Space exploration or virtual world development?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Finidng myself considering the possibilities of virtual reality and vr world development much more attractive than actual space exploration. Space is dangerous. Radiation, hypervelocity impacts, velocity limitations, etc. All the things we usually associate with a spacefaring civilization are so far away technologically that it seems a waste of time, energy, and resources to pursue them when we could develop a virtual world right now, and the sensory-feedback elements which would make it very close to reality are already starting to appear.

Why pursue a manned space flight program to travel to other planets, or even other star systems when it's worse than a crap shoot if you could build a virtual world nearly indistinguishable from the real thing now, and in not too long partially insert your consciousness into a computer achieving a kind of virtual immortality oweing to how if your mind is in a superfast computer, what in the real world is a day could be millenia in virtual reality.

A science documentary a few years ago raised this possibility. Aliens show up and give humanity this cyber world technology because a comet's inbound and going to hit the Moon wrecking havoc for the Earth. But as humanity is inserted into a Matrix-like reality, many millenia are going to ellapse before the end, though in real-time it's only a few years. That's a lot mroe attractive than a slow crawl through space with a fair to middling chance of dying en route, and even if you reach your destination it's not like you're arriving on another Earth. Still gonna be couped up in a tin can of a habitat in all likelyhood.

And you think space doesn't have resources or can create jobs with those resources? We're running out of rare earths metals but our solar system has them. Our own solar system can supply much of what we need and we don't have to tar up our own planet...Think about it.

Every metal you can imagine! What do you think our planet formed from????

When the left bitches about our planet running out of resources to support or grow our species...Well, a lot of these people are professors and may know a thing or two about what they're talking about. You aint growing all of humanity (7-10 billion people) to our level of economic development without the resources of our solar system.

What is your plan to grow the wealth of humanity without our solar system??? Mr.anti-space?

Are you going to put people into sweat shops for .5 cents per hour?
where and how are you going to get the rare metals to run the tech industry that is the main cause of wealth expansion as of today??

Why not put the resources into education, science, r&d and tap our solar system???? The dude that makes .5 cents in india now makes 50 bucks per hour when he does it.

Read history about how the economy of the world grew once we traveled to the America's...Once we taped the resources! We can do it again and never have to worry about resources shortages...

That is how you grow a economy...Look at how China has developed the past 35 years and you'll see my point. How did they do it?? They tapped their resources, educated their youth and boom.

Humanity is in serious trouble if we limit our selfs to this one planet. There's a dozen things that can wipe us out if we stay here and we will one day run out of the stuff we need.

Taking a closed short term view on this issue isn't wise.
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The little bit we do in space as of right now helps make half a million high paid jobs for the economy. These would be gone without our space program...

You think these people don't strengthen our economy and give us a technological edge???

Talk about development and expansion of our economy for the area that host these jobs.

Why exactly do you think limiting our selves to a planet that will one day run out of what we need is somehow wiser for development???
Utopia is not on some other planet, it's here and can be built now. Only thing missing is sensory feedback and that's on the way.

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