Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable


worst president ever
Jul 2, 2006
Excerpt: Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.

Such a thing would be long overdue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable
I would love to believe this, but your source really isn't the greatest. But if it's true, it's about time.
I think Obama will run into a Supreme Court challenge soon. The Court will find somrthing that clearly will merit a super majority and make a stand there. The three items mentioned don't have that potential, so I doubt they are the ones that will occur.
Excerpt: Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.

Such a thing would be long overdue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable

"Sources say" -- my favorite lead-in. :lol:
Excerpt: Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.

Such a thing would be long overdue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable

"Sources say" -- my favorite lead-in. :lol:

You found no problem with them all through the Bush years now did you?
It's not inevitable. I wish it was. Because someone needs to end this insanity.

Think about it. One justice has a heart attack, an accident, an "accident", or anything else that shifts a 3rd seat to Obama. He will have hand picked a 3rd of the Court and 2 more members who have absolutely no problem voting with him.

Relying on the Court is the wrong way to go about things. We need to rely on the people. They are the only ones that can be trusted.
It's not inevitable. I wish it was. Because someone needs to end this insanity.

Think about it. One justice has a heart attack, an accident, an "accident", or anything else that shifts a 3rd seat to Obama. He will have hand picked a 3rd of the Court and 2 more members who have absolutely no problem voting with him.

Relying on the Court is the wrong way to go about things. We need to rely on the people. They are the only ones that can be trusted.

If we can't rely on the court it may be to late once the people get a chance to do anything about it. Life long appointments is a serious matter. He could fuck us with a left wing activist court for Decades to come.
It's not inevitable. I wish it was. Because someone needs to end this insanity.

Think about it. One justice has a heart attack, an accident, an "accident", or anything else that shifts a 3rd seat to Obama. He will have hand picked a 3rd of the Court and 2 more members who have absolutely no problem voting with him.

Relying on the Court is the wrong way to go about things. We need to rely on the people. They are the only ones that can be trusted.

If we can't rely on the court it may be to late once the people get a chance to do anything about it. Life long appointments is a serious matter. He could fuck us with a left wing activist court for Decades to come.

You wingnuts are hilarious - rely on the court? For what, slavery? Separate but equal? Women's rights? Sorry folks, but progress, while slow comes, and while we now have three full fledged fascists on the court now is the time to move forward again. Read some history, FDR faced the same issue and thankfully we moved forward till recently.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9
Obama will threaten to pack the Court with Kagan clones

If only Obama had any control over the other justices' decisions whether to stay or retire, that might actually make sense.

As for the OP, I would expect the SCOTUS to rule against the President occasionally. As a co-equal branch of government, that's its job.

It is not the job and is improper for the SCOTUS to intentionally take an adversarial position against the Administration due to personal issues. I doubt Roberts would let that fly or the justices are that thin skinned.
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Excerpt: Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.

Such a thing would be long overdue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable

And the MSM claims that Bloggers aren't credible?

According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government,

I mean seriously...sources who WATCH the working of the Federal government?


Here in the REAL world we call that AN UNFOUNDED RUMOR.
It's not inevitable. I wish it was. Because someone needs to end this insanity.

Think about it. One justice has a heart attack, an accident, an "accident", or anything else that shifts a 3rd seat to Obama. He will have hand picked a 3rd of the Court and 2 more members who have absolutely no problem voting with him.

Relying on the Court is the wrong way to go about things. We need to rely on the people. They are the only ones that can be trusted.

If we can't rely on the court it may be to late once the people get a chance to do anything about it. Life long appointments is a serious matter. He could fuck us with a left wing activist court for Decades to come.

No matter what he does, God has the power to bring us forth from these dark times.
Excerpt: Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration.

Such a thing would be long overdue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable

Sources??? :lol:

Sources are irrelevant. Nothing is inevitable.
Yeah, "sources" isn't very good way to make your case.

But if these "sources" are true, good.

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