South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ilana Mercer
Against the backdrop of conflagration in South Africa, I offer positive commentary about the country of my birth. Do I need to provide a disclaimer before saying positive things about South Africa mid-riots?
Probably—given that I’m the author of a scathing, 2011–dare I say prescient?– indictment of the political dispensation forced upon South Africa by the “Anglo-American Axis of Evil.
That dispensation is the "one man, one vote, one time” arrangement, to quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa: "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."
That’s what The West forced on South Africa.
For the last decade, I’ve seen South Africa as a sea of troubles—and a harbinger of things to come in America. When America becomes a majority-minority country, it will likely resemble South Africa.
But, in their darkest days, the country and its people need upliftment—and have, surprisingly, earned it. I saw a ray—nay, rays—of hope amid the revelry of looting, robbing and arson that has engulfed the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Transvaal (my birthplace), following the conviction and jailing for contempt of court of former President Jacob Zuma.
In the United States, a book “in defense of looting” was actually published. Its “thesis” for theft “argued” that looting is “joyous” and can produce “community cohesion.” Someone read this trash, endorsed its publication, edited it, set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs, and gave it rave reviews.
No South African has offered such Democrat-style exculpation of evil.
Indeed, in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.
Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors.
As the July, 2021 riots in South Africa have shown, moreover, informal militia appear to have reconstituted. Armed, law-abiding South Africans, black and white, have formed "defense squads" to protect neighborhoods and businesses in Natal and the Transvaal. This warms the proverbial cockles and gives hope. After all, we fondly remember the Commandos, a private Afrikaner militia that had existed since the 1770s as the sole reliable defense at the disposal of South Africa’s farmers, and which was disbanded by the African National Congress.
Granted, President Ramaphosa has been a dismal disappointment. He has refused to forcefully get behind the nation’s white farmers. He has failed dismally to break the nexus of collusion and corruption between big business, big labor and big government.

South Afrikaners aren't putting up with the trash we saw this past year--the author compares the USA's democrat reaction to South Africa' looks to quell the rioting, looting arson and murder while our 'Democrat' leaders are all-in for that and more.
Being against the illegitimate, oppressive, terrorist BLM/Antifa backed regime is not being anti American. Its being an American patriot.
How could a Black government blame white people for blacks looting and destroying itself? They of course took their cue from the example American "Peaceful Protesters" set in 2020 with the help of Quisling complicit biased media. The tribal leaders were the merchant's of the slave trade. They are responsible for the world wide slave trade. To the Author. Proud of your Country's History? Go back and tell them. Their response to lawlessness is as pitiful as ours.
Yet, it's tough to get much lower than Obama's policies brought about, but Democrats have managed to create a bunch of ISIS-like pockets of anarchy and chaos right here within American cities. As if that's not bad enough, they're also importing nearly a million third world, unvaccinated malcontents at the Southern border.
Yes, it is a delusion for PM/DSA Democrat Commies to call looting “a form of protest”. It was actually pure opportunism by criminals who knew that PM/DSA Democrat mayors would not stop their criminal activity. It was all part of the George Floyd Fraud.
The ANC controlled South African government has for the longest time tried to enforce a very strict gun control, especially on the White famers. In fact right now can one not even give self defense as a reason for wanting to get a firearm, ammunition, or reloading materials. After this incident where armed civilians basically saved the day, do I wonder what the gov't will have to say for itself. Bear in mind though that they do have a monopoly on incompetence, corruption and stupidity so don't be surprised if they up the ante even more.

South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ilana Mercer
Against the backdrop of conflagration in South Africa, I offer positive commentary about the country of my birth. Do I need to provide a disclaimer before saying positive things about South Africa mid-riots?
Probably—given that I’m the author of a scathing, 2011–dare I say prescient?– indictment of the political dispensation forced upon South Africa by the “Anglo-American Axis of Evil.
That dispensation is the "one man, one vote, one time” arrangement, to quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa: "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."
That’s what The West forced on South Africa.
For the last decade, I’ve seen South Africa as a sea of troubles—and a harbinger of things to come in America. When America becomes a majority-minority country, it will likely resemble South Africa.
But, in their darkest days, the country and its people need upliftment—and have, surprisingly, earned it. I saw a ray—nay, rays—of hope amid the revelry of looting, robbing and arson that has engulfed the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Transvaal (my birthplace), following the conviction and jailing for contempt of court of former President Jacob Zuma.
In the United States, a book “in defense of looting” was actually published. Its “thesis” for theft “argued” that looting is “joyous” and can produce “community cohesion.” Someone read this trash, endorsed its publication, edited it, set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs, and gave it rave reviews.
No South African has offered such Democrat-style exculpation of evil.
Indeed, in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.
Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors.
As the July, 2021 riots in South Africa have shown, moreover, informal militia appear to have reconstituted. Armed, law-abiding South Africans, black and white, have formed "defense squads" to protect neighborhoods and businesses in Natal and the Transvaal. This warms the proverbial cockles and gives hope. After all, we fondly remember the Commandos, a private Afrikaner militia that had existed since the 1770s as the sole reliable defense at the disposal of South Africa’s farmers, and which was disbanded by the African National Congress.
Granted, President Ramaphosa has been a dismal disappointment. He has refused to forcefully get behind the nation’s white farmers. He has failed dismally to break the nexus of collusion and corruption between big business, big labor and big government.

South Afrikaners aren't putting up with the trash we saw this past year--the author compares the USA's democrat reaction to South Africa' looks to quell the rioting, looting arson and murder while our 'Democrat' leaders are all-in for that and more.
Being against the illegitimate, oppressive, terrorist BLM/Antifa backed regime is not being anti American. Its being an American patriot.
How could a Black government blame white people for blacks looting and destroying itself? They of course took their cue from the example American "Peaceful Protesters" set in 2020 with the help of Quisling complicit biased media. The tribal leaders were the merchant's of the slave trade. They are responsible for the world wide slave trade. To the Author. Proud of your Country's History? Go back and tell them. Their response to lawlessness is as pitiful as ours.
Yet, it's tough to get much lower than Obama's policies brought about, but Democrats have managed to create a bunch of ISIS-like pockets of anarchy and chaos right here within American cities. As if that's not bad enough, they're also importing nearly a million third world, unvaccinated malcontents at the Southern border.
Yes, it is a delusion for PM/DSA Democrat Commies to call looting “a form of protest”. It was actually pure opportunism by criminals who knew that PM/DSA Democrat mayors would not stop their criminal activity. It was all part of the George Floyd Fraud.
The ANC controlled South African government has for the longest time tried to enforce a very strict gun control, especially on the White famers. In fact right now can one not even give self defense as a reason for wanting to get a firearm, ammunition, or reloading materials. After this incident where armed civilians basically saved the day, do I wonder what the gov't will have to say for itself. Bear in mind though that they do have a monopoly on incompetence, corruption and stupidity so don't be surprised if they up the ante even more.
Those unvaccinated are also genuflectors, so it’s not surprising that there’s a Catholic-CIA puppet in the White House. Florida stats show 1 in 5 infected with C-19, so the current U.S. administration’s geographical target is most correct for infrastructure degradation.
Those unvaccinated are also genuflectors, so it’s not surprising that there’s a Catholic-CIA puppet in the White House. Florida stats show 1 in 5 infected with C-19, so the current U.S. administration’s geographical target is most correct for infrastructure degradation.

My oh my.... Joey Xi Bai Dung has only ever been a Catholic in name only. His very essence is anti-Catholic and should have been ex-communicated decades ago....

South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ilana Mercer
Against the backdrop of conflagration in South Africa, I offer positive commentary about the country of my birth. Do I need to provide a disclaimer before saying positive things about South Africa mid-riots?
Probably—given that I’m the author of a scathing, 2011–dare I say prescient?– indictment of the political dispensation forced upon South Africa by the “Anglo-American Axis of Evil.
That dispensation is the "one man, one vote, one time” arrangement, to quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa: "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."
That’s what The West forced on South Africa.
For the last decade, I’ve seen South Africa as a sea of troubles—and a harbinger of things to come in America. When America becomes a majority-minority country, it will likely resemble South Africa.
But, in their darkest days, the country and its people need upliftment—and have, surprisingly, earned it. I saw a ray—nay, rays—of hope amid the revelry of looting, robbing and arson that has engulfed the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Transvaal (my birthplace), following the conviction and jailing for contempt of court of former President Jacob Zuma.
In the United States, a book “in defense of looting” was actually published. Its “thesis” for theft “argued” that looting is “joyous” and can produce “community cohesion.” Someone read this trash, endorsed its publication, edited it, set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs, and gave it rave reviews.
No South African has offered such Democrat-style exculpation of evil.
Indeed, in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.
Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors.
As the July, 2021 riots in South Africa have shown, moreover, informal militia appear to have reconstituted. Armed, law-abiding South Africans, black and white, have formed "defense squads" to protect neighborhoods and businesses in Natal and the Transvaal. This warms the proverbial cockles and gives hope. After all, we fondly remember the Commandos, a private Afrikaner militia that had existed since the 1770s as the sole reliable defense at the disposal of South Africa’s farmers, and which was disbanded by the African National Congress.
Granted, President Ramaphosa has been a dismal disappointment. He has refused to forcefully get behind the nation’s white farmers. He has failed dismally to break the nexus of collusion and corruption between big business, big labor and big government.

South Afrikaners aren't putting up with the trash we saw this past year--the author compares the USA's democrat reaction to South Africa' looks to quell the rioting, looting arson and murder while our 'Democrat' leaders are all-in for that and more.
Being against the illegitimate, oppressive, terrorist BLM/Antifa backed regime is not being anti American. Its being an American patriot.
How could a Black government blame white people for blacks looting and destroying itself? They of course took their cue from the example American "Peaceful Protesters" set in 2020 with the help of Quisling complicit biased media. The tribal leaders were the merchant's of the slave trade. They are responsible for the world wide slave trade. To the Author. Proud of your Country's History? Go back and tell them. Their response to lawlessness is as pitiful as ours.
Yet, it's tough to get much lower than Obama's policies brought about, but Democrats have managed to create a bunch of ISIS-like pockets of anarchy and chaos right here within American cities. As if that's not bad enough, they're also importing nearly a million third world, unvaccinated malcontents at the Southern border.
Yes, it is a delusion for PM/DSA Democrat Commies to call looting “a form of protest”. It was actually pure opportunism by criminals who knew that PM/DSA Democrat mayors would not stop their criminal activity. It was all part of the George Floyd Fraud.
The ANC controlled South African government has for the longest time tried to enforce a very strict gun control, especially on the White famers. In fact right now can one not even give self defense as a reason for wanting to get a firearm, ammunition, or reloading materials. After this incident where armed civilians basically saved the day, do I wonder what the gov't will have to say for itself. Bear in mind though that they do have a monopoly on incompetence, corruption and stupidity so don't be surprised if they up the ante even more.

So he doesn't like our freedom of the press? You can still buy Mein Kampf, and The Anarchist's Cookbook, Steal this Book. Can a book defending looting be any worse.

South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ilana Mercer
Against the backdrop of conflagration in South Africa, I offer positive commentary about the country of my birth. Do I need to provide a disclaimer before saying positive things about South Africa mid-riots?
Probably—given that I’m the author of a scathing, 2011–dare I say prescient?– indictment of the political dispensation forced upon South Africa by the “Anglo-American Axis of Evil.
That dispensation is the "one man, one vote, one time” arrangement, to quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa: "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."
That’s what The West forced on South Africa.
For the last decade, I’ve seen South Africa as a sea of troubles—and a harbinger of things to come in America. When America becomes a majority-minority country, it will likely resemble South Africa.
But, in their darkest days, the country and its people need upliftment—and have, surprisingly, earned it. I saw a ray—nay, rays—of hope amid the revelry of looting, robbing and arson that has engulfed the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Transvaal (my birthplace), following the conviction and jailing for contempt of court of former President Jacob Zuma.
In the United States, a book “in defense of looting” was actually published. Its “thesis” for theft “argued” that looting is “joyous” and can produce “community cohesion.” Someone read this trash, endorsed its publication, edited it, set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs, and gave it rave reviews.
No South African has offered such Democrat-style exculpation of evil.
Indeed, in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.
Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors.
As the July, 2021 riots in South Africa have shown, moreover, informal militia appear to have reconstituted. Armed, law-abiding South Africans, black and white, have formed "defense squads" to protect neighborhoods and businesses in Natal and the Transvaal. This warms the proverbial cockles and gives hope. After all, we fondly remember the Commandos, a private Afrikaner militia that had existed since the 1770s as the sole reliable defense at the disposal of South Africa’s farmers, and which was disbanded by the African National Congress.
Granted, President Ramaphosa has been a dismal disappointment. He has refused to forcefully get behind the nation’s white farmers. He has failed dismally to break the nexus of collusion and corruption between big business, big labor and big government.

South Afrikaners aren't putting up with the trash we saw this past year--the author compares the USA's democrat reaction to South Africa' looks to quell the rioting, looting arson and murder while our 'Democrat' leaders are all-in for that and more.
Being against the illegitimate, oppressive, terrorist BLM/Antifa backed regime is not being anti American. Its being an American patriot.
How could a Black government blame white people for blacks looting and destroying itself? They of course took their cue from the example American "Peaceful Protesters" set in 2020 with the help of Quisling complicit biased media. The tribal leaders were the merchant's of the slave trade. They are responsible for the world wide slave trade. To the Author. Proud of your Country's History? Go back and tell them. Their response to lawlessness is as pitiful as ours.
Yet, it's tough to get much lower than Obama's policies brought about, but Democrats have managed to create a bunch of ISIS-like pockets of anarchy and chaos right here within American cities. As if that's not bad enough, they're also importing nearly a million third world, unvaccinated malcontents at the Southern border.
Yes, it is a delusion for PM/DSA Democrat Commies to call looting “a form of protest”. It was actually pure opportunism by criminals who knew that PM/DSA Democrat mayors would not stop their criminal activity. It was all part of the George Floyd Fraud.
The ANC controlled South African government has for the longest time tried to enforce a very strict gun control, especially on the White famers. In fact right now can one not even give self defense as a reason for wanting to get a firearm, ammunition, or reloading materials. After this incident where armed civilians basically saved the day, do I wonder what the gov't will have to say for itself. Bear in mind though that they do have a monopoly on incompetence, corruption and stupidity so don't be surprised if they up the ante even more.
There is no freedom with majority rules. People become like the mob around Los house, wanting to judge the two beings in lots house, thinking they were protecting themselves when they did that. Genisis 19 - 9. Lot was not protected from having sex, when people wanted to do worse to Lot. That idea is ridiculous.
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So he doesn't like our freedom of the press? You can still buy Mein Kampf, and The Anarchist's Cookbook, Steal this Book. Can a book defending looting be any worse.
Freedom of the press? Tell me the major stories where a major new org other than Fox News was different. NBC/CBS/ABC/MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WaPO............They never disagree on anything. And they are all leftwing........
Freedom of the press? Tell me the major stories where a major new org other than Fox News was different. NBC/CBS/ABC/MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WaPO............They never disagree on anything. And they are all leftwing........

Do you know the difference between News and Opinion?

Faux News called AZ for Biden. That's news. They all eventually reported that. Faux Opinion hosts opine that the 2020 election was stolen, that's opinion. The press is free to report the news and spout their opinion regardless of the public's ability to discern one from the other.
Do you know the difference between News and Opinion?

Faux News called AZ for Biden. That's news. They all eventually reported that. Faux Opinion hosts opine that the 2020 election was stolen, that's opinion. The press is free to report the news and spout their opinion regardless of the public's ability to discern one from the other.
Yeah, but the NEWs called rioting mostly peaceful.............there is no difference today...duh.......
Like Dan Rather, we knew he was a lefty piece of guys denied it, but he couldn't help himself and made if so obvious he got fired for it. Dan Rather wasn't news, he was full of's gotten worse sense then....
Not only is the details when they cover, but WHAT they cover.......anbd then the questions....OMG does Biden get softballs....Only Doocey askes him anything serious.

Don't believe me...give me the tough questions in this press conference

The less-than-rigorous lines of questioning left critics enraged.

"The media are simply the PR wing for the Biden campaign at this point," Ben Shapiro reacted.
Freedom of the press? Tell me the major stories where a major new org other than Fox News was different. NBC/CBS/ABC/MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WaPO............They never disagree on anything. And they are all leftwing........

They report fact based news so if they're all working from the same set of facts, using sound journalistic practices, of course their stories are going to be similar.

Fox News is "different" because they don't report fact based news, they tell their viewers what they want to hear. Fox is an "entertainment" network, not a news network. They did not apply for a "news license", because they don't use sound journalistic practices, or fact based reporting.
They report fact based news so if they're all working from the same set of facts, using sound journalistic practices, of course their stories are going to be similar.

Fox News is "different" because they don't report fact based news, they tell their viewers what they want to hear. Fox is an "entertainment" network, not a news network. They did not apply for a "news license", because they don't use sound journalistic practices, or fact based reporting.
Yeah like Dan Rather....those fake documents

or the anonymous sources of proven lies like CNN email date scandal......funny how they protect sources that lie.....hmmmmm

South Africa Shames U.S. Democrats By Uniting Against Criminality

18 Jul 2021 ~~ By Ilana Mercer
Against the backdrop of conflagration in South Africa, I offer positive commentary about the country of my birth. Do I need to provide a disclaimer before saying positive things about South Africa mid-riots?
Probably—given that I’m the author of a scathing, 2011–dare I say prescient?– indictment of the political dispensation forced upon South Africa by the “Anglo-American Axis of Evil.
That dispensation is the "one man, one vote, one time” arrangement, to quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa: "Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent."
That’s what The West forced on South Africa.
For the last decade, I’ve seen South Africa as a sea of troubles—and a harbinger of things to come in America. When America becomes a majority-minority country, it will likely resemble South Africa.
But, in their darkest days, the country and its people need upliftment—and have, surprisingly, earned it. I saw a ray—nay, rays—of hope amid the revelry of looting, robbing and arson that has engulfed the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Transvaal (my birthplace), following the conviction and jailing for contempt of court of former President Jacob Zuma.
In the United States, a book “in defense of looting” was actually published. Its “thesis” for theft “argued” that looting is “joyous” and can produce “community cohesion.” Someone read this trash, endorsed its publication, edited it, set it in type, designed a cover, compiled an index, read the proofs, and gave it rave reviews.
No South African has offered such Democrat-style exculpation of evil.
Indeed, in 2020, America erupted in race riots. Cities across the republic were sacked, citizens left defenseless. The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving.
Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction–a portend of things to come–American men in uniform all collapsed to the pavements like yogis to the command of their black tormentors.
As the July, 2021 riots in South Africa have shown, moreover, informal militia appear to have reconstituted. Armed, law-abiding South Africans, black and white, have formed "defense squads" to protect neighborhoods and businesses in Natal and the Transvaal. This warms the proverbial cockles and gives hope. After all, we fondly remember the Commandos, a private Afrikaner militia that had existed since the 1770s as the sole reliable defense at the disposal of South Africa’s farmers, and which was disbanded by the African National Congress.
Granted, President Ramaphosa has been a dismal disappointment. He has refused to forcefully get behind the nation’s white farmers. He has failed dismally to break the nexus of collusion and corruption between big business, big labor and big government.

South Afrikaners aren't putting up with the trash we saw this past year--the author compares the USA's democrat reaction to South Africa' looks to quell the rioting, looting arson and murder while our 'Democrat' leaders are all-in for that and more.
Being against the illegitimate, oppressive, terrorist BLM/Antifa backed regime is not being anti American. Its being an American patriot.
How could a Black government blame white people for blacks looting and destroying itself? They of course took their cue from the example American "Peaceful Protesters" set in 2020 with the help of Quisling complicit biased media. The tribal leaders were the merchant's of the slave trade. They are responsible for the world wide slave trade. To the Author. Proud of your Country's History? Go back and tell them. Their response to lawlessness is as pitiful as ours.
Yet, it's tough to get much lower than Obama's policies brought about, but Democrats have managed to create a bunch of ISIS-like pockets of anarchy and chaos right here within American cities. As if that's not bad enough, they're also importing nearly a million third world, unvaccinated malcontents at the Southern border.
Yes, it is a delusion for PM/DSA Democrat Commies to call looting “a form of protest”. It was actually pure opportunism by criminals who knew that PM/DSA Democrat mayors would not stop their criminal activity. It was all part of the George Floyd Fraud.
The ANC controlled South African government has for the longest time tried to enforce a very strict gun control, especially on the White famers. In fact right now can one not even give self defense as a reason for wanting to get a firearm, ammunition, or reloading materials. After this incident where armed civilians basically saved the day, do I wonder what the gov't will have to say for itself. Bear in mind though that they do have a monopoly on incompetence, corruption and stupidity so don't be surprised if they up the ante even more.
People are fighting over who gets to earn more money, selling what people grow. Money is the problem. Money makes god's image to be bad to god's image, in many ways. Islamic people are criminally minded, fooling democrats. Muslims are not Christlike. Democrat's don't know what that is. It will not matter who grows whatever when ask and receive is used, being reasonable. God is reasonable. God will reject they that are not reasonable. Fear him.
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