Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump

This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

Best thing that could happen to them. The parallel to the mythical messiah is kicking them in the face. Maybe some.of them will wake up.
The problem with Southern Baptists is that they can only view things from their own perspective. Empathy is non-existent. I mean I got to be honest, I figure God doesn't really give two shits if little Johnny wants to be called little Jenny and play female sports. I think he would be much more concerned about all the little Johnnys and Jennys living in the street.

I am pretty sure Jesus doesn't care if a man marries a man, or a woman marries a woman. In fact, I seem to recall him saying something about marriage being of the earth. I believe he would be much more concerned about how we treat the least among us. In fact, I am pretty sure he even mentioned that being what judgement will be based upon. So I got some really big problems with Holy Rollers rampaging against transgender athletes and same sex marriages while at the same time supporting the curtailment of social services, taking food away from the hungry, and kicking poor people into the streets. Flannery O'Conner wrote often about these people, they believe themselves first but they will find themselves last.
This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

About the same thing you fucktards do when a minority person doesn't conform to Democratic party dogma.
This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

About the same thing you fucktards do when a minority person doesn't conform to Democratic party dogma.

Don't be silly .. The Dallas Theological Seminary was founded by Scofield who was hired by Samuel Untermyer.
The problem with Southern Baptists is that they can only view things from their own perspective. Empathy is non-existent. I mean I got to be honest, I figure God doesn't really give two shits if little Johnny wants to be called little Jenny and play female sports. I think he would be much more concerned about all the little Johnnys and Jennys living in the street.

I am pretty sure Jesus doesn't care if a man marries a man, or a woman marries a woman. In fact, I seem to recall him saying something about marriage being of the earth. I believe he would be much more concerned about how we treat the least among us. In fact, I am pretty sure he even mentioned that being what judgement will be based upon. So I got some really big problems with Holy Rollers rampaging against transgender athletes and same sex marriages while at the same time supporting the curtailment of social services, taking food away from the hungry, and kicking poor people into the streets. Flannery O'Conner wrote often about these people, they believe themselves first but they will find themselves last.

Recognizing God's will does not require you ignore anyone in need, nor does it require you pass judgement on the sins of others.
However ... Trying to replace or subsidize God's will with Government, because you fail otherwise ... Is a whole different story.


From the link:

His perceived offenses? Speaking out against Donald Trump as morally unfit to serve as president. And being an advocate for immigration and interdenominational cooperation. And failing to join California pastor John MacArthur (who is not a Southern Baptist) in being outraged that state and local governments required churches to stop meeting indoors and in-person to stop the spread of COVID-19.

When the ERLC trustees refused to remove Moore — whose conservative evangelical bona fides on issues like abortion and biblical authority are otherwise impeccable — the SBC Executive Committee stepped in to conduct its own investigation. That unusual action outraged ERLC trustees and Moore’s supporters.


Propaganda to try to divide Christians

You best pray there is no God
How would you know? Trumpistas aren’t Christians. They only know hate, while Christ was about love. If this was the Middle Ages, they’d be burned at the stake for idol worship.
Yes Christ is about Love, but not about sin being mascaraed as Love. Learn the difference.

Propaganda to try to divide Christians

You best pray there is no God
How would you know? Trumpistas aren’t Christians. They only know hate, while Christ was about love. If this was the Middle Ages, they’d be burned at the stake for idol worship.
Yes Christ is about Love, but not about sin being mascaraed as Love. Learn the difference.
So, Christians get a pass on bad behavior, if it’s against sinners? I think you need to go back to Sunday School.

Propaganda to try to divide Christians

You best pray there is no God
How would you know? Trumpistas aren’t Christians. They only know hate, while Christ was about love. If this was the Middle Ages, they’d be burned at the stake for idol worship.
Yes Christ is about Love, but not about sin being mascaraed as Love. Learn the difference.
So, Christians get a pass on bad behavior, if it’s against sinners? I think you need to go back to Sunday School.
You need to go back to spin it school, because that was as lame as it gets. Then go take a course in comprehension, because your interpretational intellect is lacking big time. No one is buying what you and other leftist are selling. Just saying.

From the link:

His perceived offenses? Speaking out against Donald Trump as morally unfit to serve as president. And being an advocate for immigration and interdenominational cooperation. And failing to join California pastor John MacArthur (who is not a Southern Baptist) in being outraged that state and local governments required churches to stop meeting indoors and in-person to stop the spread of COVID-19.

When the ERLC trustees refused to remove Moore — whose conservative evangelical bona fides on issues like abortion and biblical authority are otherwise impeccable — the SBC Executive Committee stepped in to conduct its own investigation. That unusual action outraged ERLC trustees and Moore’s supporters.

Well, denominations and perhaps entire faiths tend to stake out a partisan position and demand adherence to dogma ... sometimes on pain of death, or even pain of very painful death. The people who want to take "big tent" approach tend to lose out. And even when individual preachers are left to follow their own consciences in their individual churches, there are issues like Vietnam and gays getting married that separate people for decades and even lifetimes. And sometimes the "tent just can't be big enough" to hold it together.

Trump is sort of interesting. I think that with Nixon it was similar in that you had to support him because of the alternative. Riots, promiscuity, drugs ....

Propaganda to try to divide Christians

You best pray there is no God
How would you know? Trumpistas aren’t Christians. They only know hate, while Christ was about love. If this was the Middle Ages, they’d be burned at the stake for idol worship.
Yes Christ is about Love, but not about sin being mascaraed as Love. Learn the difference.
So, Christians get a pass on bad behavior, if it’s against sinners? I think you need to go back to Sunday School.
What truly practicing Christian's are abusing or sinning against sinner's ?? If they are, then they are sinners also who need their Christian card checked when claiming to be Christian. Otherwise if they are commiting sin in which makes them hypocrites at the time of their sins when they are being committed.

Christian's aren't perfect correct, but they aren't going around claiming that sin is love, and then worse attempting to somehow equate it to Christ teachings about Love. That would be foolish, because Christ doesn't condone sin ever, nor does he water it down into becoming something tolerable. Sin is sin, and it can't project Love. It is destructive to one's body and soul if embraced by the individual as something good when it is not good.
But there are people that practice their religious beliefs without trying to determine who is worthy.
Really? Are they a prominent, in the spot light, not taking advantage of their celebrity status to be idolized- oh, wait- every sect has its dogma of who is and who isn't whatever- Baptist beliefs are no better than any other "group think" entity and surely no worse- they will ostracize and praise a hypocrite as well as anyone-

this brings to mind, the Cody Jinks song- I Cast No Stones which addresses the dogma of religion-

I was brought up in a Quaker church. They have always been pretty inclusive.
This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

he’s purged from the church but leaving voluntarily to go write die one of the churches newsletters??

your propaganda doesn’t even make sense...i mean there are a lot of adjectives bashing the church and people in general but once you get rid of that it’s not a piece at all

Propaganda to try to divide Christians

You best pray there is no God
How would you know? Trumpistas aren’t Christians. They only know hate, while Christ was about love. If this was the Middle Ages, they’d be burned at the stake for idol worship.
Yes Christ is about Love, but not about sin being mascaraed as Love. Learn the difference.
So, Christians get a pass on bad behavior, if it’s against sinners? I think you need to go back to Sunday School.
You need to go back to spin it school, because that was as lame as it gets. Then go take a course in comprehension, because your interpretational intellect is lacking big time. No one is buying what you and other leftist are selling. Just saying.
Won 7 of the last 8 popular votes, but nobody’s listening? It’s what you’re saying that nobody’s buying.
Won 7 of the last 8 popular votes, but nobody’s listening? It’s what you’re saying that nobody’s buying.

Guess it is a good thing God isn't counting on support from the popular vote.
He doesn't need what you don't want to give Him, for the Glory to go to Him, and His Blessings to flow.

For his honesty, Moore very nearly lost his job in 2017. Now he’s leaving, apparently voluntarily, as the SBC makes adherence to Trumpism a higher priority than adherence to articles of faith.

The final straw was the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, which Moore laid directly at Trump’s feet. “This week we watched an insurrection of domestic terrorists,” Moore wrote in an editorial, “incited and fomented by the President of the United States.”

Moore made it clear that his fellow evangelicals had lost all moral authority by minimizing just how bad the insurrection was. “If you can defend this, you can defend anything,” he wrote. “If you can wave this away with ‘Well, what about …’, then where, at long last, is your limit?”
LBGTQNation .....

LMAO @ how gullible the Left is for the Fake NEws and Propaganda.

There is a reason Leftism is referred to as a Mental Disorder.
Leftism is a mental disorder says who?

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