Space Force CO Who Got Holiday Call from Trump Fired Over Comments Decrying Marxism in the Military

The filthy ass Democrats are in the process of purging the military. When that’s complete they will use their new force against those whom they deem to be undesirables. We have seen it in other Leftest takeovers.
The military is the single most socialist institution in America. This guy and his family were provided food, shelter, income, medical, education and his every minute has been managed by someone else. He self publishes (LOL) a screed full of far right gripes and now he is all butthurt that his career went down the tubes. If this is the kind of foresight we have watching for incoming missiles we are better off with him doing something far less crucial.

Education? How so?
We have to assume a colonel has had some sort of education.
You made out like it was an education provided free of charge. That is not a given.
So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
So there's a commie agenda from CO ranks on U.S. military bases? Doesn't surprise me a bit.

NCO's shouldn't exist, according to the constitution, because all the officers are supposed to be commissioned by the president, but the CO's are recruited from liberal communist socialist college campuses straight into the upper ranks of the military, and they're in command of enlisted personnel without any military experience themselves. It's the silver spoon effect of being born into the right families with the right political connections to get into the upper ranks of the military.

They don't have any respect for the Second Amendment or a plain reading of the Constitution according to an Oath, like the enlisted men, or NCO's who actually rose up partway through the ranks, but were denied a commission to military office at a certain rank where politics take over, and the Constitution as such is denigrated as prolefeed and propaganda to keep civilians in line.
Damn that Texxass A&M College!
It is more comforting that the human rated spacecraft today are more automatic when launching, docking and landing. In the 1960's it would be terrible with the quota game we play today.
So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
So there's a commie agenda from CO ranks on U.S. military bases? Doesn't surprise me a bit.

NCO's shouldn't exist, according to the constitution, because all the officers are supposed to be commissioned by the president, but the CO's are recruited from liberal communist socialist college campuses straight into the upper ranks of the military, and they're in command of enlisted personnel without any military experience themselves. It's the silver spoon effect of being born into the right families with the right political connections to get into the upper ranks of the military.

They don't have any respect for the Second Amendment or a plain reading of the Constitution according to an Oath, like the enlisted men, or NCO's who actually rose up partway through the ranks, but were denied a commission to military office at a certain rank where politics take over, and the Constitution as such is denigrated as prolefeed and propaganda to keep civilians in line.
Where did you come up with such a huge collection of bullshit?

As a former NCO who attained an officer's commission, the father of an Army NCO and the father of a commissioned officer who is assuming command of a unit this summer, you have absolutely no clue as to what you are jabbering about.

"From liberal communist socialist college campuses straight into the upper ranks of the military, and they're in command of enlisted personnel without any military experience themselves." Who in the hell are you talking about? My commanding officers were academy grads, ROTC grads or went to OCS. None of what you posted describes any of them.

Commissions to military rank usually come with a requirement of a college degree. The degree usually does not matter, as one of my COs was a bomber pilot with a a degree in English. I was a nuclear weapons officer and powerplant engineer with a history degree. Another officer was Chief Engineer with a degree in Zoology. My daughter is assuming command of a transportation unit in the Army with a degree in biology.

I think your entire post was made up from some lies told to you by another moron with no military experience. That would explain how you are so wrong.
So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
So there's a commie agenda from CO ranks on U.S. military bases? Doesn't surprise me a bit.

NCO's shouldn't exist, according to the constitution, because all the officers are supposed to be commissioned by the president, but the CO's are recruited from liberal communist socialist college campuses straight into the upper ranks of the military, and they're in command of enlisted personnel without any military experience themselves. It's the silver spoon effect of being born into the right families with the right political connections to get into the upper ranks of the military.

They don't have any respect for the Second Amendment or a plain reading of the Constitution according to an Oath, like the enlisted men, or NCO's who actually rose up partway through the ranks, but were denied a commission to military office at a certain rank where politics take over, and the Constitution as such is denigrated as prolefeed and propaganda to keep civilians in line.
Damn that Texxass A&M College!
It is more comforting that the human rated spacecraft today are more automatic when launching, docking and landing. In the 1960's it would be terrible with the quota game we play today.

What do manned spacecraft have to do with the Space Force which has none?
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
How is a topic about critical race theory in schools considered "politics"? :cuckoo:
Because the issue is controversial and deeply seated in politics.

Like abortion.
This shit is going to end really bad for you traitorous pieces of fucking pig shit.

The days of the Girlieman soon will be over
We have to assume a colonel has had some sort of education
For signing off on the authorization for disbursement of any government funds in excess of $5,000 to a contractor who is licensed, bonded, and insured to do business in the state and has posted a payment and performance bond under the Miller Act, and an Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages under the Davis–Bacon Act.
As a former NCO who attained an officer's commission, the father of an Army NCO
And you don't have come from the right family for that? I see some of those family name patches on the military uniforms collect medals and decorations, rise right up in ranks, and personnel of other families are put out on a "general discharge" which is more or less equivalent to a corporate "pink sheet" downsizing mass layoffs in the private sector. Plus, you employ the Japanese system of Simultaneous Recruiting of New Graduates throughout the U.S. military.
Commissions to military rank usually come with a requirement of a college degree. The degree usually does not matter, as one of my COs was a bomber pilot with a a degree in English
Is that some sort of posh Ivy League liberal indoctrination? Once again, be born into the right family, read the classics at a fine liberal arts college.
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.

People discuss it all the time.

What is not allowed is undermining elected officials.
You're FOS.

DOD Directive 1344.10 applies to members of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a non-federal status and military retirees.
These rules are designed to prevent military members' or federal civilian employees' participation in political activities that imply -- or even appear to imply -- official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, officials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could undermine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.
However, officials emphasized, they can do so only if they don't act as, or aren't perceived as, representatives of the armed forces in carrying out these activities.

Beyond that, the list of do's and dont's differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said.
Military members, for example, may attend political meetings or rallies only as spectators and not in uniform. They're not permitted to make public political speeches, serve in any official capacity in partisan groups or participate in partisan political campaigns or conventions.

They also are barred from engaging in any political activities while in uniform.
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
How is a topic about critical race theory in schools considered "politics"? :cuckoo:
Because the issue is controversial and deeply seated in politics.

Like abortion.
This shit is going to end really bad for you traitorous pieces of fucking pig shit.

The days of the Girlieman soon will be over
It already has for some treasonist, RWNJ, ass snots, those POS traitors are headed to prison.

"Girlie man"?

One of your POS leaders, “Jake Angeli” and the “QAnon Shaman” ― will be fed an organic diet while in custody as he faces charges in connection with last week’s deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol.
“He hasn’t eaten since Friday and he gets very sick if he doesn’t eat organic food – literally, will get physically sick,” his mother, Martha Chansley, told reporters, according to ABC 15 in Phoenix.

Whiny boy had to have his mommy intervene.
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
yep, the Troglocrats are opposed to Freedom of Speech because the truth will destroy them
Yep, just like Trumptards, they think you should have freedom of speech AND escape repercussions from speaking out.
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
How is a topic about critical race theory in schools considered "politics"? :cuckoo:
Because the issue is controversial and deeply seated in politics.

Like abortion.

Difference is everyone in the country know what abortion is and it's easily understood.

Crt isn't known at all by most people in the united States so it isn't even being allowed to be an issue because of things like this that keep it locked up tight. I'd probably say 90% of people over the age of 55 don't know what it is, and everyone else under the age a lot that have heard of it may not even understand it fully or have some warm and fuzzy understanding where they think it's good.

If most people actually knew what it was then it would get shut down across the board. But it's being kept under the radar so no one will notice it till it's too late.
Well, I don't understand all of it but I have a "warm and fuzzy" understanding of CRT .
Racism should be be taught in our schools, CRT should not.
Racism can be documented and is, CRT isn't and cant be.
The military is the single most socialist institution in America. He made it to his position because the military provided him and his family with housing, food, education, medical and managed every minute of his life. What's he griping about? Leftists? Taking public hard partisan views is not allowed in the military brass, he knows that.
Bullshit you sign a contract. For your service to the Nation you are promised certain things as compensation.
So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
so now condemning Marxism is a taboo subject?

Otherwise, military officers are not allowed to endorse candidates or political parties which he did not do
So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
so now condemning Marxism is a taboo subject?

Otherwise, military officers are not allowed to endorse candidates or political parties which he did not do
The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Maybe, it's one and not the other or both, it sounds like Lohmeier is trying to influence policy.
Which you can't do without permission.
This insanity is now a threat not only to the military but to our very existence.

TraitorJoe©™ is a force of evil especially in his state of dementia as he is being used as a pawn for this crap.

The commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron. He was relieved of duty yesterday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting because of comments he made on a PODCAST criticizing Marxism and critical race theory, and that’s not just a theory and not an exaggeration. It’s explicitly the reason they gave.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Lohmeier’s temporary assignment in the wake of his removal was not immediately clear.

He talked about his self-published book about Marxism invading American institutions while on the podcast.
Lohmeier told Wood, the podcast host, that the beginning chapters of his book explore the history and foundation of the United States and how critical race theory — a study of how race and racism impact or are impacted by social and economic power structures and institutions — plays a role.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier said, adding [that] it should be seen as a warning sign.
In the segment, Lohmeier said his book is not political, and is meant to alert readers to the increasing politicization of today’s armed forces, some of which he said he’d seen or experienced firsthand.

The Blaze excerpts:
Lohmeier noted that there is a diversity initiative that instructs service members to read the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, which labels the United States as a “white supremacist nation.”
Lohmeier claimed that young service members are inundated by a “hyperpoliticized work environment where diversity and inclusion initiatives are being pushed constantly.”
“From his perspective as a commander, Lohmeier said he didn’t seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book,” reported. “Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas ‘that are now affecting our culture.'”

PJ Media points out this invasion, this pervasive and rapid integration of critical race theory and Marxist BLM ideology in every facet of American life, has been especially noted in the military since Biden took office.

So, everyone in the military knows this, don't discuss politics, unless he was authorized to speak on the matter, know you know why.
That’s 100% not how it works. Military members can talk about politics, be members of political parties, participate in campaigns, rallies, etc. They can even write books about polítics. You just can’t say those views are the institutions views.
Military members can talk about politics"
They can even write books about polítics."
Not pubically, without permission or review.

"be members of political parties'. True.
" participate in campaigns, rallies". Not while in uniform.
The military is the single most socialist institution in America. He made it to his position because the military provided him and his family with housing, food, education, medical and managed every minute of his life. What's he griping about? Leftists? Taking public hard partisan views is not allowed in the military brass, he knows that.
He should have waited until he retired. Once retired, he's free to give his opinions. However, his views are most likely correct. Truly pro-Constitutional officers are most likely being weeded out of promotions and if you don't achieve a certain rank in a specific period of time, you can't advance and are let go.
commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Maybe, it's one and not the other or both, it sounds like Lohmeier is trying to influence policy.
Which you can't do without permission.
Now you are spinning

But if thats your policy then boot the Air Force Academy grads out of the Air Force who sent a letter to the Commandant recently demanding that he not criticize black extremism

commander of a Space Force unit that specializes in detecting ballistic missile launches has been relieved of duty because he doesn’t believe Marxism and Critical Race Theory are healthy endeavors for the military to undertake.
Maybe, it's one and not the other or both, it sounds like Lohmeier is trying to influence policy.
Which you can't do without permission.
Now you are spinning

But if thats your policy then boot the Air Force Academy grads out of the Air Force who sent a letter to the Commandant recently demanding that he not criticize black extremism

' sent a letter to the Commandant recently demanding that he not criticize black extremism".
You don't even read your own links?
NOT what he said at all.

Evidently, the Air Force Times published the letter.

That's not political.

That's a disagreement with the speaker.

"Superintendent Lt. Gen. Richard Clarke spoke of extreme ideologies on "both sides," rather than confronting the unique flavor of the extremism threat on display Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol"

Whether they get away with it, remains to be seen.

Now if Lohmeier wrote a letter to the Space Force Times instead of speaking on a civilian podcast, he might have gotten away with it.

I'm pretty certain the Air Force Times informed Richard Clark before publishing that letter, otherwise they might be in trouble.

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