South Korea: President Trump win the Nobel peace prize


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in facilitating peace on the Korean Peninsula, according to South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
South Korea: ‘President Trump Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize’

Watch the rabid actions towards this idea lmao....... He should get one but since traitor Obama got one for doing nothing it almost makes it a worthless award.
Those who deserved it were back in the past with the exceptions of a few ......
President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in facilitating peace on the Korean Peninsula, ..

An imbecile idiot who almost started WWIII with Russia? If Trump receives Nobel Prize than Nobel Committee is finished.
President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in facilitating peace on the Korean Peninsula, ..

An imbecile idiot who almost started WWIII with Russia? If Trump receives Nobel Prize than Nobel Committee is finished.
Trump almost started WWIII with Russia like Obama almost drew a red line in the sand.

President Midas deserves it, but won't win it. He won the war instead.
President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in facilitating peace on the Korean Peninsula, ..

An imbecile idiot who almost started WWIII with Russia? If Trump receives Nobel Prize than Nobel Committee is finished.

Only the misinformed , you haven't a clue you just follow what MSM tells you and believe it.

First you should learn more about " ARAB SPRING"
then you should learn about New World Order

once that's figured it out the game becomes clear TRUMP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH starting a war..
Bibi I'm sure will give him one after Trump nukes Iran. Bibi wants the US to take out Iran.
South Korea president says Trump deserves Nobel Peace Prize

"Even Obama said he was surprised and by the time he collected the prize in Oslo at the end of that year, he had ordered the tripling of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

"As well as Obama, three U.S. presidents have won the Nobel Peace Prize: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter

"Moon’s Nobel Prize comment came in response to a congratulatory message from Lee Hee-ho, the widow of late South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, in which she said Moon deserved to win the prize, the Blue House official said.

"Moon responded by saying Trump should get it.

"Trump on Monday suggested his planned meeting with Kim take place at the Peace House on the border between North and South Korea."

Should peace break out on the Korean peninsula, Trump, Moon, and Kim should share the prize.

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