Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump

I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
The Southern Baptists have always been a weird cult given to trying to link the supreme being to all sorts of discrimination. I first met one when I was a kid in the 60s. I consider them to be the same as the Moonies or Jim Jones in the jungle.

That is you being a religious bigot.

Nope. Please note that I referred only to the Southern Baptist Convention, which is a particularly nasty, bigoted, and aggressive cult, not all Baptists. I lost a good friend some years ago who was Baptist and a truly wonderful person. Look at Jimmy Carter, a Baptist and a very fine gentleman.

The Southern Baptists do not uphold and practice the teachings of Jesus. They just use his name in a sick attempt to justify their authoritarian social and political agenda.
So why did you lose your friend ? Decided to be a Christian, and you wouldn't maybe ?

Passed on due to cancer. I am a Christian, but the antics of people like the evangelicals, including the Southern Baptists and the Catholics, have raised serious questions as to whether Christianity is a valid faith, questions that have nothing to do how I think about Jesus.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

At no point was I told to save anyone's soul ... I don't have to save your soul to worship God, do His will, and give the Glory to Him.
Of course, I am not Southern Baptist either ... :thup:

The Southern Baptists have always been a weird cult given to trying to link the supreme being to all sorts of discrimination. I first met one when I was a kid in the 60s. I consider them to be the same as the Moonies or Jim Jones in the jungle.

That is you being a religious bigot.

Nope. Please note that I referred only to the Southern Baptist Convention, which is a particularly nasty, bigoted, and aggressive cult, not all Baptists. I lost a good friend some years ago who was Baptist and a truly wonderful person. Look at Jimmy Carter, a Baptist and a very fine gentleman.

The Southern Baptists do not uphold and practice the teachings of Jesus. They just use his name in a sick attempt to justify their authoritarian social and political agenda.
So why did you lose your friend ? Decided to be a Christian, and you wouldn't maybe ?

Passed on due to cancer. I am a Christian, but the antics of people like the evangelicals, including the Southern Baptists and the Catholics, have raised serious questions as to whether Christianity is a valid faith, questions that have nothing to do how I think about Jesus.
Sorry to hear about your long time friend, but you say that you are a Christian ?? Ok, if you say so, but do your actions say so ? I know that no one is perfect, and we all have fallen short, but your take on the issues aren't representative of Christian views or values are they ??
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.

Most of the truly great people I have met in my life have had one thing it common ... A relationship with God.

Most of them were not the type that would shove a Bible in your face and start preaching scripture ... They weren't even all of the same religion.
But ... They simply walked with God, and he was present in their everyday doings.

Listen to the world around you, and God will tell you what you need to do.
If Gdjjr ... Thinks I need help understanding how to 'witness', then he just doesn't have a clue what I am doing now.

If @Gdjjr ... Thinks I need help understanding how to 'witness', then he just doesn't have a clue what I am doing now.
Gdjjr thinks. Period. You take someones word(s) for something you believe, likely selectively as well- I don't.
I look at evidence and facts and come to conclusions- the facts are, in this case, actions speak louder than words- the words you believe to be a Gods word are merely men putting thoughts to paper- over time and translation(s) those words evolve- evolve being key and a fact- religion, just like politics, requires group think- period. In many cases it is demanded, and there is a history of religious wars as evidence- imposing, inflicting, demanding of another is the root of ALL conflict-

You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want-
If @Gdjjr ... Thinks I need help understanding how to 'witness', then he just doesn't have a clue what I am doing now.
Gdjjr thinks. Period. You take someones word(s) for something you believe, likely selectively as well- I don't.
I look at evidence and facts and come to conclusions- the facts are, in this case, actions speak louder than words- the words you believe to be a Gods word are merely men putting thoughts to paper- over time and translation(s) those words evolve- evolve being key and a fact- religion, just like politics, requires group think- period. In many cases it is demanded, and there is a history of religious wars as evidence- imposing, inflicting, demanding of another is the root of ALL conflict-

You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want-

I don't believe you were demanded to do anything. Yes there have been cases in history but as it applies here, no one demanded you do anything.
If @Gdjjr ... Thinks I need help understanding how to 'witness', then he just doesn't have a clue what I am doing now.
Gdjjr thinks. Period. You take someones word(s) for something you believe, likely selectively as well- I don't.
I look at evidence and facts and come to conclusions- the facts are, in this case, actions speak louder than words- the words you believe to be a Gods word are merely men putting thoughts to paper- over time and translation(s) those words evolve- evolve being key and a fact- religion, just like politics, requires group think- period. In many cases it is demanded, and there is a history of religious wars as evidence- imposing, inflicting, demanding of another is the root of ALL conflict-

You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want-

Sweetie ... At no point did I say, you couldn't do or believe whatever you want ... I am not here to save your soul.

I don't know what God's plan for you is.
I am not arrogant or self-righteous enough to suggest God may not be telling you something different than me.

At no point in time have I mentioned a thing about what man put on paper as far as what it means to me.
At no time did I suggest that what every man has attempted to do in God's name, is God's will.

You can try to argue whatever you want with me, and in reference to God.
But seriously ... You need to take that up with Him, because I am going to listen to Him ... Not you ... :thup:

I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.

Most of the truly great people I have met in my life have had one thing it common ... A relationship with God.

Most of them were not the type that would shove a Bible in your face and start preaching scripture ... They weren't even all of the same religion.
But ... They simply walked with God, and he was present in their everyday doings.

Listen to the world around you, and God will tell you what you need to do.
If Gdjjr ... Thinks I need help understanding how to 'witness', then he just doesn't have a clue what I am doing now.

The only time a believer goes to the extreme of trying to reach someone, is because they know that the person that is being dealt with is in extreme danger of possible damnation, and their hour of need is at hand. Alot of times the ground is hard, and planting a seed might seem impossible, but then you return at a different time to find that your efforts were very fruitful or it could be sadly that the seed still lay there on the surface scorched and without life due the effort was possibly half hearted or the ground just wouldn't budge or even give up an inch. The seed and the sower is a good parable and read in the bible.

Yes, it's tough to plow the ground, and to plant the seeds at times, but it's always worth doing when people's soul's are at stake. Of course it is the hopes of the sower that the ground is willing and compatible to except the seed, but it is that if the sower prepares the ground properly, then it will become compatible to except the seed as worthy for germination.
The only time a believer goes to the extreme of trying to reach someone, is because they know that the person that is being dealt with is in extreme danger of possible damnation, and their hour of need is at hand. Alot of times the ground is hard, and planting a seed might seem impossible, but then you return at a different time to find that your efforts were very fruitful or it could be sadly that the seed still lay there on the surface scorched and without life due the effort was possibly half hearted or the ground just wouldn't budge or even give up an inch. The seed and the sower is a good parable and read in the bible.

Yes, it's tough to plow the ground, and to plant the seeds at times, but it's always worth doing when people's soul's are at stake. Of course it is the hopes of the sower that the ground is willing and compatible to except the seed, but it is that if the sower prepares the ground properly, then it will become compatible to except the seed as worthy for germination.

I witness the way I do, because I know how I found God and His Grace.

If He needs to give you an instruction manual, sacrifice His Son, write you a book to help you figure out what is Good and Evil
and provide you with a structured environment that allows you to recognize His presence and find His Grace ... I'm cool with that.

This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”


It's because the Bible says to stone adulterers, and the Baptists like being stoned.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.

As a generalization I won't argue.
What I don't get is why anyone would want to join in with the Southern Baptist..

Apparently someone does. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. Right above the United Methodist Church.

American Religion Statistics: Trends in U.S. Religious Affiliations

Of course and they embrace the Scofied heresy.

Did you mean Scofield? As in the promoting of a Jewish kingdom and an earthly Zionist New World Order to be ruled over by a god-like Jewish race, without any Christian gentiles around to mess things up?

That it preposterous. Most all Protestant Christian denominations I know of today feel an affinity for Israel, especially the Evangelicals. They believe that at some point in time, even the Jews will come to accept Christ as the Messiah.

Who the hell is filling your head with such nonsense?
What I don't get is why anyone would want to join in with the Southern Baptist..

Apparently someone does. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. Right above the United Methodist Church.

American Religion Statistics: Trends in U.S. Religious Affiliations

Of course and they embrace the Scofied heresy.

Did you mean Scofield? As in the promoting of a Jewish kingdom and an earthly Zionist New World Order to be ruled over by a god-like Jewish race, without any Christian gentiles around to mess things up?

That it preposterous. Most all Protestant Christian denominations I know of today feel an affinity for Israel, especially the Evangelicals. They believe that at some point in time, even the Jews will come to accept Christ as the Messiah.

Who the hell is filling your head with such nonsense?

Scofield was hired by Samuel Untermyer and Untermyer published the Scofield Bible. Scofield also founded the Dallas Theological Seminary. That's where you get futurism and Hal Lindsey.. Tim Lahaye and other charlatans.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.

As a generalization I won't argue.
Now you are getting it.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.

As a generalization I won't argue.
Now you are getting it.

You can only take very little from vast generalizations.

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