after their legal time is up. But I suppose its a question of what Moscow Mitch deems progressive and controversial. I'm not for forced trasitioning from gas cars in four years.
Considering the current political environment, divided government is a good thing!
A Biden win with a redder Congress is probably the worst possible outcome for the hard left. They have no room to maneuver on policy now, and Trump’s defeat deprives them of a foil they’ve used to radicalize some mainstream liberals
there's a new sheriff in town. spoiler alert: his name is not Sleepy Joe!

should Biden end up in the White House, it's not Republicans that he's going to have to worry about. It's his own party.

his presidency will produce virtually no major legislation that Democrats have on their wishlist. That's no "Green New Deal," no repeal of Right to Work, and no further overhauls in healthcare or any other industry.

A GOP-run Senate would block all of it.
A gop senate won't even get a chance to block anything that comes out of the democratically-controlled House, because Moscow Mitch won't even allow anything to get to the floor for a vote.

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