Spain & Portugal Could Survive Just On Geothermal Energy


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Spain & Portugal Could Survive Just On Geothermal Energy
Spain & Portugal Could Survive Just On Geothermal Energy | CleanTechnica

Spain could obtain all the energy the country needs just from the heat under the ground. No solar, no wind is needed. Nor from the old nuclear plants the Spanish government and the electric companies want to restart. There is the potential to produce up to 700 GW, but currently none is produced by this means.

The resource is geothermal power, a growing market that hasn’t reached the Iberian Peninsula yet, and is barely used in Europe. A new study from the University of Valladolid (UVa) published in the journal Renewable Energy with the title “An estimation of the enhanced geothermal systems potential for the Iberian Peninsula,” highlights the big capacity of Spain and Portugal to benefit from this natural resource.

The idea of geothermal energy is very simple; use the heat of the Earth to boil water, like any nuclear or thermal plant does, and use the steam to produce electricity. 24 hours a day, constantly. The heat is coming from the core of the planet, where the temperature is approximately the same as at the surface of the Sun (5,430°C). That is 6,371 kilometers under your feet, but in some areas of the so called Earth crust, the temperature might get up to 370°C due to portions of the mantle convecting upwards.

How about using solar, wind, nuclear and geothermal? A perfect mix!
There's a lot more to actually acheiving a successful geothermal well site than looking at a map of
"geothermal potentials"....


Someone needs to put money out for REAL exploration.. Not sit on your ass in a university speculation..
And then DRILL BABY DRILL -- because you've got a lot of FRACKING TO DO.. Wonder how the Spainiards are gonna feel when they find out their entire country is gonna get fracked?
If they could, they already would have done so. Geothermal is great in a few areas, not so great in others. Once again, small scale it works terrific, it's when you try and scale it up to industrial levels that you have problems.

Geothermal IS however, one of the best renewable technologies to be pursuing.

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