South Carolina as a "competitive" state??? Unbelievable !!

This poll was sponsored by the South Carolina Democratic Party.

Nice but futile try.......The poll stated from the beginning......a PPP one

It came from the poll, dumbass. You didn't even read it did you? It's also strange one has to email them for the demographics.....this poll is shit

Clinton/Trump Race Tight in South Carolina
PPP's newest South Carolina poll* finds that the state is trending toward being competitive in the Presidential race this year, just like in neighboring Georgia. Donald Trump has only a 2 point lead with 41% to 39% for Hillary Clinton, 5% for Gary Johnson, and 2% for Jill Stein.

The closeness is a function of Democrats being a lot happier with their party's candidate than Republicans are with theirs. Clinton is winning 84% of the Democratic vote, compared to Trump's 77% of the Republican vote. Although neither candidate is well liked by voters in the state Trump's favorability, at 38% positive and 56% negative, comes in slightly worse than Clinton's at 38/55.

Whether Democrats end up winning South Carolina in the Presidential race this fall or not, the generational differences in the state portend well for the party in the decades ahead. Trump is only ahead because of a massive advantage among seniors in the state at 58/30. When you look at everyone in the electorate below the age of 65, Clinton leads Trump 41/36. That suggests the potential for the Palmetto State to become much more of a battleground in the years ahead, just as in migration and the increasing diversity of the electorate has done in Southern states like Virginia and North Carolina.

South Carolinians have progressive stances on a number of key issues going on this year:

-84% of voters in the state support background checks on all gun purchases, to only 10% who are opposed to them. That includes bipartisan support from 86% of Democrats, 83% of independents, and 82% of Republicans.

-Similarly, 81% of voters in the state support barring those on the Terror Watch List from buying guns, to only 10% opposed to that. That includes bipartisan support as well from 85% of Republicans, 79% of Democrats, and 76% of independents.

-77% of voters in the state support increasing the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour to only 13% who think the current level is acceptable, and 8% who would like to eliminate it altogether. 91% of Democrats, 71% of independents, and 67% of Republicans think the minimum wage should at least go up to $10 an hour.

-78% of voters in the state- including 85% of Democrats, 76% of independents, and 73% of Republicans- support allowing student loans to be refinanced at lower rates.

-Finally there's 53/25 support for legislation protecting LGBT South Carolinians from discrimination in the workplace, housing, and public accommodations. Voters under 45 support that by an even wider 37 point margin at 58/21, showing the extent to which South Carolina will become more progressive when it comes to LGBT issues in the years ahead.

Finally we polled on attitudes toward the state's major politicians:

-Tim Scott has a 45/28 approval rating and leads Democrat Thomas Dixon 45-28 for reelection.

-Nikki Haley has a 48/39 approval rating, which is down from 56/28 when we last polled it in November.

-Lindsey Graham is South Carolina's least popular politician, with only 30% of voters approving of him to 54% who disapprove. Graham pulls off the trifecta of being unpopular with voters across party lines- he's at 35/54 with Republicans, 29/50 with independents, and 26/57 with Democrats.

*This poll was sponsored by the South Carolina Democratic Party.

Full results here

Public Policy Polling

Sassy is dumber than usual today (not an easy task for her).........So, Sassy, are you stating that the PPP folks were bought by the state's democratic party and fudged the data???

heck, if that were the case, why not go all out and show that Clinton is winning by a large percentile?

Yup, Mr. Nat, PPP and other polling organizations are just like any other business: if they don't do a good job and provide accurate info, then they won't be in business very long.
Polling organizations are paid by companies, associations or entities who pay them to sponsor a poll as a way of information gathering. So by your opinion they would all have to be garbage polls, Ms. Lass.

Well, following Sassy's "logic" we should NEVER believe a FOX poll because.....well, because FOX is paying for it.

According to dumb-ass, Sassy......PPP told the SC Dem party, "....look, pay us, and we'll make the poll come out to your advantage.....Deal???"
A year ago I couldn't see the GOP losing this election. 6 months ago I thought the Donald was in this race simply to collect material for his next book. Since the nomination my attitude is I'll stick with the party, but it is still hard for me to take the man seriously. I wish he'd shut his mouth, release his tax records and really confirm to me it's not just all about him. He may be the non-politician but I still get notion that I'm being played.

I sense Arizona like South Carolina may also be up for grabs. Lots of Mormons here, really good folks. Can't say I get a warm-fuzzy feeling from them about Trump, but then none of the potential GOP candidates would have whipped up support that Romney got. Which may cloud my thinking on how Arizona is playing out.
Polling organizations are paid by companies, associations or entities who pay them to sponsor a poll as a way of information gathering. So by your opinion they would all have to be garbage polls, Ms. Lass.

Well, following Sassy's "logic" we should NEVER believe a FOX poll because.....well, because FOX is paying for it.

According to dumb-ass, Sassy......PPP told the SC Dem party, "....look, pay us, and we'll make the poll come out to your advantage.....Deal???"

I suspect she's a rabid Rasmussen fan. Rasmussen always tells the right wing fringe what they want to hear, and then this happens: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...quinnipiac-surveyusa-performed-strongly/?_r=0
Mr. Silver comes along and blows a hole right through them.
Colorado is gone, Virginia is gone, the window is closing for Trump.

I believe the polls showing Colorado and Virgina as "gone" were also done by the same outfit that did the above garbage
Polling organizations are paid by companies, associations or entities who pay them to sponsor a poll as a way of information gathering. So by your opinion they would all have to be garbage polls, Ms. Lass.

Well, following Sassy's "logic" we should NEVER believe a FOX poll because.....well, because FOX is paying for it.

According to dumb-ass, Sassy......PPP told the SC Dem party, "....look, pay us, and we'll make the poll come out to your advantage.....Deal???"

I never said that, toad. My point is any poll can achieve any desired result (and if you did indeed attend college they teach you that and how it is done) when I see a poll that is paid for by democrats and there is no demographics, you have to email for them, it's dubious at best.
I live in south Carolina and I don't see the support for Hillary. Just not there.

It depends on where you live in SC, sir. The urban areas vote much differently than the hollers and backwater swamps.
Oh I live near Greenville, one of the best city's in the united states. Don't see the support for Hillary.

You're damn near in the Appalachians, Mr. NoGood. Like I said, the urban areas are where her support is.
Polling organizations are paid by companies, associations or entities who pay them to sponsor a poll as a way of information gathering. So by your opinion they would all have to be garbage polls, Ms. Lass.

Well, following Sassy's "logic" we should NEVER believe a FOX poll because.....well, because FOX is paying for it.

According to dumb-ass, Sassy......PPP told the SC Dem party, "....look, pay us, and we'll make the poll come out to your advantage.....Deal???"

I suspect she's a rabid Rasmussen fan. Rasmussen always tells the right wing fringe what they want to hear, and then this happens: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...quinnipiac-surveyusa-performed-strongly/?_r=0
Mr. Silver comes along and blows a hole right through them.

I'm not a fan of any poll much less one that can't even list the demographics in the results.
Colorado is gone, Virginia is gone, the window is closing for Trump.

I believe the polls showing Colorado and Virgina as "gone" were also done by the same outfit that did the above garbage
Polling organizations are paid by companies, associations or entities who pay them to sponsor a poll as a way of information gathering. So by your opinion they would all have to be garbage polls, Ms. Lass.

Well, following Sassy's "logic" we should NEVER believe a FOX poll because.....well, because FOX is paying for it.

According to dumb-ass, Sassy......PPP told the SC Dem party, "....look, pay us, and we'll make the poll come out to your advantage.....Deal???"

I never said that, toad. My point is any poll can achieve any desired result (and if you did indeed attend college they teach you that and how it is done) when I see a poll that is paid for by democrats and there is no demographics, you have to email for them, it's dubious at best.

Nope, read it again,


and make sure next time you step in it you don't take things out of context.
I never said that, toad. My point is any poll can achieve any desired result (and if you did indeed attend college they teach you that and how it is done) when I see a poll that is paid for by democrats and there is no demographics, you have to email for them, it's dubious at best.

Here's some homework for you, Sassy......

Access PPP's website and check their "testimonials"....most of them are from CONSERVATIVE campaign staffers or politicians, praising PPP's methodology.

So, if PPP polls states such as TX, AL, KS, etc. and shows Trump ahead by a wide margin, we should NOT believe those polls either???
I live in south Carolina and I don't see the support for Hillary. Just not there.

It depends on where you live in SC, sir. The urban areas vote much differently than the hollers and backwater swamps.
Oh I live near Greenville, one of the best city's in the united states. Don't see the support for Hillary.

You're damn near in the Appalachians, Mr. NoGood. Like I said, the urban areas are where her support is.
Yep SC may go much like Virginia does these days. Where it's looking like the GOP is going to win it, until the crushing avalanche of blue votes from urban centers is finished being counted.
I never said that, toad. My point is any poll can achieve any desired result (and if you did indeed attend college they teach you that and how it is done) when I see a poll that is paid for by democrats and there is no demographics, you have to email for them, it's dubious at best.

Here's some homework for you, Sassy......

Access PPP's website and check their "testimonials"....most of them are from CONSERVATIVE campaign staffers or politicians, praising PPP's methodology.

So, if PPP polls states such as TX, AL, KS, etc. and shows Trump ahead by a wide margin, we should NOT believe those polls either???

I don't care fool, we are talking about THIS poll, no demos and paid for by dems...what could possibly be raising flags? You idiot
Thanks to Trump, only the most hardcore red states, like Alabama and Mississippi, can be considered locks for the GOP. There's a whole lot of purple out there now for Losin' Donald to worry about.

I suspect Texas and Louisiana will be very much behind Mr. Trump, but that may not be of much assistance to his miserable cause.
I'm not a fan of any poll much less one that can't even list the demographics in the results.

Here, to "ease" your fears.....From PPP's own website regarding demographics ..


Accurate polling requires the demographic breakdown of a survey to closely resemble the same breakdown for the population you are trying to measure. By beginning their surveys by asking for the “second oldest woman in the household” or some other criteria, traditional pollsters can manipulate their respondents during a poll in order to reach quotas for demographic groups like gender, race, age, etc. IVR polling does not allow PPP to set quotas beforehand, instead we have to work with the data after our survey. To achieve relatively accurate demographic breakdowns we employ weighting schemes.

Our first step in weighting is to survey more than enough people. This allows us to then be able to randomly reject individual surveys from demographics that are overrepresented. For example, in our polling more women answer relative to men, and not enough African-Americans answer our surveys. Our random selection eliminates any potential bias from the rejections, plus it functions like a quota, only after the fact.

PPP also employs a mathematical weighting scheme that assigns a weight based on each demographic. For example, if a survey is 82% white and 13% black, but needs to be 77% white and 17% black, the weighting formula can fix the imbalance mathematically. We always try to get our numbers as accurate as possible, and our end results are available for all to see and scrutinize. Read more about PPP's track record.

If you are interested in hiring Public Policy Polling or would like a price quote, please contact us by email or by calling 888-621-6988.
Thanks to Trump, only the most hardcore red states, like Alabama and Mississippi, can be considered locks for the GOP. There's a whole lot of purple out there now for Losin' Donald to worry about.

I suspect Texas and Louisiana will be very much behind Mr. Trump, but that may not be of much assistance to his miserable cause.
True. There's no chance he makes it to 200 EV's. Texas will come as close to blue as ever though.
PPP's newest South Carolina poll finds that the state is trending toward being competitive in the Presidential race this year, just like in neighboring Georgia. Donald Trump has only a 2 point lead with 41% to 39% for Hillary Clinton, 5% for Gary Johnson, and 2% for Jill Stein.

The closeness is a function of Democrats being a lot happier with their party's candidate than Republicans are with theirs. Clinton is winning 84% of the Democratic vote, compared to Trump's 77% of the Republican vote. Although neither candidate is well liked by voters in the state Trump's favorability, at 38% positive and 56% negative, comes in slightly worse than Clinton's at 38/55.

Just four years ago, it was unthinkable that South Carolina could be in play for the Democrats. But in yet another twist in this crazy year, here we are.

This shows you how bad Comrade Trump really is. He can't hold a reliably red state. Instead, he is in Blue Conneticut. What a Dunce!
I'm not a fan of any poll much less one that can't even list the demographics in the results.

Here, to "ease" your fears.....From PPP's own website regarding demographics ..


Accurate polling requires the demographic breakdown of a survey to closely resemble the same breakdown for the population you are trying to measure. By beginning their surveys by asking for the “second oldest woman in the household” or some other criteria, traditional pollsters can manipulate their respondents during a poll in order to reach quotas for demographic groups like gender, race, age, etc. IVR polling does not allow PPP to set quotas beforehand, instead we have to work with the data after our survey. To achieve relatively accurate demographic breakdowns we employ weighting schemes.

Our first step in weighting is to survey more than enough people. This allows us to then be able to randomly reject individual surveys from demographics that are overrepresented. For example, in our polling more women answer relative to men, and not enough African-Americans answer our surveys. Our random selection eliminates any potential bias from the rejections, plus it functions like a quota, only after the fact.

PPP also employs a mathematical weighting scheme that assigns a weight based on each demographic. For example, if a survey is 82% white and 13% black, but needs to be 77% white and 17% black, the weighting formula can fix the imbalance mathematically. We always try to get our numbers as accurate as possible, and our end results are available for all to see and scrutinize. Read more about PPP's track record.

If you are interested in hiring Public Policy Polling or would like a price quote, please contact us by email or by calling 888-621-6988.

Hard to tell how it was "weighted" since they don't give the demos.....which any reputable poll will. Save it moron, this poll is junk
Hard to tell how it was "weighted" since they don't give the demos.....which any reputable poll will. Save it moron, this poll is junk

Fine, Sassy.....believe what you want.....but check your may be time for your nap.

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